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Alphabetical    [«  »]
borrower 10
borrowing 2
borrows 7
bosom 46
both 2359
bottles 2
bottom 2
Frequency    [«  »]
46 afraid
46 befits
46 believers
46 bosom
46 canon
46 completely
46 decree
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Question
1 1, 16 | that stones ~hidden in the bosom of the earth would not be 2 1, 33 | only begotten Who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared 3 1, 41 | begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, ~He hath 4 1, 41 | begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, ~He hath 5 2, 27 | shall they give ~into your bosom." Yet, since no creature 6 2, 30 | shall be turned into my bosom: and he ~who teaches another, 7 2, 81 | shall be turned into my bosom, i.e. ~though it profit 8 2, 81 | shall be ~turned into my bosom," explains them as meaning, " 9 3, 2 | once be admitted into the bosom of the heavenly country, ~ 10 3, 52 | Christ came into Abraham's bosom, without naming ~hell or 11 3, 52 | The expression "Abraham's bosom" may be taken in two ~senses. 12 3, 52 | is now called ~Abraham's bosom, yet it is not styled hell, 13 3, 52 | to be ~now in Abraham's bosom.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[52] A[ 14 3, 52 | ones who were in Abraham's bosom, from whom I fail to see ~ 15 3, 52 | how Abraham, into whose bosom the poor man was received, 16 3, 53 | my hope is laid up in my bosom."~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[53] A[ 17 3, 68 | are ~to be welcomed to her bosom, either with the anointing 18 Suppl, 69| is the same as Abraham's bosom?~(5) Whether limbo is the 19 Suppl, 69| abode either in Abraham's bosom or in the place of refreshment, 20 Suppl, 69| is the same as Abraham's bosom?~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[69] A[ 21 Suppl, 69| not the same as Abraham's ~bosom. For according to Augustine ( 22 Suppl, 69| favorable sense." Now Abraham's ~bosom is taken in a favorable 23 Suppl, 69| signification to Abraham's bosom and the place of rest whither 24 Suppl, 69| angels." Therefore Abraham's bosom is not the ~same as the 25 Suppl, 69| those who are in Abraham's bosom, as may be gathered from 26 Suppl, 69| which is signified by thut bosom, there lives my Nebridius," 27 Suppl, 69| happy." Therefore Abraham's bosom is not the ~same as the 28 Suppl, 69| departed soul to Abraham's ~bosom. Therefore it would seem 29 Suppl, 69| would seem that Abraham's bosom is not the same as ~limbo.~ 30 Suppl, 69| taken is ~called Abraham's bosom. Now he was taken to hell, 31 Suppl, 69| Christ." Therefore Abraham's bosom is the same as limbo.~Aquin.: 32 Suppl, 69| and consequently Abraham's bosom would seem to be a ~part 33 Suppl, 69| death is called Abraham's bosom," as Augustine ~declares ( 34 Suppl, 69| it is called ~Abraham's bosom, and as regards its lack 35 Suppl, 69| limbo of hell ~and Abraham's bosom were one place accidentally 36 Suppl, 69| nothing prevents Abraham's bosom from being after Christ' 37 Suppl, 69| it was called Abraham's bosom, but as regards its deficiencies 38 Suppl, 69| Accordingly, neither is Abraham's bosom taken in an ~unfavorable 39 Suppl, 69| Fathers was called Abraham's ~bosom before as well as after 40 Suppl, 69| both hell and Abraham's bosom, wherefore God was not ~ 41 Suppl, 69| rest is called Abraham's bosom, ~but not hell by any means. 42 Suppl, 69| any means. It is to this bosom of Abraham that the Church ~ 43 Suppl, 69| which says: "Abraham's bosom is the rest of the blessed 44 Suppl, 71| shall be turned ~into my bosom." Therefore, in like manner, 45 Suppl, 89| Only-begotten Son Who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath ~ 46 Suppl, 95| and Lazarus in his bosom."~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[98] A[

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