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St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica

IntraText - Concordances


    Part, Question
1 1, 7 | opposed to division, and increase opposed to ~diminution, 2 1, 7 | is possible; because the increase of multitude follows upon 3 1, 12 | by divine grace. Now this increase ~of the intellectual powers 4 1, 14 | knowledge can vary according to increase and diminution.~Aquin.: 5 1, 42 | Godhead] who speak of ~either increase or decrease, as the Arians 6 1, 43 | regards progress ~in virtue or increase of grace. Hence Augustine 7 1, 43 | day of judgment. Such an increase is ~by the "extension" of 8 1, 49 | 3 Para. 1/1~Reply OBJ 3: Increase in intensity is in proportion 9 1, 63 | to accidentals, which can increase without the ~destruction 10 1, 73 | blessing referred to the ~increase by multiplication; for which 11 1, 73 | creatures ~which He blessed: "Increase and multiply." Now, this 12 1, 73 | and multiply." Now, this increase is effected ~through God' 13 1, 74 | from providing for their increase, and to this latter work 14 1, 42 | Godhead] who speak of ~either increase or decrease, as the Arians 15 1, 43 | regards progress ~in virtue or increase of grace. Hence Augustine 16 1, 43 | day of judgment. Such an increase is ~by the "extension" of 17 1, 50 | 3 Para. 1/1~Reply OBJ 3: Increase in intensity is in proportion 18 1, 64 | to accidentals, which can increase without the ~destruction 19 1, 72 | blessing referred to the ~increase by multiplication; for which 20 1, 72 | creatures ~which He blessed: "Increase and multiply." Now, this 21 1, 72 | and multiply." Now, this increase is effected ~through God' 22 1, 73 | from providing for their increase, and to this latter work 23 1, 77 | movement of decrease and increase due to nourishment." Therefore 24 1, 91 | lit. x): "A body cannot increase in bulk ~except by rarefaction." 25 1, 91 | was formed by a material ~increase, without anything being 26 1, 91 | impossible. For such an ~increase of matter would either be 27 1, 97 | is written (Gn. 1:28): "Increase and multiply, and ~fill 28 1, 97 | fill the earth." But this increase could not come about save 29 1, 109 | and plants, and over the increase of all other ~things" (Hom. 30 1, 118 | animals ~and plants do not increase through a change of nourishment 31 1, 118 | nor again does anything increase ~naturally, save either 32 1, 118 | quantity as suffices for the increase required. And this matter, 33 2, 5 | of other goods does not increase Happiness, since Augustine 34 2, 20 | consequences of an external action increase its goodness ~or malice?~( 35 2, 20 | stated above (A[3]). But increase is the ~addition of one 36 2, 20 | consequences of the external action increase its goodness or ~malice?~ 37 2, 20 | of the external action ~increase its goodness or malice. 38 2, 20 | Therefore the consequences ~increase the goodness or malice of 39 2, 20 | consequences of an ~action increase its goodness or malice.~ 40 2, 20 | Therefore ~the consequences increase the goodness or malice of 41 2, 20 | consequence of an action increase its goodness or malice.~ 42 2, 20 | consequences of an action doe not increase its ~goodness or malice.~ 43 2, 20 | it is evident that they increase the goodness or ~malice. 44 2, 20 | respect, the consequences increase the goodness or ~malice 45 2, 20 | seldom, then they do not increase the ~goodness or malice 46 2, 24 | every passion there is an increase or decrease in the ~natural 47 2, 32 | hurt our own ~good, but increase it, it is pleasurable simply; 48 2, 32 | attained: indeed the very increase of ~desire brings with it 49 2, 32 | desire brings with it an increase of pleasure, according as 50 2, 33 | appropriate pleasures ~increase activity . . . whereas pleasures 51 2, 33 | Ethic. x, 5 that "pleasures ~increase their appropriate activities, 52 2, 38 | has a natural tendency to increase sorrow: yet from the very 53 2, 38 | doubled his sorrow seems to increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[38] A[ 54 2, 42 | experience conduces to the increase of hope in good things. ~ 55 2, 42 | unwontedness and suddenness increase the ~weakness of him that 56 2, 42 | power, is of a nature to ~increase hope, and, for the same 57 2, 42 | consequently whatever tends ~to increase evil, conduces to the increase 58 2, 42 | increase evil, conduces to the increase of fear. Now evil is increased ~ 59 2, 42 | greatest ~bearing on the increase of evil. Because things 60 2, 42 | so to speak, an infinite increase. Now those ~evils which, 61 2, 45 | passion is intensified by an increase in its object: ~thus since 62 2, 46 | those things which give increase to anger. This ~happens 63 2, 47 | whom we are angry, tends to increase our ~anger, in so far as 64 2, 47 | contempt, then it does not increase but lessens anger. In this 65 2, 48 | themselves, arouse fervor, ~increase as time goes on; thus love 66 2, 48 | And in proportion to the increase of the grief that precedes, ~ 67 2, 48 | is opposed to speech. But increase in anger conduces to ~speech; 68 2, 49 | cause of their ~generation, increase, and corruption; fourth, 69 2, 51 | formation; secondly, as to their increase; thirdly, as to their ~diminution 70 2, 51 | Further, as acts happen to increase by multiplication so do 71 2, 51 | multiplication so do they ~happen to increase by intensity. But a habit 72 2, 52 | Out. Para. 1/1 - OF THE INCREASE OF HABITS (THREE ARTICLES)~ 73 2, 52 | have now to consider the increase of habits; under which head 74 2, 52 | inquiry:~(1) Whether habits increase?~(2) Whether they increase 75 2, 52 | increase?~(2) Whether they increase by addition?~(3) Whether 76 2, 52 | Para. 1/1~Whether habits increase?~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] A[ 77 2, 52 | seem that habits cannot increase. For increase concerns ~ 78 2, 52 | habits cannot increase. For increase concerns ~quantity (Phys. 79 2, 52 | Therefore there can be no increase of habits.~Aquin.: SMT FS 80 2, 52 | Therefore a habit cannot increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] A[ 81 2, 52 | Therefore habits cannot increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] A[ 82 2, 52 | Lord (Lk. 17:5): "Lord, increase our faith." ~Therefore habits 83 2, 52 | faith." ~Therefore habits increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] A[ 84 2, 52 | Para. 1/11~I answer that, Increase, like other things pertaining 85 2, 52 | how a quality or form may increase or decrease ~of itself, 86 2, 52 | It would seem that the increase of habits is by way of addition. ~ 87 2, 52 | addition. ~For the word "increase," as we have said, is transferred 88 2, 52 | corporeal quantities there is no increase ~without addition: wherefore ( 89 2, 52 | text. 31) it is said that ~"increase is an addition to a magnitude 90 2, 52 | habits also there is no increase without addition.~Aquin.: 91 2, 52 | Therefore there is no ~increase without addition.~Aquin.: 92 2, 52 | in other forms when they increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] A[ 93 2, 52 | A[1]). For we said that increase and decrease in forms which ~ 94 2, 52 | subject. Wherefore such increase of habits ~and other forms, 95 2, 52 | Body Para. 2/5~For if this increase in forms were understood 96 2, 52 | some of these we may find ~increase by addition. For movement 97 2, 52 | like ~manner, science can increase in itself by addition; thus 98 2, 52 | probable that they receive ~increase by way of addition. For 99 2, 52 | which are not susceptible of increase save in intensity ~on the 100 2, 52 | OBJ 1: Even in bodily bulk increase is twofold. First, by addition ~ 101 2, 52 | to another; such is the increase of living things. ~Secondly, 102 2, 52 | Therefore if some acts increase a habit, every act should 103 2, 52 | habit, every act should increase ~it.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[52] 104 2, 52 | habit or ~disposes to an increase thereof, if we may speak 105 2, 52 | if we may speak of the increase of ~habits as we do of the 106 2, 52 | habits as we do of the increase of an animal. For not every 107 2, 52 | food results at ~last in an increase of the body. So, too, repeated 108 2, 52 | act does not dispose to an increase of that habit, but rather 109 2, 53 | to the ~same thing. Now increase and decrease are contraries. 110 2, 53 | Since therefore a ~habit can increase, it seems that it can also 111 2, 53 | Habits diminish, just as they increase, in two ways, as ~we have 112 2, 53 | A[1]). And since they increase through ~the same cause 113 2, 53 | habit is a foundation of its increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[53] A[ 114 2, 53 | in the concrete. Such are increase and ~decrease in certain 115 2, 53 | save ~that certain habits increase or diminish by a kind of 116 2, 53 | destructive of heat were to ~increase.~Aquin.: SMT FS Q[53] A[ 117 2, 66 | contrary, Wherever there can be increase and greater abundance, ~ 118 2, 66 | of greater abundance and ~increase: for it is written (Mt. 119 2, 67 | perfection by continuous increase. But the charity of the 120 2, 73 | diminishes voluntariness. The increase of such a cause diminishes 121 2, 77 | account of passion. ~For increase of cause adds to the effect: 122 2, 77 | effect ~is increased by the increase, not of its accidental cause, 123 2, 102 | the worship of God. But an increase of divine worship requires ~ 124 2, 106 | much more did the New Law ~increase transgression: since he 125 2, 108 | abundantly, the result was an increase in the number of ~explicit 126 2, 113 | because "charity begun merits increase, and when increased merits ~ 127 2, 114 | can merit for himself an increase of grace or charity?~(9) 128 2, 114 | the work ~pertains to the increase of merit; and thus charity 129 2, 114 | Whether a man may merit the increase of grace or charity?~Aquin.: 130 2, 114 | that a man cannot merit an increase of grace or ~charity. For 131 2, 114 | anyone were to merit the increase of charity or ~grace, it 132 2, 114 | everlasting. If, therefore, the increase of grace or charity falls 133 2, 114 | charity a man would ~merit an increase of charity. But what a man 134 2, 114 | would not suffice for the increase of charity. Therefore the ~ 135 2, 114 | charity. Therefore the ~increase of charity does not come 136 2, 114 | clxxxvi) that ~"charity merits increase, and being increased merits 137 2, 114 | be perfected." ~Hence the increase of grace or charity falls 138 2, 114 | this movement is by the increase of charity or grace ~according 139 2, 114 | of ~glory. And thus the increase of grace falls under condign 140 2, 114 | this term is the reward of increase. Now the reward of ~human 141 2, 114 | Para. 1/1~Reply OBJ 2: The increase of grace is not above the 142 2, 114 | meritorious act a man merits the increase of ~grace, equally with 143 2, 114 | sufficiently disposed for the increase of grace.~Aquin.: SMT FS 144 2, 114 | Para. 1/1~OBJ 3: Further, increase of grace is greater than 145 2, 114 | But a man may merit an increase of grace, as ~was stated 146 2, 114 | objection which concerns the ~increase of grace, as was explained 147 2, 114 | simply under merit, even as increase of grace, and ~everything 148 2, 1 | the ~beginning and did not increase as time went on.~Aquin.: 149 2, 1 | they have not received any increase as time went on: ~since 150 2, 1 | them. But there ~was an increase in the number of articles 151 2, 13 | person, but also of the increase of Divine grace in the world.~ 152 2, 17 | voiding of hope in the blessed increase their merit: ~but both these 153 2, 18 | Now filial fear must needs increase when charity increases, 154 2, 18 | effect increases with the increase of its cause. For the more 155 2, 18 | increases; but with the increase of the latter filial fear 156 2, 18 | than aught else. Hence the increase of the love of charity ~ 157 2, 18 | implies not a decrease but an increase in the reverence of fear.~ 158 2, 18 | as it increases with the increase of charity, ~so is it perfected 159 2, 23 | 1/1~Whether charity can increase?~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 160 2, 23 | seem that charity cannot increase. For nothing increases ~ 161 2, 23 | which charity does not increase, since the slightest charity 162 2, 23 | Therefore charity does not increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 163 2, 23 | something extreme receives no ~increase. But charity consists in 164 2, 23 | Therefore ~charity cannot increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 165 2, 23 | Para. 1/1~OBJ 3: Further, increase is a kind of movement. Therefore 166 2, 23 | Therefore wherever there ~is increase there is movement, and if 167 2, 23 | movement, and if there be increase of essence there ~is movement 168 2, 23 | Therefore charity cannot increase ~essentially, unless it 169 2, 23 | clxxxv.] that "charity merits increase that by increase it may 170 2, 23 | merits increase that by increase it may merit ~perfection." ~ 171 2, 23 | charity of a wayfarer can increase. For we are called ~wayfarers 172 2, 23 | of a wayfarer that it can increase, for if it ~could not, all 173 2, 23 | said that charity does not increase in its ~essence, but only 174 2, 23 | something. So that an ~essential increase of charity means nothing 175 2, 23 | act, so that an ~essential increase of charity implies ability 176 2, 23 | by addition. For just as ~increase may be in respect of bodily 177 2, 23 | to ~virtual quantity. Now increase in bodily quantity results 178 2, 23 | says (De Gener. i, 5) that "increase is addition to ~pre-existing 179 2, 23 | magnitude." Therefore the increase of charity which is ~according 180 2, 23 | 1/1~OBJ 3: Further, the increase of charity is God's work, 181 2, 23 | to 2 Cor. 9:10: "He will increase the growth of ~the fruits 182 2, 23 | Therefore charity does not increase by ~addition.~Aquin.: SMT 183 2, 23 | thought. For God is able to ~increase a bodily quantity by adding 184 2, 23 | Consequently a habit may ~receive increase through extending to objects 185 2, 23 | addition which causes an ~increase of charity cannot be understood, 186 2, 23 | thus whiteness receives an increase when one ~white thing is 187 2, 23 | another, although such an increase does not make ~a thing whiter. 188 2, 23 | mind, so that such ~like an increase of charity could only take 189 2, 23 | charity can by no means increase by addition ~of charity 190 2, 23 | this is the proper mode of increase in ~a form that is intensified, 191 2, 23 | this is for charity to ~increase in its essence; and not 192 2, 23 | in this way we have ~the increase of magnitude by addition, 193 2, 23 | this way it has its proper increase, like other ~accidental 194 2, 23 | subject, and in this way it increase in a man who knows the same ~ 195 2, 23 | its object, it does not increase, as stated above: hence 196 2, 23 | On the other hand, the ~increase of charity denotes a change 197 2, 23 | does every act of charity increase charity.~Aquin.: SMT SS 198 2, 23 | engendered by ~acts, so too an increase of charity is caused by 199 2, 23 | charity conduces to the increase of charity.~Aquin.: SMT 200 2, 23 | answer that, The spiritual increase of charity is somewhat like 201 2, 23 | charity is somewhat like the ~increase of a body. Now bodily increase 202 2, 23 | increase of a body. Now bodily increase in animals and plants is 203 2, 23 | that, to wit, if a thing increase so much in so ~much time, 204 2, 23 | so ~much time, it need to increase proportionally in each part 205 2, 23 | works by disposing for the increase, without causing any actual 206 2, 23 | without causing any actual increase, ~and afterwards brings 207 2, 23 | animal or plant an actual increase. In like manner charity ~ 208 2, 23 | charity ~does not actually increase through every act of charity, 209 2, 23 | charity disposes to an increase of charity, in so far as 210 2, 23 | act of charity merits an increase of charity; yet this ~increase 211 2, 23 | increase of charity; yet this ~increase does not take place at once, 212 2, 23 | when we strive for that ~increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 213 2, 23 | God, not merely by actual ~increase of charity, but also by 214 2, 23 | by being disposed to that increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 215 2, 23 | seem that charity does not increase indefinitely. For ~every 216 2, 23 | ii, ~text. 8,9. But the increase of charity is a movement. 217 2, 23 | Therefore charity does not increase indefinitely.~Aquin.: SMT 218 2, 23 | Therefore charity cannot increase indefinitely.~Aquin.: SMT 219 2, 23 | thing can, by continual increase, attain to ~the quantity 220 2, 23 | unless the ~amount of its increase be ever less and less. Thus 221 2, 23 | is no need for the second increase of charity to be less ~than 222 2, 23 | charity of the wayfarer can increase indefinitely, it would follow ~ 223 2, 23 | wayfarer's charity cannot increase indefinitely.~Aquin.: SMT 224 2, 23 | wayfarer's charity can ever increase more and more.~Aquin.: SMT 225 2, 23 | answer that, A term to the increase of a form may be fixed in 226 2, 23 | not extend to a further increase of the form in its subject. 227 2, 23 | is a limit imposed to the increase of man's ~charity, while 228 2, 23 | such has no limit to its increase, since it is a ~participation 229 2, 23 | manner the cause of the increase of charity, viz. God, is 230 2, 23 | subject, no limit to this ~increase can be determined, because 231 2, 23 | ability to receive a further increase. It is ~therefore evident 232 2, 23 | to fix any limits to the ~increase of charity in this life.~ 233 2, 23 | Para. 1/1~Reply OBJ 1: The increase of charity is directed to 234 2, 23 | of receiving a ~further increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 235 2, 23 | however much a line may increase it does not reach the quantity 236 2, 23 | life charity can always increase, as stated above (A[7]). ~ 237 2, 23 | wherefore it can always increase.~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[24] A[ 238 2, 23 | charity may be, ~it can increase, as stated above (A[7]). 239 2, 23 | 7]). Now for charity to increase is ~to progress. Therefore 240 2, 23 | answer that, The spiritual increase of charity may be considered 241 2, 23 | which man is brought by the increase of ~charity. For at first 242 2, 23 | can be discerned in the ~increase of charity, are comprised 243 2, 23 | affect the same subject. Now increase and decrease are contraries. ~ 244 2, 23 | something besides God, can increase in man. ~Therefore charity 245 2, 23 | even as neither can it increase, as ~stated above (A[4], 246 2, 23 | stand in equal relation ~to increase and decrease. For it can 247 2, 23 | For it can have a cause of increase, but not of ~decrease, as 248 2, 25 | to God, can come and go, ~increase and decrease, as was shown 249 2, 32 | arises from anger by way of increase. For at first, ~through 250 2, 34 | envy is a ~sorrow for the increase of God's grace, and not 251 2, 37 | compacted, groweth unto ~the increase of God." Now this Head is 252 2, 45 | This by ~practice merits increase, until it becomes perfect, 253 2, 60 | justice does not bind one to increase another's ~property. Now 254 2, 76 | taken figuratively for the ~increase of spiritual goods which 255 2, 76 | upon money, nor ~taken any increase . . . he is just.']." They 256 2, 76 | hath not taken usury and increase."~Aquin.: SMT SS Q[78] A[ 257 2, 81 | more ~effectively to an increase of holy desires." Hence 258 2, 81 | ourselves more eagerly to an ~increase thereof." Now the quantity 259 2, 85 | more solicitous for ~the increase of spiritual goods in the 260 2, 98 | profit of his kindred, or the increase of his patrimony, or the 261 2, 106 | wickedness of the descendants increase, it becomes almost ~necessary 262 2, 108 | end, whether or not this increase or diminish their ~gravity: 263 2, 121 | to check daring, but to increase fear. Now to attack ~belongs 264 2, 144 | onslaughts of ~gluttony, which increase in force the more he yields 265 2, 145 | occasioned ~by heat, and the increase in vital spirits are of 266 2, 150 | the words of Gn. 1:28, "Increase and multiply, ~and fill 267 2, 150 | body, namely the bodily increase of the human ~race, and 268 2, 157 | which makes one ready to increase punishment, belongs to cruelty.~ 269 2, 167 | yet nothing be added to increase its beauty." ~Therefore 270 2, 180 | External labor conduces to the increase of the accidental ~reward; 271 2, 180 | accidental ~reward; but the increase of merit with regard to 272 2, 182 | is preceded both by its increase and by its ~beginning, as 273 2, 182 | to spiritual freedom, an increase of charity has not ~the 274 2, 182 | Reply OBJ 1: Beginning and increase are sought not for their 275 2, 183 | commendably to lay it out so as to increase the revenue of the ~Church.~ 276 2, 185 | To receive gifts so as to increase one's wealth, or to ~accept 277 3, 1 | which is ~increased by the increase of knowledge of Him. But, 278 3, 7 | grace of any other man could increase to such an extent as to ~ 279 3, 7 | the grace of Christ could increase?~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[7] A[12] 280 3, 7 | the grace of Christ could increase. For to ~every finite thing 281 3, 7 | finite. Therefore it could increase.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[7] A[12] 282 3, 7 | the grace of ~Christ could increase.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[7] A[12] 283 3, 7 | form to be incapable of increase happens in two ~ways: First 284 3, 7 | if we say that air cannot increase in heat, when it has reached 285 3, 7 | form, the possibility of increase is excluded when a ~subject 286 3, 7 | there could have been no increase of grace in Him, as there 287 3, 7 | blessed, whose grace could not increase, ~seeing that they have 288 3, 7 | fixed limit of magnitude and increase." And hence to ~the quantity 289 3, 7 | Reply OBJ 3: Anyone may increase in wisdom and grace in two 290 3, 7 | this way Christ did not increase. Secondly, as regards the 291 3, 8 | compacted groweth unto the increase of God." But this ~belongs 292 3, 12 | His knowledge received increase.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[12] A[ 293 3, 12 | infused knowledge did not increase, since from the beginning 294 3, 12 | His ~beatific knowledge increase; while in the FP, Q[14], 295 3, 12 | Divine knowledge could not increase. Therefore, if ~in the soul 296 3, 12 | of knowledge which could increase by this ~abstraction of 297 3, 12 | nature; hence it could increase.~Aquin.: SMT TP Q[12] A[ 298 3, 12 | it does not regard ~the increase of knowledge caused by the 299 3, 25 | passion-tide:~Give to the just increase of grace,~Give to each contrite 300 3, 33 | both because there is no increase without local ~movement, 301 3, 33 | local ~movement, and because increase is effected by the power 302 3, 33 | 4 Para. 1/1~Reply OBJ 4: Increase is caused by the augmentative 303 3, 33 | which ~is the subject of increase: but the formation of the 304 3, 34 | Test. super ~Ex. 40] says: "Increase of merit was absolutely 305 3, 34 | the soul of ~Christ." But increase of merit would have been 306 3, 35 | the light of day begins to increase in ~length," so as to show 307 3, 45 | whereas here in ~order to increase the apostles' faith, He 308 3, 54 | defect, but to the greater increase of glory, inasmuch as ~they 309 3, 57 | First of all, in order to increase our faith, which is of things 310 3, 69 | has brought ~us up by an increase of virtue and good deeds 311 3, 72 | Confirmation He confers an increase of grace. In Baptism we 312 3, 72 | Confirmation ~He confers an increase of grace."~Aquin.: SMT TP 313 3, 77 | alteration of the qualities, and increase ~or decrease of the quantity, 314 3, 77 | not in the way in which increase or decrease ~is found only 315 3, 77 | substance, but it gives increase by reason of its ~quantity." 316 3, 77 | incorruptibility suffers neither increase nor decrease. Therefore 317 3, 79 | by sustaining, giving ~increase, restoring, and giving delight. 318 3, 79 | sacrament grace receives increase, and the ~spiritual life 319 3, 79 | Augustine says (Q[83]), "the increase of ~charity is the lessening 320 3, 79 | through venial sins; but the increase of habitual grace or of 321 3, 81 | sacrament is not merely an increase of habitual grace, but furthermore 322 3, 81 | spiritually, for these receive an increase ~of grace, and they have 323 Suppl, 10| absolution he receives an increase of grace, and ~forgiveness 324 Suppl, 13| good ~actions, may merit an increase of grace for another, since 325 Suppl, 21| prayers. For they bring an ~increase of grace to those who have 326 Suppl, 42| God uttered (Gn. 1:22), "Increase and ~multiply," were addressed 327 Suppl, 42| rib, and said to them: "Increase ~and multiply." And although 328 Suppl, 42| themselves of a nature to ~increase concupiscence, yet in so 329 Suppl, 43| betrothal, but gives it an increase ~of rectitude. or else it 330 Suppl, 52| slave in such a way as to increase the weight ~of the marriage 331 Suppl, 55| equality between two men by the increase of ~one, without the other 332 Suppl, 71| that the saints receive ~an increase of glory in themselves through 333 Suppl, 71| The sense is not that an increase of meed or reward accrues ~ 334 Suppl, 72| says: "They desire an increase of joy and ~the fellowship 335 Suppl, 72| uncertain in what degree this ~increase will foretell the imminence 336 Suppl, 72| of the ~luminaries will increase according to Is. 30:26, " 337 Suppl, 72| but rather that it ~will increase.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[73] A[ 338 Suppl, 72| higher creature in order to increase the ~glory of the elect, 339 Suppl, 78| make up for waste, and to increase quantity. But in the state ~ 340 Suppl, 79| is corruptible, because "increase ~of passion results in loss 341 Suppl, 79| faith: so that this will increase their own and others' joy ( 342 Suppl, 79| yet they are subject to increase and ~diminution in relation 343 Suppl, 79| Reply OBJ 3: Some things increase not only by receding from 344 Suppl, 81| never vary, neither by increase nor by decrease, because 345 Suppl, 83| death may contribute to the ~increase of punishment. For as the 346 Suppl, 83| withdrawal of death leads to the increase of punishments by making 347 Suppl, 83| Philosopher (Topic. vi), "increase of passion ~results in loss 348 Suppl, 84| their pain; indeed, it will increase it, because the ~greatest 349 Suppl, 85| the ~good will receive an increase of reward after the judgment, 350 Suppl, 85| wicked also will receive an increase of torment from the ~added 351 Suppl, 86| will not lessen but ~will increase unhappiness.~Aquin.: SMT 352 Suppl, 86| the wicked will have an increase ~of torment through the 353 Suppl, 88| this conduces to man's ~increase of glory. Thus a man merits 354 Suppl, 88| renewed by receiving an increase of brightness.~Aquin.: SMT 355 Suppl, 88| will cease ~rather than increase.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[91] A[ 356 Suppl, 88| will be bettered and will ~increase.~Aquin.: SMT XP Q[91] A[ 357 Suppl, 88| Therefore their brightness will increase thereby, since ~it is their 358 Suppl, 88| heaven is renewed by an increase of ~brightness, so ought 359 Suppl, 88| elements to be renewed by an increase of active ~and passive qualities.~ 360 Suppl, 88| Para. 1/1~OBJ 4: Further, increase of brightness in the elements 361 Suppl, 88| the elements implies an ~increase of heat. If therefore at 362 Suppl, 88| heaven will be renewed by an increase of brightness. ~Therefore 363 Suppl, 89| But afterwards it will increase no more, because ~then will 364 Suppl, 89| enlightening, so as to increase the knowledge of the lower), 365 Suppl, 90| happiness of the saints will increase after the judgment?~(2) 366 Suppl, 90| happiness of the saints will ~increase in extent after the resurrection, 367 Suppl, 90| soul's ~happiness also will increase in extent, seeing that the 368 Suppl, 90| the soul's happiness will increase in intensity [*Cf. FS, Q[ 369 Suppl, 90| another thing simply, the ~increase of the former follows from 370 Suppl, 90| former follows from the increase of the latter." Now to ~ 371 Suppl, 90| Divine ~clarity, on the increase of which will depend the 372 Suppl, 90| of which will depend the increase in perfection ~of the Divine 373 Suppl, 93| then was it commanded: ~"Increase and multiply and fill the 374 Suppl, 93| holy doctors will have an ~increase of glory above that which 375 Suppl, 93| this way privations may ~increase, as when a man is said to 376 Suppl, 95| damned do not desire the increase of their ~punishment. Now 377 Suppl, 95| blessed is increased by an increase in their ~number. Therefore 378 Suppl, 95| Reply OBJ 3: Although an increase in the number of the damned 379 Suppl, 95| the damned results in ~an increase of each one's punishment, 380 Suppl, 95| will their hatred ~and envy increase that they will prefer to 381 Suppl, 95| punishment, which are subject to increase until the ~day of judgment. 382 Suppl, 95| their ~punishment, but will increase it; because they will bear 383 Appen1, 2| effect of sin, it ~does not increase unless the sin increases. 384 Appen1, 2| increases. Now sin cannot increase in ~one whose sin is already 385 Appen1, 2| punishment, this ~debt does not increase when he dies. But while

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