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Alphabetical    [«  »]
solid 22
solidity 1
solil 2
soliloq 17
soliloquies 1
solitaries 3
solitary 31
Frequency    [«  »]
17 simon
17 simpler
17 slays
17 soliloq
17 sounds
17 speaketh
17 speeches
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Question
1 1, 12 | Hence ~Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 8), "The lessons of 2 1, 16 | in things. For Augustine (Soliloq. ii, 5) condemns this definition ~ 3 1, 17 | things. For Augustine ~says (Soliloq. ii, 8), "If the true is 4 1, 17 | So, too, Augustine says (Soliloq. ii, 10): "The true ~tragedian 5 1, 17 | Regarding this, ~Augustine says (Soliloq. ii, 6): "We call those 6 1, 17 | false Hector," as stated in Soliloq. ii, 6. As, ~therefore, 7 1, 17 | contrary, Augustine says (Soliloq. ii, 6), "It appears that 8 1, 17 | truth," as ~Augustine says (Soliloq. ii, 5), "is that which 9 1, 17 | because, as Augustine says, (Soliloq. ii, 10), "A tragedian ~ 10 1, 83 | intellect. For Augustine says (Soliloq. ii, 4) that "bodies cannot 11 2, 37 | contrary, Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 12): "Although during 12 2, 38 | contrary, Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 12): "It seemed to me 13 2, 39 | Augustine argues thus (Soliloq. i, 12): "We are composed ~ 14 2, 58 | Further, Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 6) that "virtue is the ~ 15 2, 149| mind. Hence Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 10): "I consider ~that 16 2, 151| virtue. For Augustine says (Soliloq. i, 10): "I ~consider that 17 2, 178| objects, as Augustine says (Soliloq. i, ~10).~Aquin.: SMT SS

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