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sancti 3
sanctification 163
sanctifications 1
sanctified 151
sanctifier 1
sanctifies 9
sanctifieth 1
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151 lay
151 married
151 paternity
151 sanctified
150 bind
149 absolute
149 expression
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


    Part, Question
1 1, 43 | creature that has grace is sanctified. Therefore the invisible 2 1, 73 | blessed the seventh day ~and sanctified it, because in it He had 3 1, 73 | seventh day should have been sanctified, since the special sanctification ~ 4 1, 73 | dedicated to God are said to be sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT FP Q[73] A[ 5 1, 73 | seventh day is said to be sanctified not because ~anything can 6 1, 43 | creature that has grace is sanctified. Therefore the invisible 7 1, 72 | blessed the seventh day ~and sanctified it, because in it He had 8 1, 72 | seventh day should have been sanctified, since the special sanctification ~ 9 1, 72 | dedicated to God are said to be sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT FP Q[73] A[ 10 1, 72 | seventh day is said to be sanctified not because ~anything can 11 2, 73 | to them that they are not sanctified." ~Therefore a sin is not 12 2, 89 | unclean, by which he was sanctified?"~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[89] A[ 13 2, 100 | goodness whereby we are sanctified, and wherein we rest as 14 2, 101 | our Sanctification: for He sanctified "the ~people by His own 15 2, 102 | the waters of Baptism are sanctified by Christ's Passion. The 16 2, 103 | sanctification whereby ~"Jesus" sanctified "the people by His own blood" ( 17 2, 10 | unclean, by ~which he was sanctified?" Therefore unbelief is 18 2, 79 | like things are said to be ~sanctified through being applied to 19 2, 85 | tenth that ~cometh shall be sanctified to the Lord." This cannot 20 2, 86 | whatsoever has once been ~sanctified to the Lord cannot be put 21 2, 86 | prelate can make that which is sanctified to lose its ~consecration, 22 2, 97 | Reply OBJ 2: Christians are sanctified by faith and the sacraments 23 2, 97 | are washed, but you are ~sanctified." Wherefore it is written ( 24 2, 97 | sacraments whereby man is sanctified: chief of which is the sacrament ~ 25 2, 184 | shall make a vow to be ~sanctified and will consecrate themselves 26 2, 184 | to them that they are not sanctified." Now religious apparently ~ 27 3, 22 | God in the ~Passion, being sanctified in a new way - namely, as 28 3, 22 | for ever them that are ~sanctified."~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[22] A[ 29 3, 25 | precious wood, as having been sanctified by ~the contact of His holy 30 3, 26 | Redeemer intervened and sanctified her soul "in ~that self-same 31 3, 26 | Blessed Virgin was not ~sanctified before animation, therefore 32 3, 26 | therefore she could be sanctified only after ~animation?~Aquin.: 33 3, 26 | soul must be, before it is sanctified. But if ~St. Thomas held 34 3, 27 | Virgin, Mother of God, was sanctified before her ~birth from the 35 3, 27 | womb?~(2) Whether she was sanctified before animation?~(3) Whether 36 3, 27 | proper to her to be thus sanctified? ~(tm)Aquin.: SMT TP Q[27] 37 3, 27 | Whether the Blessed Virgin was sanctified before her birth from the 38 3, 27 | the Blessed Virgin was not sanctified before ~her birth from the 39 3, 27 | Blessed Virgin was ~not sanctified before her birth from the 40 3, 27 | Blessed ~Virgin was not sanctified before her birth from the 41 3, 27 | OBJ 3: Further, whoever is sanctified by grace is cleansed from 42 3, 27 | the Blessed Virgin was ~sanctified before her birth from the 43 3, 27 | Blessed Virgin ~was not sanctified before her birth from the 44 3, 27 | holy. Therefore she ~was sanctified in the womb.~Aquin.: SMT 45 3, 27 | Blessed Mary as to her being ~sanctified in the womb; indeed, they 46 3, 27 | reasonably argued that she was ~sanctified in the womb. For it is reasonable 47 3, 27 | privilege, ~to others, to be sanctified in the womb; for instance, 48 3, 27 | forth out of the womb, I ~sanctified thee"; and again, to John 49 3, 27 | Blessed ~Virgin to have been sanctified before her birth from the 50 3, 27 | the flesh, and afterwards sanctified in the spirit.~Aquin.: SMT 51 3, 27 | The Blessed Virgin was sanctified in the womb from original ~ 52 3, 27 | offspring ~conceived from being sanctified after animation: for after 53 3, 27 | Whether the Blessed Virgin was sanctified before animation?~Aquin.: 54 3, 27 | that the Blessed Virgin was sanctified before ~animation. Because, 55 3, 27 | granted to some, to be sanctified before animation. For it 56 3, 27 | could the Blessed Virgin be sanctified ~before animation.~Aquin.: 57 3, 27 | was granted to her ~to be sanctified before her flesh was animated.~ 58 3, 27 | and hence that she was sanctified before animation.~Aquin.: 59 3, 27 | Blessed Virgin could be sanctified even in her parents, ~before 60 3, 27 | 5): "The most High hath sanctified His own tabernacle," seems 61 3, 27 | Blessed Virgin ~was not sanctified until after all in her was 62 3, 27 | Blessed ~Virgin was not sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[27] A[ 63 3, 27 | Virgin ~would have been sanctified before animation, she could 64 3, 27 | the Blessed Virgin was ~sanctified after animation.~Aquin.: 65 3, 27 | predestination: but He ~says that He "sanctified" him, not before formation, 66 3, 27 | not ~known when she was sanctified, the feast of her Sanctification, 67 3, 27 | whereby the Blessed Virgin was sanctified in the womb. Others say 68 3, 27 | Para. 1/1~Whether by being sanctified in the womb the Blessed 69 3, 27 | would seem that by being sanctified in the womb the Blessed ~ 70 3, 27 | the Blessed Virgin to be ~sanctified in the womb?~Aquin.: SMT 71 3, 27 | Virgin, after ~Christ, to be sanctified in the womb. For it has 72 3, 27 | the Blessed Virgin was sanctified in the womb, in order that 73 3, 27 | Therefore she ~alone was sanctified in the womb.~Aquin.: SMT 74 3, 27 | who are said to have been ~sanctified in the womb. For Christ 75 3, 27 | mentioned as having been sanctified in the womb. Therefore ~ 76 3, 27 | John the Baptist should be ~sanctified in the womb.~Aquin.: SMT 77 3, 27 | this reason say that he was sanctified in the ~womb. Neither therefore 78 3, 27 | and John the ~Baptist were sanctified in the womb.~Aquin.: SMT 79 3, 27 | forth out of the womb I sanctified thee." And of John the Baptist ~ 80 3, 27 | forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee"; ~it seems that we 81 3, 27 | needs assert that they were sanctified in the womb, ~although, 82 3, 27 | will as soon as they are sanctified by baptism.~Aquin.: SMT 83 3, 27 | mentioned by Scripture, were ~sanctified in the womb. For such privileges 84 3, 27 | fittingness in both of these being sanctified ~in the womb, by their foreshadowing 85 3, 27 | are ~washed, but you are sanctified"; to which Baptism John 86 3, 27 | the others who were thus sanctified it was granted ~thenceforward 87 3, 28 | says on Lk. 2:23: "He who sanctified a strange womb, for the ~ 88 3, 32 | just ~as other men are sanctified spiritually by the Holy 89 3, 34 | 1) Whether Christ was sanctified by grace in the first instant 90 3, 34 | 1/1~Whether Christ was sanctified in the first instant of 91 3, 34 | seem that Christ was not sanctified in the first instant ~of 92 3, 34 | are washed, but you are sanctified." But sin was never in ~ 93 3, 34 | becoming that He should be sanctified by ~grace.~Aquin.: SMT TP 94 3, 34 | sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are ~all of one." But "the 95 3, 34 | Whom the ~Father hath sanctified and sent into the world."~ 96 3, 34 | 1/1~Reply OBJ 2: To be sanctified is to be made holy. Now 97 3, 34 | because He was not always thus sanctified by grace: yet He was ~not 98 3, 34 | Christ's humanity is both sanctified and sanctifier.~Aquin.: 99 3, 34 | above (A[1]), Christ was sanctified by grace in ~the first instant 100 3, 34 | that ~of adults who are sanctified in consideration of their 101 3, 34 | that ~of infants who are sanctified in consideration of, not 102 3, 34 | perfect, because He was so sanctified that He might ~sanctify 103 3, 34 | others; consequently He was sanctified by reason of His own ~movement 104 3, 38 | baptism save Christ, who "sanctified the waters by the touch ~ 105 3, 39 | that He might ~bequeath the sanctified waters to those who were 106 3, 39 | be baptized by him, He ~sanctified baptism."~Aquin.: SMT TP 107 3, 39 | forasmuch as Christ, when He had sanctified baptism, saw that heaven 108 3, 39 | dove, that those who are sanctified ~by the Spirit should be 109 3, 41 | those principally who are ~sanctified, for he desires, above all, 110 3, 46 | sanctify the air who had sanctified ~the earth by walking upon 111 3, 49 | for ever them ~that are sanctified." But deliverance rom the 112 3, 50 | adoption whereby others are sanctified: also it is more ~enduring 113 3, 52 | perfected for ever them that are sanctified." And so it ~is evident 114 3, 60 | inasmuch as thereby man is sanctified, as stated above (A[2]). ~ 115 3, 60 | by means of which ~man is sanctified, it follows that the sacramental 116 3, 60 | New Law, by which ~man is sanctified according to 1 Cor. 6:11, " 117 3, 60 | You are washed, you are ~sanctified," we must use those things 118 3, 60 | which the human ~race is sanctified. And hence the need for 119 3, 60 | the part of man who is ~sanctified, and who is composed of 120 3, 62 | sacrament, through its being sanctified, contains an invisible grace."~ 121 3, 62 | by grace. But men were ~sanctified by the sacraments of the 122 3, 62 | when he," i.e. Moses, "had sanctified them," i.e. Aaron and ~his 123 3, 62 | for they were said to ~be sanctified forasmuch as they gave themselves 124 3, 63 | enduring as long ~as the thing sanctified endures. This is clear even 125 3, 63 | 1/1~Reply OBJ 2: Man is sanctified by each of the sacraments, 126 3, 64 | consists in this, that they are sanctified by the ~invocation of His 127 3, 64 | the sacraments would be ~sanctified - and that they themselves 128 3, 65 | for ever them that are ~sanctified" (Heb. 10:14). Therefore 129 3, 66 | that "Baptism is ~water sanctified by God's word for the blotting 130 3, 66 | Passion. But ~Baptism is sanctified by the form. Therefore it 131 3, 68 | from sin. But those who are sanctified in the womb, obtain ~this 132 3, 68 | Reply OBJ 3: Those who are sanctified in the womb, receive indeed 133 3, 68 | Consequently, if ~any were to be sanctified in the womb now, they would 134 3, 68 | unclean, by which he ~was sanctified?" Secondly, because Baptism 135 3, 68 | case with those who were ~sanctified in the womb.~Aquin.: SMT 136 3, 72 | the ~sacramental matter is sanctified, in the very conferring 137 3, 72 | believers, had they not been sanctified by contact with our ~Lord' 138 3, 72 | refers to the man to be sanctified. But ~this sacrament is 139 3, 74 | entire sea-water ~is not sanctified by the form of baptism, 140 3, 80 | perfected for ever them that are sanctified." ~Consequently, since man 141 3, 82 | hidden ~mysteries can be sanctified more by some than by others; 142 3, 83 | perfected for ever them that are sanctified." But that oblation was ~ 143 3, 84 | that by the contact of a ~sanctified man's hand, even bodily 144 Suppl, 8 | applied ~externally, which is sanctified by "the word of life" (Eph. 145 Suppl, 10| Baptism after being already sanctified. And ~unless a man offers 146 Suppl, 18| disposition in one who is already sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[18] A[ 147 Suppl, 29| matter does not ~need to be sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[29] A[ 148 Suppl, 29| Extreme Unction need to be sanctified.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[29] A[ 149 Suppl, 29| sacraments which ~require a sanctified matter, the first consecration 150 Suppl, 29| matter, because the water is "sanctified by the ~word of life so 151 Suppl, 29| this sacrament has been sanctified in itself, it requires ~

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