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Alphabetical    [«  »]
completion 54
completive 9
complex 14
complexion 13
complexions 2
complexity 3
compliance 3
Frequency    [«  »]
13 caesar
13 classes
13 compels
13 complexion
13 concup
13 concurs
13 confessor
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Question
1 1, 76 | is reduced ~to an equable complexion, the more sensitive will 2 1, 76 | reduced to the most equable complexion. For this reason among animals, ~ 3 1, 76 | requires a body of equable complexion, which, however, ~is corruptible 4 1, 75 | is reduced ~to an equable complexion, the more sensitive will 5 1, 75 | reduced to the most equable complexion. For this reason among animals, ~ 6 1, 75 | requires a body of equable complexion, which, however, ~is corruptible 7 2, 9 | by reason of his ~natural complexion. But the majority of men 8 2, 34 | For paleness seizes the ~complexion, the eyes are weighed down, 9 2, 109 | changing the color of their complexion, so as to imitate the ~complexion 10 2, 109 | complexion, so as to imitate the ~complexion of the person they simulate, 11 2, 167 | have ~a rosier or a paler complexion is a lying counterfeit. 12 Suppl, 76| excellence of his bodily complexion; and hence it was ~possible 13 Suppl, 80| most ~becoming to the human complexion in each part. Wherefore

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