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rejected 39
rejecting 8
rejection 9
rejects 19
rejoice 147
rejoiced 17
rejoices 37
Frequency    [«  »]
19 publish
19 published
19 recall
19 rejects
19 remembrance
19 rescue
19 running
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Question
1 1, 15 | Thus Aristotle (Metaph. ix) rejects the opinion ~of Plato, who 2 1, 23 | why God elects some and rejects others. To this the ~Apostle 3 1, 50 | things. Aristotle, ~however, rejects this view (Metaph. i, text 4 1, 72 | Hexaem.) and Augustine ~rejects (Gen. ad lit. iii), but 5 1, 51 | things. Aristotle, ~however, rejects this view (Metaph. i, text 6 1, 71 | Hexaem.) and Augustine ~rejects (Gen. ad lit. iii), but 7 1, 92 | the Son ~only. Augustine rejects this opinion (De Trin. xii, 8 1, 107| into demons; for Chrysostom rejects this (Hom. xxviii in Matt.). ~ 9 1, 107| is this that Chrysostom rejects.~ 10 2, 39 | subject that ~feels and rejects the evil. And from this 11 2, 59 | virtue: and the Philosopher rejects this opinion ~(Ethic. ii, 12 2, 74 | impossible naturally, and rejects it, as soon as he had ~thus 13 2, 5 | he chooses to hold, ~and rejects what he chooses to reject, 14 2, 13 | Now, by despair, a man rejects God's mercy, ~and by presumption, 15 2, 13 | change: yet sometimes it rejects that whereby, so far as 16 2, 91 | good and true Christian rejects also superstitious fancies, 17 2, 93 | Christian and true piety rejects and ~condemns."~Aquin.: 18 2, 140| Therefore insensibility, which rejects these pleasures ~altogether, 19 2, 186| rich devil; the Church ~rejects them now that they are rich,

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