Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library

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IntraText CT - Statistics

Overview - By frequency - By first letter - By last letter - By length

  • Occurrences: 124353
  • Words (tokens): 6573
  • Occ./Words: 18,92
  • Occurrences of function words: 68757
  • Function words: 222
  • Average occurrence length: 4,65
  • Average word length: 6,66

Occurrence distribution by frequency groups

12897 =======
22008 =====
31389 ===
41164 ===
51000 ===
6978 ===
71029 ===
8976 ===
9783 ==
10800 ==
11759 ==
12828 ==
13793 ==
14616 ==
20-153552 ========
50-2111013 ========================
100-5111169 =========================
200-10111283 =========================
500-20114247 ===============================
1000-50112510 ============================
2000-10016003 =============
5000-200120850 ==============================================
10000-50015873 =============
11833-1000111833 ==========================

Word (token) distribution by frequency

12897 ==============================================
21004 ================
3463 ========
4291 =====
5200 ====
6163 ===
7147 ===
8122 ==
987 ==
1080 ==
1169 ==
1269 ==
1361 =
1444 =
20-15206 ====
50-21349 ======
100-51161 ===
200-10182 ==
500-20148 =
1000-50117 =
2000-10014 =
5000-20017 =
10000-50011 =
11833-100011 =

Alphabetical occurrence distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)5231 ===========
A14200 =============================
B6025 =============
C9294 ===================
D3545 ========
E3331 =======
F3555 ========
G1368 ===
H3135 =======
I9955 =====================
J995 ===
K134 =
L2231 =====
M3377 =======
N1993 =====
O11909 =========================
P6903 ===============
Q147 =
R2996 =======
S4880 ==========
T22149 ==============================================
U1114 ===
V823 ==
W4900 ==========
X5 =
Y153 =
Z5 =

Alphabetical word (token) distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)1764 ==============================================
A452 ============
B125 ====
C519 ==============
D347 =========
E303 ========
F199 ======
G79 ===
H118 ====
I287 ========
J26 =
K15 =
L131 ====
M166 =====
N115 ===
O153 ====
P489 =============
Q18 =
R349 =========
S441 ============
T187 =====
U87 ===
V91 ===
W103 ===
X2 =
Y5 =
Z2 =

Occurrence distribution by last letter

(0-9)5231 =========
A2930 =====
B4 =
C638 ==
D9183 ===============
E28237 ==============================================
F6945 ============
G1789 ===
H3542 ======
I196 =
K168 =
L4066 =======
M1334 ===
N13205 ======================
O6496 ===========
P724 ==
R8443 ==============
S14353 =======================
T8381 ==============
U2 =
V52 =
W784 ==
X44 =
Y7606 =============

Word (token) distribution by last letter

(0-9)1764 ==============================================
A22 =
B3 =
C25 =
D691 ==================
E714 ===================
F17 =
G350 =========
H77 ==
I10 =
K20 =
L222 ======
M50 ==
N413 ===========
O21 =
P21 =
R222 ======
S1040 ===========================
T362 ==========
U1 =
V2 =
W21 =
X7 =
Y498 =============

Occurrence distribution by length

15594 ==========
227272 =============================================
327750 ==============================================
412467 =====================
59544 ================
69594 ================
78822 ===============
87615 =============
97365 ============
104364 ========
111884 ====
121003 ==
13530 =
14499 =
1542 =
167 =
181 =

Word (token) distribution by length

181 =
164 =
1517 =
1447 ==
13108 =====
12193 =========
11341 ===============
10514 ======================
9662 =============================
8735 ================================
7732 ================================
6608 ==========================
5421 ==================
41059 ==============================================
3987 ==========================================
2128 ======
116 =

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