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St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


    Part, Question
1 1, 3 | attributed to ~God by some sort of parallel. He is spoken 2 1, 3 | of a thing to be in some sort ~composite; because at least 3 1, 4 | sun's heat may be in some ~sort spoken of as like the sun, 4 1, 4 | but only according to some sort of ~analogy; as existence 5 1, 4 | that creatures are in some sort ~like God, it must nowise 6 1, 4 | be spoken of as in some sort like God; but not that ~ 7 1, 5 | is good simply - in ~such sort that even in its primal 8 1, 5 | actuality, it is in some sort good, and ~even in its complete 9 1, 5 | complete actuality, it in some sort has being.~Aquin.: SMT FP 10 1, 5 | in each one of them some sort of being is ~desired. And 11 1, 5 | every act implies some ~sort of perfection; and perfection 12 1, 5 | because ~they would be in some sort good if they subsisted; 13 1, 5 | because even sense is a sort of reason, just as is every 14 1, 5 | action, or something of the sort; for ~everything, in so 15 1, 5 | deprives a thing of some sort ~of being, as blindness 16 1, 42 | nature or form: to ~this sort of quantity we allude when 17 1, 43 | Son is the Word, not any sort of word, but ~one Who breathes 18 1, 48 | to good, but not from any sort of evil, for from ~blindness 19 1, 54 | Nom. iv) that there is a sort of ~"perverted phantasy" 20 1, 63 | nor anything of the like sort; yet he is proud and envious."~ 21 1, 69 | receiving from the ~firmament a sort of distinction and order ( 22 1, 74 | that follow to mean some sort of distinction in bodies ~ 23 1, 75 | life," or anything of that ~sort, "is a participator of existence," 24 1, 76 | air, or something of that sort - maintained ~that nothing 25 1, 76 | form of a stone, or of any sort of ~soul.~Aquin.: SMT FP 26 1, 77 | wound or something of that sort; ~while it senses some things 27 1, 77 | emanation involves some sort of movement. But nothing 28 1, 42 | nature or form: to ~this sort of quantity we allude when 29 1, 43 | Son is the Word, not any sort of word, but ~one Who breathes 30 1, 49 | to good, but not from any sort of evil, for from ~blindness 31 1, 55 | Nom. iv) that there is a sort of ~"perverted phantasy" 32 1, 64 | nor anything of the like sort; yet he is proud and envious."~ 33 1, 70 | receiving from the ~firmament a sort of distinction and order ( 34 1, 73 | that follow to mean some sort of distinction in bodies ~ 35 1, 74 | life," or anything of that ~sort, "is a participator of existence," 36 1, 75 | air, or something of that sort - maintained ~that nothing 37 1, 75 | form of a stone, or of any sort of ~soul.~Aquin.: SMT FP 38 1, 76 | wound or something of that sort; ~while it senses some things 39 1, 76 | emanation involves some sort of movement. But nothing 40 1, 77 | the form apprehended; this sort of appetite ~requires a 41 1, 77 | cogitative," which by some sort of ~collation discovers 42 1, 78 | powers, and practice in this sort ~of operation; since through 43 1, 82 | by which a man has some sort of relation to an act. And ~ 44 1, 84 | equally true; in fact, every sort of apprehension.~Aquin.: 45 1, 90 | breath of life," are a sort of exposition of what goes 46 1, 92 | far as it ~possesses any sort of likeness to God, participates 47 1, 102 | be the case unless some sort of ~providence directed 48 1, 113 | to ~know of someone, what sort of a man he is as to knowledge, 49 1, 113 | inasmuch as one can know what sort of man someone is, ~according 50 1, 113 | times something of this sort seems to be effected by 51 1, 116 | opposition, or something of the sort, ~from which the intellect 52 2, 2 | invented, that it might be a ~sort of guarantee for the acquisition 53 2, 13 | not mean that ~choice is a sort of knowledge, but that there 54 2, 18 | by death. And since this sort of privation leaves ~something, 55 2, 19 | proper image; ~or by some sort of additional revelation.~ 56 2, 21 | retribution to himself, by a sort of resemblance, in so ~far 57 2, 24 | partake of reason in some sort" (Ethic. i, 13).~Aquin.: 58 2, 43 | disposition, is a habit or any sort of disposition by reason 59 2, 50 | brutes are ~disposed by a sort of custom to do things in 60 2, 50 | same time as act, being a ~sort of medium between the two, 61 2, 54 | eclipses, or something of the sort; ~while the former proves 62 2, 56 | having habits of the latter sort, man is said simply to do ~ 63 2, 59 | reason. ~Now nothing of this sort can be a virtue: since virtue 64 2, 64 | Consequently, in ~things of this sort, evil consists in discordance 65 2, 87 | return except he pay some sort of ~penal compensation, 66 2, 88 | venial sin, is due some sort of ignorance or weakness, 67 2, 88 | become ~perfect, by some sort of addition: and, consequently, 68 2, 93 | OBJ 2: With regard to any sort of word, two points may 69 2, 100 | mode of virtue is in some ~sort regarded both by human and 70 2, 101 | which is effected by a sort of consecration either of 71 2, 101 | its vessels had. But by a sort ~of consequence they were 72 2, 102 | rites, used garments of this sort, made ~of various materials. 73 2, 103 | of these ceremonies was a sort of profession, inasmuch 74 2, 105 | was, however, a restricted sort of exile: for it is ~written 75 2, 109 | son of promise, in such sort that whilst the noise of ~ 76 2, 20 | to prudence, but also a sort of kindred vice, alike, 77 2, 21 | shows reverence to God, is a sort of ~genus in respect of 78 2, 45 | that he knew "to grave all sort of graving, and to ~devise 79 2, 76 | to anyone, to demand some sort of compensation as condition ~ 80 2, 86 | other things are added as a sort of ~confirmation of the 81 2, 142 | from people of the better sort who are ~sometimes not connected 82 2, 142 | 1: People of the better sort make us ashamed for the 83 2, 184 | property appears to be a sort of ruining of one's self, 84 2, 185 | Apostle commanded? What sort of perverseness is this, 85 2, 186 | oper. ~Monach. xvii): "What sort of perverseness is this, 86 3, 4 | assumed by God, in such sort that there is another besides ~ 87 3, 15 | not, indeed, in such sort that He ~had sin, but that 88 3, 16 | above (A[1]), yet in such sort that it pertains to God ~ 89 3, 21 | of the Father, in such sort as to bear in mind that 90 3, 31 | there was nothing of this ~sort, from which Christ's body 91 3, 31 | perfection, as being, in a sort, the terminus of all numbers 92 3, 40 | soul, by the use of any sort of foods considered not 93 3, 41 | devil, He acted in such sort that He was seen by none."~ 94 3, 42 | some things so bad that no sort ~of human modesty can bear 95 3, 44 | work miracles, he had a sort of conjectural suspicion 96 3, 46 | subject in servitude by a sort ~of violence. Therefore 97 3, 48 | money or anything of the sort, but by ~bestowing what 98 3, 50 | and other things of the sort; in ~another way, the complete 99 3, 50 | salvation. For death is a sort of privation, since it is 100 3, 55 | employed to designate any sort "of reason in confirmation ~ 101 3, 55 | perceptions He is, in some sort, ascended unto the Father, 102 3, 55 | sepulchre, that ~is, into some sort of walled enclosure, and 103 3, 64 | be united to him by some sort of motion: for a workman ~ 104 3, 66 | faith"; and Baptism is a sort of protestation of faith; 105 3, 75 | according to movements of any sort, ~but according to the first 106 3, 80 | actors, or others of the sort, or to apostates, after 107 3, 83 | But if anything of the sort happen after the ~consecration, 108 3, 84 | of the unhealthy. What ~sort of a physician is he who 109 Suppl, 23| impossible without ~some sort of communication. Therefore 110 Suppl, 94| every man's work, of what ~sort it is." Therefore neither

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