000-dynam | earne-negle | nehem-tuae | tubin-zion
Chapter, §
1 End | or as a denial of her 2,000-year history, which is certainly
2 End (99) | Adversus haereses IV, 20, 7: SC 100/2, 648.~
3 2 (31) | women]); Ps 65:2-3; 90:8; 103:10; (107:10-11,17); Is 59:
4 5, 2 | abolition of the anathemas of 1054 between East and West) represent
5 2 (31) | Ps 65:2-3; 90:8; 103:10; (107:10-11,17); Is 59:9-15; 64:
6 5 (82) | 13, 1986; AAS 78 (1986), 1120.~
7 3 (62) | Romanos, Prooem.: SC 10,124 (Th. Camelot, Paris 1958²).~
8 3 (59) | 88, Sermo 2,14: CCL 39, 1244).~
9 3 (56) | siècles, (Paris, 1964), 128; Cf. also Hugo Rahner, SJ,
10 1, 1 | celebration under Boniface VIII in 1300, the penitential pilgrimage
11 1 (4) | iuris canonici, t. II, c. 1304).~
12 1 (6) | given by Clement VI when in 1343 he instituted the practice
13 2 (35) | God (Ezr 9-10). In Is 59:13b the people say of themselves
14 1, 1 | Nuremberg of November 25, 1522, “the abominations, the
15 4 (66) | Theology, (London, 1972) 155.~
16 6 (97) | 28: CCL 50,69,13; Epist. 169, 2: CSEL 44, 617; Sermo
17 2 (34) | for we have sinned” [v. 16b]; Bar 1:15 – 3:18 (“we have
18 3 (60) | Paulinus of Nola, Carmen 25, 171-172; CSEL 30,243: “Inde
19 3 (60) | of Nola, Carmen 25, 171-172; CSEL 30,243: “Inde manet
20 5 (74) | Enchiridion Vaticanum 1, [106], n. 176.~
21 1 (5) | Salutis nostrae, April 30, 1774, § 2. Leo XII in the Letter
22 3 (51) | St. Augustine, Sermo 181, 5,7: PL 38; 982.~
23 1 (5) | Quod hoc ineunte, May 24, 1824, §2 speaks of the “year
24 1 (7) | series, III, 390-399 (Gotha, 1893). ~
25 2 (31) | Jer 8:14; 14:7; Lam 1:14, 18a, 22 (in which Jerusalem
26 3 (56) | Literatur, (Einsiedeln, 1944).~
27 5 (75) | Agápes: Vatican – Phanar (1958-1970), (Rome – Istanbul,
28 3 (62) | 124 (Th. Camelot, Paris 1958²).~
29 3 (47) | People of God (June 30, 1968), n. 19 (Enchiridion Vaticanum
30 5 (75) | Vatican – Phanar (1958-1970), (Rome – Istanbul, 1971).~
31 5 (75) | 1970), (Rome – Istanbul, 1971).~
32 4 (66) | Method in Theology, (London, 1972) 155.~
33 1 (27) | paenitentia, December 2, 1984, 31.~
34 1 (19) | Discourse at Yaoundé, August 13, 1985).~
35 2 (30) | Pontifical Biblical Commission (1993). ~
36 2 (32) | Kgs 8:33ff (cf. 2 Chr 6:22ff: Solomon prays that God
37 End (101)| V, 2, (Vatican, 1982), 2321.~
38 3 (60) | Carmen 25, 171-172; CSEL 30,243: “Inde manet mater aeterni
39 3 (59) | Catholicae unitate 6: CCL 3, 253: “Habere iam non potest
40 3 (47) | Enchiridion Vaticanum 3, 264f).~
41 3 (54) | virginitate 8,48; PL 16,278D: “Caveamus igitur, ne lapsus
42 3 (53) | CCC, 2839.~
43 4 (65) | Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode, 2nd ed.(Tübingen, 1965); Eng.
44 1 (16) | Enchiridion Vaticanum 5, 305).~
45 6 (97) | Sermo 341A, 1: Misc. Agost. 314, 22.~
46 1 (29) | CCL 47,33; XI, 1: CCL 48,321; XIX, 26: CCL 48, 696.~
47 2 (32) | 32:31 (Moses); 1 Kgs 8:33ff (cf. 2 Chr 6:22ff: Solomon
48 6 (97) | 2: CSEL 44, 617; Sermo 341A, 1: Misc. Agost. 314, 22.~
49 2, 2 | and the Father (cf. Jn 13:34f; 15:1-11; 17:21-26). In
50 1 (7) | Reichstagsakten, new series, III, 390-399 (Gotha, 1893). ~
51 1 (7) | Reichstagsakten, new series, III, 390-399 (Gotha, 1893). ~
52 3 (59) | matrem” (Epist. 74, 7; CCL 3C, 572). St. Augustine: “Tenete
53 3 (58) | Augustine, Sermo 25, 8: PL 46, 938: “Mater ista sancta,
54 1 (29) | civitate Dei, I, 35: CCL 47,33; XI, 1: CCL 48,321; XIX,
55 2, 3 | Servant songs (Is 42:1-9; 49:1-6; 50:4-11; 52:13-53:12)
56 2, 2 | cf. Mk 4:40-41; 6:36-37, 51-52; 8:14-21,31-33; 9:5-6,
57 1 (17) | Enchiridion Vaticanum 5, 526-553).~
58 2, 3 | 49:1-6; 50:4-11; 52:13-53:12) develops these allusions
59 2, 2 | 5:6-11; 8:1-11; 1 Cor 15:54-57), does not free us from
60 1 (17) | Enchiridion Vaticanum 5, 526-553).~
61 2, 2 | 11; 8:1-11; 1 Cor 15:54-57), does not free us from
62 3 (59) | Epist. 74, 7; CCL 3C, 572). St. Augustine: “Tenete
63 2 (34) | of their fathers”); Ezr 9:5b-15 (the penitential prayer
64 6 (97) | Epist. 169, 2: CSEL 44, 617; Sermo 341A, 1: Misc. Agost.
65 End (99) | haereses IV, 20, 7: SC 100/2, 648.~
66 2 (31) | marrying foreign women]); Ps 65:2-3; 90:8; 103:10; (107:
67 1 (29) | 48,321; XIX, 26: CCL 48, 696.~
68 3 (59) | ecclesiam matrem” (Epist. 74, 7; CCL 3C, 572). St. Augustine: “
69 3 (43) | the Catholic Church (CCC), 770.~
70 2 (34) | commandments” [v. 5]; Ps 79:8-9 (this collective lament
71 3 (46) | CCC, 827.~
72 2 (33) | been unfaithful”); Ps 78:8ff (the psalmist recounts the
73 3 (41) | Maximus the Confessor: PL 90, 912-956.~
74 3 (58) | Augustine, Sermo 25, 8: PL 46, 938: “Mater ista sancta, honorata,
75 3 (41) | the Confessor: PL 90, 912-956.~
76 3 (51) | Sermo 181, 5,7: PL 38; 982.~
77 2 (32) | Pharaoh says to Moses and Aaron: “This time I have sinned;
78 5 (82) | of Rome, April 13, 1986; AAS 78 (1986), 1120.~
79 2, 2 | Testament notion has not been abandoned but developed, in the sense
80 1, 1 | November 25, 1522, “the abominations, the abuses...and the lies”
81 2, 1 | New Testament. Given the abundance and diffusion of these testimonies,
82 1, 3 | likewise noted,23 although the accent falls particularly on the
83 6, 2 | into account also the undue accentuation which the media may give
84 5, 1 | indicated above, but is also accompanied by a continual calling upon
85 1 (6) | s Jubilee “the spiritual accomplishment” of the “Jubilee of remission
86 2, 2 | of the early history. The accounts are framed in such a way
87 1, 3 | always “the result of the accumulation and concentration of many
88 4, 1 | means judging both the accuracy of possible correspondences
89 4, 2 | John Paul II observes, “an accurate historical judgement cannot
90 3, 2 | sanctified by Christ who has acquired her by giving himself up
91 | across
92 5, 2 | to see whether they are actively committed to obeying the
93 2, 2 | the early Church had an acute awareness of the possible
94 1, 2 | nevertheless, does not add a request for pardon for
95 1, 1 | curia, without, however, adding a request for pardon. It
96 End | connected with it, the Church addresses herself in the first place
97 1 (19) | For example, the Pope, addressing himself to the Moravians,
98 Intro | before us.” John Paul II adds: “As the successor of Peter,
99 4 | when these questions are adequately answered through rigorous
100 2 (31) | the generation of Moses admit that, in complaining about
101 6, 2 | remember the apostle Paul’s admonition to welcome, consider, and
102 1, 4 | value? Whatever attitude is adopted must come to terms with
103 2, 2 | Lord, while the disciples adore him, “some still doubted” (
104 Intro | reflections may help everyone to advance on the path of truth, fraternal
105 2, 3 | given to them by God, to the advantage of other children of Israel.
106 End (99) | Dei”: St. Ireneus of Lyon, Adversus haereses IV, 20, 7: SC 100/
107 3 (60) | 30,243: “Inde manet mater aeterni semine verbi / concipiens
108 5, 2 | the past millennium which “affect the seamless garment of
109 1, 4 | people still feel themselves affected today by the consequences
110 1, 4 | society. Thus she could affirm that she joins with her
111 3 | the one hand, the Church’s affirmation in faith of her holiness,
112 3, 1 | Already Paul VI had solemnly affirmed that the Church “is holy,
113 3, 4 | The Church, Vatican II affirms, “by means of the Word of
114 4, 2 | The Church is “not afraid of the truth that emerges
115 5 (75) | Constantinople in Tómos Agápes: Vatican – Phanar (1958-
116 4, 2 | the Church as interpreting agent exposes the theological
117 6 (97) | 617; Sermo 341A, 1: Misc. Agost. 314, 22.~
118 Intro | hostile to the Church. Between agreement and unease, the need arises
119 3, 2 | time and stimulates and aids the believers in pursuing
120 2, 2 | recognition of their dignity, albeit in the living awareness
121 6, 1 | strengthen our faith, which alerts us to face today’s temptations
122 6, 3 | culture that is completely alien to the idea of seeking forgiveness,
123 2, 3 | Any system which would alienate an Israelite – once a slave
124 6, 3 | believers and non-believers alike in a common commitment.
125 End | glory of God is man fully alive; but the life of man is
126 2, 1 | its history, confesses or alludes to its sins against God
127 2, 3 | precisely this text, with an allusion to Isaiah 58:6, that Jesus
128 2, 3 | 13-53:12) develops these allusions to the practice of the Jubilee
129 | almost
130 5, 4 | however, also true that “alongside such courageous men and
131 2, 2 | presenting his offering at the altar. An act of worship on the
132 2, 1 | the destruction of the Amalekites). In such cases, the involvement
133 2 (37) | prisoners of war by King Amaziah as recounted in 2 Chr 25:
134 1, 4 | her memory with respect to ambiguous actions in which she was
135 2, 2 | and in the Letters, the ambivalence of the Christian experience
136 2, 2 | with the idea of guilt, and amply present in the New Testament,
137 5, 1 | responsibility for the acts of their ancestors. In this sense, asking for
138 6, 3 | and the memory of often ancient wounds, will be guided by
139 2 (33) | 34:21: Josiah fears the anger of the Lord “because our
140 2, 1 | of other peoples and the animosity thus aroused could also
141 2, 3 | the Jubilee to depict the Anointed One as God’s herald sent
142 1, 3 | responsibility may become diluted in anonymous causes, one can only speak
143 4 | questions are adequately answered through rigorous historical
144 5, 2 | opposition, mutual mistrust, and antagonism.75 It was a question of
145 5, 4 | was not made easier by the anti-Jewish prejudices imbedded in some
146 3 (62) | St. Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Romanos, Prooem.: SC
147 Note | CARDENAS, M.Sp.S., and Msgr. Anton STRUKELJ. The general discussion
148 5, 2 | theme of the restoration (apokatastasis) of mutual love, so essential
149 4, 2 | the risk of yielding to apologetic or tendentious readings.
150 4 | side or the other. Both an apologetics that seeks to justify everything
151 6, 2 | should always remember the apostle Paul’s admonition to welcome,
152 1 (16) | Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Apostolorum limina, May 23, 1974 (Enchiridion
153 5, 5 | forms. What is particularly apparent is that this denial, especially
154 2, 2 | Matthew, even during the final appearance of the risen Lord, while
155 5, 2 | in which great divisions appeared among Christians, in open
156 4, 1 | past is translated into its application to the present. The past
157 5, 3 | request for forgiveness applies to whatever should have
158 6, 1 | itself), these should be appropriately rectified at the proper
159 Note | the Faith, who gave his approval for its publication.~
160 Note | 1999. The present text was approved in forma specifica by the
161 1, 4 | Still others warn against arbitrarily making current generations
162 5, 2 | and Protestants, to be the architects of a future more in conformity
163 3, 4 | his holiness and the more ardent is his effort to communicate
164 5 (81) | The argument is rigorously treated in
165 2, 3 | now freed by the powerful arm of God – was in fact a denial
166 2, 1 | peoples and the animosity thus aroused could also have militated
167 5, 1 | self-recrimination, but to arrive instead at the confession
168 2, 2 | repents (cf. Lk 22:61) and arrives at a triple profession of
169 3 (52) | Aquinas, Summa Theol. III q. 8 art. 3 ad 2.~
170 3, 1 | repentance and reform, and their articulation in the actions of Mother
171 4, 1 | order, in such a way, to ascertain the contents and the challenges
172 1, 4 | liturgical, canonical, and ascetical tradition nourishes the
173 3 (41) | representative examples is the Liber asceticus by Maximus the Confessor:
174 5, 1 | anathemas. These express a new assessment of past history, which is
175 1, 4 | Can today’s conscience be assigned ‘guilt’ for isolated historical
176 1, 4 | government, private and public associations, religious communities are
177 3, 4 | who sins, but rather in assuming the weight of her children’
178 6, 2 | magisterial charism, which is assured by the Lord to the Church’
179 2 (32) | scapegoat” on the day of atonement); Ex 32:11-13 (cf. Dt 9:
180 2, 3 | redemption. Isaiah 58 is an attack on ritual observance that
181 1, 4 | to do so, calculating the attendant costs – among which are
182 4, 2 | having discerned these by attentive historical and theological
183 1, 4 | always have value? Whatever attitude is adopted must come to
184 6, 3 | share in the mysterious attraction exercised by the “crucified
185 5, 1 | whenever it becomes possible to attribute to past historical deeds
186 5, 1 | responsible for an act, its attribution to a certain person or persons.
187 4 | on historically untenable attributions of responsibility, must
188 1 (19) | treated (Discourse at Yaoundé, August 13, 1985).~
189 3 (56) | Ecclesia: Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend christlicher
190 End (99) | Gloria Dei vivens homo: vita autem hominis visio Dei”: St.
191 5, 1 | an effect, which a later authoritative interpretative judgement
192 1, 1 | occasions when ecclesiastical authorities – Pope, Bishops, or Councils –
193 3 (41) | the reason why Christian authors of various historical periods
194 6, 3 | with full respect for their autonomy… On the threshold of the
195 4, 2 | undertaken by believers will avail itself of all possible contributions
196 2, 1 | citing the splendid prayer of Azaria: “‘Blessed are you, O Lord,
197 2 (34) | Dn 3:26-45 (the prayer of Azariah: “With truth and justice
198 2 (31) | to their service of the Baals); 1 Sm 7:6 (the people of
199 2 (37) | conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (cf., for example, Ob 10-
200 2 | following question: What background does the testimony of Sacred
201 5, 4 | tormented one... In effect, the balance of these relations over
202 3, 1 | her spiritual reality as bearer of divine life.”43 The ensemble
203 | became
204 Note | composed of Rev. Christopher BEGG, Msgr. Bruno FORTE (President),
205 3, 3 | Lk 18:13). Our petition begins with a ‘confession’ of our
206 2, 4 | today” of the Jubilee, begun by Jesus (cf. Lk 4:21),
207 2, 2 | full of exhortations to behave well, to live at a higher
208 5, 1 | through the consequences of behaviors that can become a heavy
209 5, 5 | reaction against religious belief and in some places against
210 1, 4 | nourishes the life of the believing community, offering it an
211 5, 4 | Virgin Mary and the Apostles belonged to the Jewish people; that
212 5, 4 | the Jews are our dearly beloved brothers, indeed in a certain
213 6, 2 | relationship between the spiritual benefits and the possible costs of
214 4 (66) | Bernard Lonergan, SJ, Method in
215 3, 4 | the past], and earnestly beseech Christ’s forgiveness.”63~
216 3, 1 | participating in the grace bestowed by God – needs nevertheless
217 3, 4 | above all because of the betrayals, failures, delays, and sinfulness
218 5, 2 | other than mutual love or, better, the renewed commitment
219 3, 3 | one of Ambrose: “Let us beware then that our fall not become
220 5, 1 | prejudice to the solidarity that binds the members of a specific
221 1, 4 | Inquisition? Isn’t it a bit too easy to judge people
222 4 | an unwarranted laying of blame, based on historically untenable
223 1, 2 | of Christ “with neither blemish nor wrinkle...holy and immaculate” (
224 2, 1 | splendid prayer of Azaria: “‘Blessed are you, O Lord, the God
225 3, 1 | her children through the blood of Christ and the gift of
226 1, 1 | first celebration under Boniface VIII in 1300, the penitential
227 1, 2 | past for which Christians bore some responsibility. Thus, “
228 Intro | wrongs done by those who have borne or bear the name of Christian.”
229 5, 2 | Catholics are pleased to remain bound to the separations of the
230 5, 4 | been grafted the wild olive branches of the Gentiles (cf. Rom
231 5, 2 | been common to both the breaches. Given that this charity
232 Intro | questions posed. It moves from a brief historical revisiting of
233 2, 2 | There is, however, a more broad and subtle insistence pervading
234 2, 3 | becomes part of the much broader program of the prophets.
235 2 (32) | Shecaniah says to Ezra “We have broken faith with our God, by marrying
236 Note | Christopher BEGG, Msgr. Bruno FORTE (President), Rev.
237 Intro | which vivifies it for the building up of the body” (cf. Eph
238 Intro | Introduction~The Bull of Indiction of the Great
239 3, 3 | individual relevance, because it burdens and poses resistance along
240 4, 2 | efficaciousness that cannot always be calculated beforehand. Of course, the
241 1, 4 | some hesitate to do so, calculating the attendant costs – among
242 5, 1 | accompanied by a continual calling upon the help of the Holy
243 3 (62) | Prooem.: SC 10,124 (Th. Camelot, Paris 1958²).~
244 2, 3 | to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God” (Lv
245 2, 1 | the extermination of the Canaanites), or 1 Sm 15 and Dt 25:19 (
246 2, 2 | always merciful and ready to cancel our sins. This is also the
247 2, 2 | should take the first step, canceling the offense through forgiveness
248 1, 4 | The doctrinal, liturgical, canonical, and ascetical tradition
249 1 (4) | Friedberg, Corpus iuris canonici, t. II, c. 1304).~
250 1 (19) | course of history” (cf. Canonization of Jan Sarkander in the
251 2, 3 | to proclaim liberty to captives, and to announce the year
252 2, 4 | Pope’s appeal correctly captures the spirit of the biblical
253 Note | NORRIS, Rev. Rafael SALAZAR CARDENAS, M.Sp.S., and Msgr. Anton
254 6, 1 | Paul II states that “many Cardinals and Bishops expressed the
255 6, 1 | expressed (which must be carefully distinguished from the deposit
256 3 (59) | Augustine: “Tenete ergo, carissimi, tenete omnes unanimiter
257 3 (60) | St. Paulinus of Nola, Carmen 25, 171-172; CSEL 30,243: “
258 6, 3 | hoped that they will be carried out reciprocally, though
259 3, 4 | seed of the eternal Word, carries the peoples in her womb
260 5 | In order for the Church carry out an appropriate historical
261 3, 4 | of Christ.”58 Cyprian of Carthage states succinctly: “One
262 2, 1 | question of how to select and catalogue the mass of significant
263 3 (43) | Catechism of the Catholic Church (
264 2, 1 | distinguish two principal categories of “confession texts,” each
265 3 (59) | St. Cyprian, De Ecclesiae Catholicae unitate 6: CCL 3, 253: “
266 3, 1 | gathers sinners already caught up in Christ’s salvation
267 6, 2 | of the other, as well as causing unwarranted self-recrimination,
268 3 (54) | virginitate 8,48; PL 16,278D: “Caveamus igitur, ne lapsus noster
269 End | this way she is able to celebrate the dignity of the human
270 3, 3 | her children’s sins and celebrates his infinite goodness and
271 2, 3 | the oppressed (Is 58:6), centered specifically on the obligations
272 2 | largely thematic approach, centering on the following question:
273 End (101)| Discourse at the Centre de l’Organisation europeénne
274 4 | Only when there is moral certainty that what was done in contradiction
275 2, 3 | in the Book of Leviticus (Ch. 25). In a social structure
276 1, 4 | inextricably mixed with the chaff; holiness stands side by
277 2 (36) | cf. Dt 7:3) in all these chapters.~
278 3 | from this paradox, which is characteristic of the mystery of the Church,
279 5, 1 | of producing a different characterization of the relationships lived
280 4, 2 | deficiencies that may have characterized them. Communion in the one
281 1, 2 | sides. However, one cannot charge with the sin of separation
282 4 | these are frequently highly charged with passionate emotion
283 3 (56) | Delahaye, Ecclesia Mater chez les Pères des trois premiers
284 4, 2 | and situations through the choices of her children, despite
285 5, 1 | conscience and every society chooses and acts within a determined
286 1, 4 | during the centuries of ‘Christendom’ or to power structures
287 3 (58) | Christum parit: nam membra Christi estis.”~
288 3 (56) | aus dem ersten Jahrtausend christlicher Literatur, (Einsiedeln,
289 Note | it was composed of Rev. Christopher BEGG, Msgr. Bruno FORTE (
290 3 (58) | est. Ex illa nati estis et Christum parit: nam membra Christi
291 1, 4 | been understood in many circles as signs of the Church’s
292 5 (80) | TMA, 35. The citation from the Second Vatican
293 2, 1 | John Paul II could state, citing the splendid prayer of Azaria: “‘
294 1 (29) | 36-43; St. Augustine, De civitate Dei, I, 35: CCL 47,33; XI,
295 5, 2 | is but “a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1), such
296 2, 3 | structure made up of tribes, clans, and families, situations
297 Intro | arises for a reflection which clarifies the reasons, the conditions,
298 Intro | historical cases but rather to clarify the presuppositions that
299 1, 4 | question is therefore that of clarifying the extent to which requests
300 5, 2 | time had not reached the clarity it has today, thanks to
301 5, 1 | like Jesus, can and must classify, judge, and sometimes condemn
302 3, 3 | and the blemishes washed clean. The Church stands in prayer
303 2, 3 | obligations of kinship (v.7). More clearly, Isaiah 61 uses the images
304 1, 2 | weaknesses of her members, clergy or laity, yesterday and
305 1, 1 | sure, to abuses of which clerics and laymen were found guilty,
306 3, 3 | reality, “though we are clothed with the baptismal garment,
307 2, 4 | baptized, to take still greater cognizance of the mandate received
308 2, 2 | Rom 6:1-11; Gal 3:27-28; Col 3:10; 2 Cor 5:14- 15) to
309 3, 3 | 11-32) and, like the tax collector, recognize that we are sinners
310 6, 2 | considered personally or collegially, or the universal Pastor,
311 Intro | determined, by correctly combining historical and theological
312 2, 1 | involvement of a divine command would seem to exclude any
313 4, 2 | request for forgiveness commits the single theological subject
314 5, 2 | caused by those events “commonly referred to as the Reformation.”72
315 Intro | liberating personal and communal conscience from all forms
316 1 (4) | Cf. Extravagantes communes, lib. V, tit. IX, c. 1 (
317 3, 4 | ardent is his effort to communicate to others the gift he has
318 5, 2 | until the end (cf. Jn 13:1), communicates this life to his own. This
319 4, 1 | between past and present. This communicative bond is based on the fact
320 Intro | by a strong analogy is compared to the mystery of the Incarnate
321 2, 3 | condition of debt or servitude, compelling them to live in total dependence
322 4 | exceed the area of their competence, but to offer help toward
323 4, 2 | institutions, and their respective competencies are different; ways of thinking
324 2 (31) | of Moses admit that, in complaining about the food, they had
325 3, 2 | required of him as the full completion of his own vocation and
326 6, 3 | intolerance, superstition, complicity with unjust powers, and
327 Note | prepare this study; it was composed of Rev. Christopher BEGG,
328 4, 1 | interpreted, in which the act of comprehension properly consists. This
329 3, 4 | immortal life, who have been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born
330 2 (35) | talking oppression and revolt, conceiving lying words and uttering
331 1, 3 | of the accumulation and concentration of many personal sins.”
332 3, 4 | Ecclesia”), which “in the conception of the early Fathers of
333 3 (60) | mater aeterni semine verbi / concipiens populos et pariter pariens.”~
334 2, 1 | present generation.34 We can conclude from the testimonies gathered
335 2, 4 | has been said, it can be concluded that John Paul II’s appeal
336 Intro | have committed,” the Pope concludes, “Let them do so without
337 5, 1 | death, forgiveness and not condemnation, love and not fear. The
338 2, 1 | solely to God, and the sins confessed by the people and for the
339 4, 2 | reconstruction, free from confessional or ideological prejudices,
340 3 (41) | asceticus by Maximus the Confessor: PL 90, 912-956.~
341 1, 4 | satisfied to see the Church confirm the prejudices they had
342 6, 3 | these acts be mistaken as confirmation of possible prejudices against
343 6, 3 | those involved in tragic conflicts fuelled by hatred and the
344 5, 2 | architects of a future more in conformity with the new commandment.
345 3, 2 | with the help of grace, conforms his entire being to it!
346 Note | Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
347 Intro | purification of memory” possible in connection with the recognition of
348 3, 4 | evil will never be able to conquer the force of grace and the
349 2 (37) | participated and rejoiced in the conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (
350 3, 2 | virtue of his baptismal consecration. And this does not happen
351 1, 3 | group of persons who had consented to it voluntarily, by means
352 6, 3 | forgiveness, as well as to the consequent stimulus this may offer
353 6, 2 | the Church’s Bishops, and consequently does not require any Magisterial
354 6, 1 | past, capable of having a considerable effect on the present, because
355 1, 2 | mutually opposed.9 Likewise, it considers the fact that in “the genesis
356 2, 3 | from their difficulties by consigning their land, house, servants,
357 6, 3 | to unity, in a word, the consistency which should distinguish
358 5 (75) | Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in Tómos Agápes: Vatican –
359 4, 2 | permanent identity of the constitutive principle of the communion
360 5, 2 | confession of the fault contained in the earlier mutual exclusion,
361 5, 1 | forgiveness presupposes a contemporaneity between those who are hurt
362 4, 2 | must be situated in the contemporary context and undertaken by
363 4, 1 | a way, to ascertain the contents and the challenges that -
364 6, 2 | events or words linked to a contextualized history do not necessarily
365 6, 2 | Churches which exist in continents or countries where the Christian
366 2, 4 | Jesus (cf. Lk 4:21), be continued in the Jubilee celebration
367 3, 2 | Spirit – guarantees the continuity of the mission of the People
368 5, 1 | the Church seems to have contradicted the Gospel of Jesus Christ
369 5, 2 | Certainly such division openly contradicts the will of Christ, is a
370 4, 2 | avail itself of all possible contributions by the historical sciences
371 5, 2 | doctrine were objects of controversy.~The way that has opened
372 2, 3 | into practice fully!). It convened the celebration of the Jubilee
373 5, 5 | present a powerful reason to convert to the requirements of the
374 6, 2 | because of the religious convictions of the dialogue partner –
375 3, 4 | maternal solidarity, so as to cooperate in overcoming them through
376 3, 4 | by his faith and love he cooperates in giving birth to new children
377 2, 1 | thinks of the notion of “corporate personality”). We can propose
378 5, 3 | used in the repression and correction of errors. ~Analogous attention
379 4, 1 | the accuracy of possible correspondences and possible difficulties
380 2, 2 | side and the believer must count on the death and resurrection
381 6, 2 | which exist in continents or countries where the Christian presence
382 5, 4 | true that “alongside such courageous men and women, the spiritual
383 1, 1 | lies” of which the “Roman court” of his time was guilty, “
384 End | fullness of life in faithful covenant with the living God: “The
385 5, 2 | preaching of the Gospel to every creature.”70~The principal divisions
386 3, 1 | liturgy – the true “lex credendi” – teaches, the individual
387 3 (47) | Paul VI, Credo of the People of God (June
388 1, 4 | same Church is imputed with crimes and faults. Others observe
389 6, 1 | renewal and reform.”94 The criterion of true reform and of authentic
390 6, 3 | taking into account its critical-prophetic character. Where one may
391 1, 4 | historical phenomena like the Crusades or the Inquisition? Isn’
392 5, 5 | great indifference to the cry of the poor in entire sectors
393 1, 1 | predecessor Leo X and his curia, without, however, adding
394 4 | possible, of the events, of the customs, of the mentality of the
395 5, 2 | noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1), such a deficiency
396 1 (19) | of Jan Sarkander in the Czech Republic, May 21, 1995).
397 Note | Sebastian KAROTEMPREL, S.D.B., Msgr. Roland MINNERATH,
398 2, 2 | beforehand to repair the damage to his neighbor is not pleasing
399 1, 3 | freedom, and peace are damaged – are always “the result
400 5, 2 | scandal to the world, and damages that most holy cause, the
401 5, 4 | Jesus was a descendent of David; that the Virgin Mary and
402 2 (34) | of Ezra, v. 7: “From the days of our fathers to this day
403 5, 4 | that the Jews are our dearly beloved brothers, indeed
404 Intro | Catholic faith are represented, decided to address this need with
405 6, 3 | illumination and support for the decisions and actions of civil society,
406 2, 2 | Gospel narratives. It arises decisively in Mark where the frailties
407 5 (81) | rigorously treated in the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council,
408 1, 4 | any way, even though they declare themselves ready to take
409 1, 1 | the Catholic Church), and declared himself ready for his part
410 5, 2 | context the words of the Decree on Ecumenism could be recalled: “
411 1, 1 | wrongs. Councils and papal decrees applied sanctions, to be
412 Intro | the Catholic Church, are dedicated to the moral (Chapter 5),
413 2, 2 | live at a higher level of dedication, to avoid evil (cf., for
414 1, 1 | of his time was guilty, “deep-rooted and extensive…sickness,”
415 5, 4 | should be confirmed and deepened.~
416 1, 3 | Paul II also promoted the deeper theological exploration
417 5, 3 | proclamation of the Gospel or the defense of the unity of the faith. “
418 2 (37) | forgiveness for the killing of defenseless Edomite prisoners of war
419 5, 2 | cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1), such a deficiency needs to be seen in all
420 5, 5 | erroneous doctrine, or are deficient in their religious, moral
421 2, 2 | love and to forgive to a degree that transcends every human
422 3 (56) | Karl Delahaye, Ecclesia Mater chez les
423 3, 4 | the betrayals, failures, delays, and sinfulness of her children.~
424 2 (34) | offenses of our fathers…deliver us and forgive us our sins”);
425 2 (32) | against you and you have delivered us into the hands of our
426 3 (56) | Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend christlicher
427 1, 4 | that certain groups might demand that forgiveness be sought
428 Intro | to Divine Truth and its demands leads to confessing, together
429 4, 2 | chapter may furnish a concrete demonstration.~
430 2, 2 | traitor and the one who denies the Master, though Judas
431 5, 3 | have been responsible, to denounce injustice and violence in
432 4, 1 | but possess an objective density and complexity that prevent
433 3 | times in history when they departed from the spirit of Christ
434 2, 1 | sinned and transgressed by departing from you, and we have done
435 2, 3 | compelling them to live in total dependence upon a few well-off persons.~
436 2, 1 | expressions can be found, depending on who is making the confession
437 2, 3 | images of the Jubilee to depict the Anointed One as God’
438 1, 1 | the members.”7 Adrian VI deplored the faults of his times,
439 1 (19) | America and from the Africans deported as slaves (Message to the
440 6, 1 | carefully distinguished from the deposit of the faith itself), these
441 3 (56) | Mater Ecclesia: Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend
442 3 (56) | Ecclesia Mater chez les Pères des trois premiers siècles, (
443 5, 4 | the fact that “Jesus was a descendent of David; that the Virgin
444 2 (36) | to them (and/or to their descendents) is not treated, since their
445 2 (36) | repudiation of foreign wives described in Ezr 9-10, with all the
446 2 (31) | 41 (the generation of the desert recognizes that it had sinned
447 6, 3 | none other than the unity desired by the Lord. Therefore,
448 5, 2 | and generous love, that desires for unity take their rise
449 2, 2 | though Judas ends up in desperation for his act (cf. Acts 1:
450 5, 4 | anti-Semitism that not only despised the faith of the Jewish
451 4 | Theological Judgement~The determination of the wrongs of the past,
452 4 | complex as it is necessary and determinative. For this reason, it is
453 4, 1 | historical knowledge? To determine these, we must take account
454 1, 4 | exploited by the Church’s detractors, who are satisfied to see
455 2, 3 | program of the prophets. Deutero-Isaiah, in the Suffering Servant
456 1 (7) | the day of his wrath” in Deutsche Reichstagsakten, new series,
457 2, 3 | 6; 50:4-11; 52:13-53:12) develops these allusions to the practice
458 End (101)| 15, 1982) in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, V, 2, (
459 4, 2 | communion of “saints” in a diachronic sense, by virtue of which
460 4 | impedes serene and objective diagnosis… This is the reason why
461 3, 4 | even a kind of symmetry or dialectical relationship. The influence
462 1, 1 | publicly in a message to the Diet of Nuremberg of November
463 5, 2 | these various divisions differ greatly from one another
464 4, 2 | given to the elements of differentiation and extraneousness between
465 5, 4 | negative.”83 The hostility or diffidence of numerous Christians toward
466 2, 1 | Given the abundance and diffusion of these testimonies, the
467 5 (80) | Vatican Council is from Dignitatis humanae, 1.~
468 1, 3 | responsibility may become diluted in anonymous causes, one
469 5, 2 | role, while the doctrinal dimension concerned the authority
470 3, 1 | Person of the Son. The two dimensions of ecclesial being form “
471 5, 1 | Such a transition has a direct impact on moral judgements,
472 Intro | operating in history under the direction of her Pastors, united as
473 2, 1 | the execution of divine directives, as for example Gn 2-11
474 2, 1 | people are those committed directly against him rather than
475 4, 2 | their faults, after having discerned these by attentive historical
476 6, 1 | moral conduct, in Church discipline, or even in the way in which
477 4, 1 | potentialities which it discloses, in the stimulus it offers
478 1, 4 | some of the faithful are disconcerted and their loyalty to the
479 4, 1 | verify its importance and to discover other possible interpretations.~
480 Note | Anton STRUKELJ. The general discussion of this theme took place
481 6, 3 | negative prejudices or disdainful and hostile attitudes might
482 2, 3 | families, situations of disorder were inevitably created
483 1, 1 | and grace,”5 the Church dispenses in a particular way the
484 Intro | to him, so also in a not dissimilar way, the social structure
485 1, 2 | point of view, Vatican II distinguishes between the indefectible
486 5, 2 | the separation and mutual distrust among Christians, even though
487 5, 2 | Christ, as if he himself were divided (cf. 1 Cor 1:13). Vatican
488 6, 3 | already a positive witness of docility to the truth.~Lastly, in
489 5 (83) | judgement of the recent document of the Commission for Religious
490 5 (75) | Cf. the documentation from the dialogue of charity
491 3, 4 | have God as a father who doesn’t have the Church as a mother.”59
492 2, 2 | disciples are one of the dominant themes of the account (cf.
493 1 (19) | Indians of America, Santo Domingo, October 13, 1992, and General
494 6, 3 | into account the possible double effect of an act of repentance
495 2, 2 | disciples adore him, “some still doubted” (Mt 28:17). The Fourth
496 5, 3 | the past millennium when doubtful means were employed in the
497 5 (71) | of the thousand years now drawing to a close, even more than
498 5, 3 | the past a lesson can be drawn for the future, leading
499 3, 4 | holy Church recognizes the duty “to express profound regret
500 4, 1 | conditions and the living dynamic in which those events and
501 5, 1 | human acts or their related dynamics, we need therefore to enter