000-dynam | earne-negle | nehem-tuae | tubin-zion
Chapter, §
502 3, 4 | the sins of the past], and earnestly beseech Christ’s forgiveness.”63~
503 1, 4 | imitate. Along the entire earthly pilgrimage, however, the
504 5, 4 | of the Jews was not made easier by the anti-Jewish prejudices
505 1, 4 | Inquisition? Isn’t it a bit too easy to judge people of the past
506 2 (33) | 18:2: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’
507 1, 1 | However, the occasions when ecclesiastical authorities – Pope, Bishops,
508 3, 4 | which these ideas are an echo: “This holy and honored
509 5, 5 | world. Connected to the eclipse of God, one encounters then
510 1, 2 | means of the sacramental economy of the Church.~
511 5 (75) | between the Holy See and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
512 2 (33) | children’s teeth are set on edge.”~
513 2 (37) | relationship between Israel and Edom comes to mind. The Edomites
514 2 (37) | the killing of defenseless Edomite prisoners of war by King
515 2 (37) | Edom comes to mind. The Edomites as a people – despite the
516 5, 1 | to be open and to become educated.~The combination of historical
517 4, 2 | rich in a “performative” efficaciousness that cannot always be calculated
518 5, 4 | be a stimulus to increase efforts to be “transformed by renewal
519 5, 1 | morality and law, from the eighteenth century onward this relationship
520 3 (56) | christlicher Literatur, (Einsiedeln, 1944).~
521 1, 2 | renewal.”13~The Council also elaborated some criteria of discernment
522 5, 4 | certain sense they are ‘our elder brothers.’”84~The Shoah
523 3 | only a community of the elect, but one which in her very
524 4, 2 | attention be given to the elements of differentiation and extraneousness
525 5, 2 | In the schism of the eleventh century, cultural and historical
526 5, 1 | Purifying the memory means eliminating from personal and collective
527 5, 1 | This common memory gives eloquent testimony to the solidarity
528 5, 1 | with whom she is related. Emblematic models of such an effect,
529 5, 5 | aspects, is a process that emerged in the western world. Connected
530 4 | charged with passionate emotion which impedes serene and
531 6, 2 | unwarranted self-recrimination, by emphasising that, for believers, taking
532 3 | These words of John Paul II emphasize how the Church is touched
533 6, 1 | weaknesses of the past,” the Pope emphasizes, “is an act of honesty and
534 1, 4 | also given rise to positive emulation both inside and outside
535 5, 5 | the eclipse of God, one encounters then a series of negative
536 1, 3 | sons and daughters” and encourages them “to purify themselves,
537 End | the new millennium without encouraging her children to purify themselves,
538 Intro | responsible and without encroaching on the judgement of God,
539 1 (18) | Cf. Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint, May
540 5, 2 | millennium which has just ended and in which great divisions
541 6, 2 | responsibility which has endured through time, and may therefore
542 2 (32) | us into the hands of our enemies, because we have given glory
543 5, 1 | change.” While before the Enlightenment there existed a sort of
544 4, 2 | individual persons and in the enormous diversity of historical
545 | enough
546 3, 1 | bearer of divine life.”43 The ensemble of her visible and historical
547 5, 1 | dynamics, we need therefore to enter into the world of those
548 2, 2 | the divine holiness has entered history in the person of
549 3, 3 | touches the Church in her entirety, across the various times
550 2, 2 | refuses forgiveness sincerely entreated. In Mt 5:23-24, Jesus asks
551 1, 4 | revealed truth that has been entrusted to her whether in the area
552 4, 2 | historical periods. She entrusts the investigation of the
553 2, 2 | of Paul and the Catholic Epistles, there is no indication
554 4 | historical context of the epoch.”64~
555 4, 1 | words of the past; it is equivalent to grasping the meaning
556 4, 2 | to one society and to one era might be applied erroneously
557 3 (59) | St. Augustine: “Tenete ergo, carissimi, tenete omnes
558 5, 5 | training in the faith, or teach erroneous doctrine, or are deficient
559 4, 2 | one era might be applied erroneously in the evaluation of other
560 3 (56) | Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend christlicher
561 5, 2 | apokatastasis) of mutual love, so essential after a history laden with
562 5, 3 | inappropriately.”79~As always, establishing the historical truth by
563 2 (32) | his father); Est 4:17(n) (Esther confesses: “We have sinned
564 6, 3 | history of the Church in Europe may well turn out to have
565 End (101)| Centre de l’Organisation europeénne pour la recherche nucléaire,
566 4, 2 | events and statements and at evaluating the correctness of their
567 5, 3 | truth or did not include an evangelical discernment suited to the
568 2, 2 | motif recurs in all of the Evangelists. Judas and Peter are respectively
569 4, 1 | historically determined. Everybody belongs to history! Bringing
570 1, 3 | social sin” - which are evident in the human community when
571 6, 3 | zeal for evangelization by exacerbating negative aspects. At the
572 4 | natural ethics, which would exceed the area of their competence,
573 | except
574 6, 3 | Christians have been no exception and are aware that all are
575 2, 1 | divine command would seem to exclude any possible request for
576 5, 2 | contained in the earlier mutual exclusion, so as to purify the memory
577 3, 3 | sin also does not have an exclusively individual relevance, because
578 4, 2 | mistrust generalizations that excuse or condemn various historical
579 2, 1 | are understood to be the execution of divine directives, as
580 6, 3 | forgiveness and reconciliation exemplified by the Church and will make
581 6, 3 | the mysterious attraction exercised by the “crucified God.”97
582 5, 1 | admission of past faults can exert on attitudes within the
583 5, 2 | through memory, was still exerting its influence. The events
584 2, 2 | New Testament is full of exhortations to behave well, to live
585 2, 1 | the Jews prayed after the exile (cf. also Bar 2:11-13),
586 2 (34) | following texts: Lv 26:40 (the exiles are called to “confess their
587 5, 1 | the solidarity objectively existing between those who committed
588 4, 2 | mitigating factors does not exonerate the Church from the obligation
589 2, 2 | context, which could be expanded through an analysis of the
590 2, 2 | neighbor (cf. Lk 15:21), can expect pardon only from God, because
591 3, 1 | 5:21), but came only to expiate the sins of the people (
592 6, 3 | forgiveness, in addition to explaining the nature of ecclesial
593 6, 3 | and the rights of peoples, exploitation of the weak and glorification
594 1, 4 | most part one-sided and is exploited by the Church’s detractors,
595 1, 3 | promoted the deeper theological exploration of the idea of taking responsibility
596 4, 2 | Church as interpreting agent exposes the theological vision to
597 4, 2 | being to history and its expressive mediations, but is based
598 2, 1 | forebears, linking them expressly to the errors of the present
599 1, 1 | and extensive…sickness,” extending “from the top to the members.”7
600 1, 1 | guilty, “deep-rooted and extensive…sickness,” extending “from
601 2, 1 | Gn 2-11 and Dt 7:2 (the extermination of the Canaanites), or 1
602 1 (4) | Cf. Extravagantes communes, lib. V, tit. IX,
603 3, 1 | it. It is only ‘with the eyes of faith’ that one can see
604 2, 3 | order to preserve the social fabric of the People of God and
605 5, 3 | research is decisive. Once the facts have been established, it
606 4, 2 | time and space – cannot fail to recognize herself in
607 2 (35) | These include failing to trust God (for example;
608 5, 3 | mythical memory and reach a fair critical memory capable -
609 3, 4 | means of the Word of God faithfully received, becomes a mother,
610 6 (95) | essentially in the increase of faithfulness to her vocation.”~
611 1 (7) | with respect to what he has fallen into and examine himself
612 2, 3 | in a territory or a clan falling into the hands of a few
613 1, 3 | noted,23 although the accent falls particularly on the solidarity
614 4 | to undertake it without falsehoods on one side or the other.
615 5, 5 | entire sectors of the human family.~The uncomfortable question
616 1, 1 | have been quite rare. One famous example is furnished by
617 6, 3 | presented in appropriate fashion, beginning with the Christian
618 2 | undertaken here leads us to favor a largely thematic approach,
619 Intro | has met with a generally favorable reception both inside and
620 5, 1 | condemnation, love and not fear. The quality of exemplarity
621 2 (33) | cf. 2 Chr 34:21: Josiah fears the anger of the Lord “because
622 5, 2 | and those prejudices which feed the separation and mutual
623 Intro | the Jubilee with greater fervor.” This purification aims
624 3 (54) | noster vulnus Ecclesiae fiat.” Lumen gentium 11 also
625 Intro | frees and saves (“confessio fidei”), becomes a “confessio
626 3, 1 | respicias peccata nostra, sed fidem Ecclesiae Tuae”! In the
627 4, 1 | written, oral, monumental, or figurative), these operations can be
628 3, 2 | himself as his body and has filled her with the gift of the
629 2, 2 | Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again
630 2, 1 | criteria, the following rather fluid cases can be distinguished:~
631 2 (31) | in complaining about the food, they had become guilty
632 1, 4 | injustices suffered by their forbears in previous times. Others
633 6, 3 | dialogue and mission, the foreseeable implications of the Church’
634 2, 2 | by God who receives and forgives everyone in his mercy.~In
635 Note | present text was approved in forma specifica by the International
636 | former
637 6 (97) | This particular strong formulation comes from St. Augustine,
638 Note | Christopher BEGG, Msgr. Bruno FORTE (President), Rev. Sebastian
639 3, 4 | preaching and baptism she brings forth children to a new and immortal
640 1, 4 | daughters of yesterday can foster renewal and reconciliation
641 3 | 3. Theological Foundations~“Hence it is appropriate
642 3, 2 | the Church. The former - founded on the missions of the Son
643 5, 2 | millennium, and in the West - four centuries later - the laceration
644 2, 2 | doubted” (Mt 28:17). The Fourth Gospel presents the disciples
645 2, 2 | living awareness of the fragility of their human condition. “
646 2, 2 | decisively in Mark where the frailties of Jesus’ disciples are
647 2, 2 | history. The accounts are framed in such a way that they
648 4, 1 | completely reducible to the framework of the present, but possess
649 2, 3 | Israelite – once a slave but now freed by the powerful arm of God –
650 5, 1 | objective kind, to which one may freely adhere subjectively or not.
651 2, 1 | present generation.33 More frequent are the confessions that
652 1 (4) | lib. V, tit. IX, c. 1 (A. Friedberg, Corpus iuris canonici,
653 2 (31) | the people acknowledge in front of Ezra that they had greatly “
654 3, 4 | than sin, since it is the fruit of divine grace. The saints
655 6, 3 | involved in tragic conflicts fuelled by hatred and the memory
656 4, 1 | being ordered in a solely functional way for present interests.
657 1, 1 | rare. One famous example is furnished by the reforming Pope Adrian
658 | further
659 4, 1 | evaluate, an osmosis (a “fusion of horizons”) is accomplished
660 4 (65) | what follows, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode, 2nd
661 2, 1 | conclude from the testimonies gathered that in all cases where
662 3, 1 | 24-30). Hence the Church gathers sinners already caught up
663 4, 2 | geographical situations. Generalization must be avoided. Any possible
664 4, 2 | is inclined to mistrust generalizations that excuse or condemn various
665 Intro | has shown has met with a generally favorable reception both
666 5, 2 | the memory of the past and generate a new one. The basis of
667 3, 4 | her you were born - she generates Christ so that you will
668 3, 4 | believer to another, as the generative environment of faith and
669 5, 2 | 23), from self-denial and generous love, that desires for unity
670 End (101)| la recherche nucléaire, Geneva (June 15, 1982) in Insegnamenti
671 6, 3 | humanity is full of violence, genocide, violations of human rights
672 6, 3 | the Church’s mission ad gentes should take careful account
673 5, 4 | wild olive branches of the Gentiles (cf. Rom 11:17-24); that
674 5, 3 | over the mind with both gentleness and power.’”80~
675 4, 2 | diversity of historical and geographical situations. Generalization
676 End | past, and in each specific gesture connected with it, the Church
677 3, 1 | affairs, able to take on the gifts, the merits, and the faults
678 End (101)| 1982) in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, V, 2, (Vatican,
679 End (99) | Gloria Dei vivens homo: vita autem
680 3, 3 | is without sin: “To be a glorious Church, with neither spot
681 2, 1 | directives, as for example Gn 2-11 and Dt 7:2 (the extermination
682 Intro | should do it? What is the goal and how should this be determined,
683 2 (32) | have given glory to their gods”); 2 Mc 7:18-32 (the Jewish
684 5, 2 | the rest is but “a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1
685 3, 3 | living exchange of spiritual goods. In this way, the holiness
686 1 (7) | new series, III, 390-399 (Gotha, 1893). ~
687 1, 4 | Church. Heads of state or government, private and public associations,
688 Intro | religions as much as for governments and nations, beyond being
689 5, 4 | tree onto which have been grafted the wild olive branches
690 1, 4 | pilgrimage, however, the good grain always remains inextricably
691 1, 1 | was associated with the granting of an exceptional indulgence
692 2 (33) | fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth
693 4, 1 | the present. The past is grasped in the potentialities which
694 4, 1 | past; it is equivalent to grasping the meaning which the events
695 6, 3 | unilateral and absolutely gratuitous initiative. ~On the inter-religious
696 Intro | spirit of authenticity and gratuitousness have given rise to various
697 6, 2 | condition, and that the gratuity of love often expresses
698 5, 2 | reason of the nature and gravity of questions concerning
699 Intro | the presuppositions that ground repentance for past faults.~
700 3, 2 | of the Son and Spirit – guarantees the continuity of the mission
701 4, 2 | texts, the Church. This guards against all historicism
702 2, 2 | looks to the Gospel for guidance and inspiration. Moreover,
703 2 (31) | and against their human guide, Moses); 1 Sm 12:19 (the
704 3 (59) | quis possit Deum Patrem, habeat ante ecclesiam matrem” (
705 3 (59) | patrem qui ecclesiam non habet matrem.” St. Cyprian also
706 End (99) | Ireneus of Lyon, Adversus haereses IV, 20, 7: SC 100/2, 648.~
707 6 (93) | that continual reform (ad hanc perennem reformationem)
708 4 (65) | Cf. for what follows, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode,
709 3, 2 | consecration. And this does not happen without the consent of his
710 2, 1 | mention made of a human party harmed, Moses).35 The question
711 6, 3 | tragic conflicts fuelled by hatred and the memory of often
712 2 (32) | sins of the people on the head of the “scapegoat” on the
713 1, 4 | and outside the Church. Heads of state or government,
714 3, 3 | be the case only in the heavenly homeland, not here on the
715 2 (33) | because our fathers did not heed the words of this book”);
716 2, 1 | commandments we have not heeded or observed’ (Dn 3:26,29-
717 5, 1 | evil in the past and their heirs in the present. It is then
718 Note | International Theological Commission held in Rome from 1998 to 1999.
719 Intro | Catholic Church, which is thus helped to live in a more efficacious
720 2, 3 | the Anointed One as God’s herald sent to “evangelize” the
721 4, 2 | The exercise of historical hermeneutics should not, however, prevent
722 5, 3 | to what was done or said hesitantly or inappropriately.”79~As
723 1, 4 | and for this reason, some hesitate to do so, calculating the
724 2 (33) | this book”); 2 Chr 29:6-7 (Hezekiah says “our fathers have been
725 3, 4 | radiance of good, even the most hidden good! In this sense the
726 2 (32) | our sin”); Lv 16:21 (the high priest confesses the sins
727 2, 2 | behave well, to live at a higher level of dedication, to
728 4 | step consists in asking the historians, not to furnish a judgement
729 4, 2 | This guards against all historicism that would relativize the
730 5, 1 | 18).~b. The principle of historicity. Precisely inasmuch as every
731 1 (5) | Leo XII in the Letter Quod hoc ineunte, May 24, 1824, §
732 3, 3 | case only in the heavenly homeland, not here on the way of
733 End (99) | vivens homo: vita autem hominis visio Dei”: St. Ireneus
734 End (99) | Gloria Dei vivens homo: vita autem hominis visio
735 4, 1 | interpretation means verifying honestly and rigorously to what extent
736 3 (58) | 938: “Mater ista sancta, honorata, Mariae similis, et parit
737 3, 4 | an echo: “This holy and honored mother is like Mary. She
738 6, 3 | the Lord. Therefore, it is hoped that they will be carried
739 Intro | peoples and religions, one hopes that the proposed reflections
740 4, 1 | an osmosis (a “fusion of horizons”) is accomplished between
741 5, 4 | been quite negative.”83 The hostility or diffidence of numerous
742 3 (56) | Paris, 1964), 128; Cf. also Hugo Rahner, SJ, Mater Ecclesia:
743 5 (80) | Council is from Dignitatis humanae, 1.~
744 6, 1 | need to place themselves humbly before the Lord and examine
745 5, 1 | contemporaneity between those who are hurt by an action and those who
746 2, 1 | We can propose various hypotheses in response to this question.
747 3 (59) | unitate 6: CCL 3, 253: “Habere iam non potest Deum patrem qui
748 3, 4 | tradition, of which these ideas are an echo: “This holy
749 1, 4 | sectors of opinion like to identify her with obscurantism and
750 4, 2 | free from confessional or ideological prejudices, regarding both
751 5, 4 | the result of the pagan ideology that was Nazism, animated
752 2 (35) | example; Dt 1:41; Nm 14:10), idolatry (as in Jgs 10:10-15), requesting
753 3 (54) | 48; PL 16,278D: “Caveamus igitur, ne lapsus noster vulnus
754 3 (62) | St. Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Romanos,
755 3 (58) | et parit et Virgo est. Ex illa nati estis et Christum parit:
756 3, 2 | of his Church in order to illuminate her; they are a prophecy
757 Intro | peccati,” sustained and illuminated by faith in the Truth which
758 6, 3 | certain sense, to overflow as illumination and support for the decisions
759 Intro | of those whose hearts are illumined by faith. The Church is
760 3, 4 | from fully mirroring the image of her crucified Lord, the
761 5, 4 | the anti-Jewish prejudices imbedded in some Christian minds
762 1, 4 | incomparable sampling of models to imitate. Along the entire earthly
763 2, 1 | their fathers. The Church imitates their example and also asks
764 5, 1 | good and stimulates the imitation of it, recalling individuals
765 1, 2 | blemish nor wrinkle...holy and immaculate” (cf. Eph 5:27), and her
766 1, 1 | precisely those of his immediate predecessor Leo X and his
767 3, 4 | forth children to a new and immortal life, who have been conceived
768 5, 1 | transition has a direct impact on moral judgements, although
769 5, 2 | remove the obstacles that impede unity, one could justly
770 4 | passionate emotion which impedes serene and objective diagnosis…
771 3, 3 | holiness,” which is, however, “imperfect.”50 Augustine observes against
772 1, 3 | groups of Christians, were implicated in different respects.19
773 2, 3 | celebration of the Jubilee was an implicit admission of fault and an
774 2 (34) | this collective lament implores God: “do not impute to us
775 5, 1 | comes above all through imploring God’s forgiveness for the
776 4, 1 | order both to verify its importance and to discover other possible
777 5, 3 | Council: ‘The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue
778 3, 4 | the burden that his sin imposes on the entire community
779 6, 2 | that reciprocity - at times impossible because of the religious
780 5, 3 | evangelization that employed improper means to announce the revealed
781 1, 4 | still wounded by past acts imputable to the children of the Church.
782 2 (34) | lament implores God: “do not impute to us the offenses of our
783 5, 3 | done or said hesitantly or inappropriately.”79~As always, establishing
784 5, 1 | of historicity. Precisely inasmuch as every human act belongs
785 Intro | the Great Jubilee of the Incarnation as an event of grace and
786 2, 2 | does not free us from the inclination to sin present in the world
787 4, 2 | and communities. She is inclined to mistrust generalizations
788 1, 4 | community, offering it an incomparable sampling of models to imitate.
789 Intro | Church. Many have noted the increased credibility of ecclesial
790 3 (60) | 171-172; CSEL 30,243: “Inde manet mater aeterni semine
791 1, 2 | distinguishes between the indefectible fidelity of the Church and
792 3, 2 | believe that the Church…is indefectibly holy. For Christ, the Son
793 2, 3 | People of God and restore independence even to the smallest families
794 2, 2 | Catholic Epistles, there is no indication that the early Church turned
795 Intro | Introduction~The Bull of Indiction of the Great Jubilee of
796 1, 2 | cannot be imputed either indiscriminately to all Jews then living
797 6, 2 | cannot be considered an indispensable condition, and that the
798 Intro | instrument of salvation, indissolubly united to him, so also in
799 3 | by the values of faith, indulged in ways of thinking and
800 1 (5) | XII in the Letter Quod hoc ineunte, May 24, 1824, §2 speaks
801 2, 3 | situations of disorder were inevitably created when struggling
802 1, 4 | good grain always remains inextricably mixed with the chaff; holiness
803 4 | without first being exactly informed concerning the situation
804 5, 1 | the descendants do not inherit (subjective) responsibility
805 6, 3 | and absolutely gratuitous initiative. ~On the inter-religious
806 6, 2 | expresses itself in unilateral initiatives.~Possible gestures of reparation
807 5, 4 | religious memory” of the injury inflicted on the Jews. In
808 5, 3 | responsible, to denounce injustice and violence in the great
809 3, 1 | difference. “Christ, ‘holy, innocent, and undefiled’ (Heb 7:26),
810 2, 1 | significant texts arises. One may inquire here about the biblical
811 End (101)| Geneva (June 15, 1982) in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, V,
812 Intro | community of the baptized, inseparably visible and operating in
813 2, 2 | a more broad and subtle insistence pervading the New Testament:
814 2, 2 | Gospel for guidance and inspiration. Moreover, the New Testament
815 1 (6) | Clement VI when in 1343 he instituted the practice of having a
816 4, 2 | misunderstandings. Persons, institutions, and their respective competencies
817 1, 2 | communities and who in these are instructed in the faith of Christ,
818 4, 2 | theological judgement come to be integrated. This requires, in the first
819 4 | Magisterium certainly may not intend to perform an act of natural
820 6, 3 | gratuitous initiative. ~On the inter-religious level, it is appropriate
821 4, 2 | making past and present interact in the conscience of the
822 4, 2 | motivated only by the current interest and by the common belonging
823 4, 1 | functional way for present interests. It is necessary, therefore,
824 2, 1 | for forgiveness to present interlocutors for the sins committed by
825 4, 1 | discover other possible interpretations.~
826 4, 1 | between the subject who interprets and the object from the
827 1, 4 | and spiritual were closely intertwined. An historical hermeneutic
828 2, 2 | s fall. From the divine intervention in and through the death
829 4, 1 | past is reached through the interwovenness of certain basic hermeneutic
830 2, 3 | Israelites coming to suffer intolerable situations of debt, poverty,
831 Intro | in order to be able to investigate the biblical foundation (
832 2, 2 | of Israel (cf. Jn 4:22), invoked as “Holy Father” (Jn 17:
833 2, 1 | Amalekites). In such cases, the involvement of a divine command would
834 6, 3 | a purification of memory involves believers and non-believers
835 End (99) | hominis visio Dei”: St. Ireneus of Lyon, Adversus haereses
836 1, 4 | Crusades or the Inquisition? Isn’t it a bit too easy to judge
837 1, 4 | be assigned ‘guilt’ for isolated historical phenomena like
838 2, 3 | which would alienate an Israelite – once a slave but now freed
839 3 (58) | 25, 8: PL 46, 938: “Mater ista sancta, honorata, Mariae
840 5 (75) | Phanar (1958-1970), (Rome – Istanbul, 1971).~
841 1 (4) | 1 (A. Friedberg, Corpus iuris canonici, t. II, c. 1304).~
842 1 (4) | Extravagantes communes, lib. V, tit. IX, c. 1 (A. Friedberg, Corpus
843 3 (56) | der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend christlicher Literatur, (
844 1 (19) | history” (cf. Canonization of Jan Sarkander in the Czech Republic,
845 2, 2 | evil (cf., for example, Jas 1:5-8, 19-21; 2:1-7; 4:1-
846 1 (18) | responsible for these, I join my predecessor Paul VI in
847 1, 4 | she could affirm that she joins with her contemporaries
848 6, 2 | definition of these acts there be joint research with those who
849 Note | Commission by its President, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, in view
850 2 (33) | 22:13 (cf. 2 Chr 34:21: Josiah fears the anger of the Lord “
851 1, 1 | benefit.6 In none of the Jubilees celebrated till now has
852 2, 2 | Pt 1:13-25; 2 Pt 2:1-22; Jude 3:13; 1 Jn 5-10; 2:1-11;
853 4, 1 | the expression of what is judged to be the correct understanding
854 3, 2 | own purpose and grace, and justified in the Lord Jesus, have
855 5, 2 | impede unity, one could justly speak of solidarity in the
856 3 (56) | Karl Delahaye, Ecclesia Mater
857 Note | President), Rev. Sebastian KAROTEMPREL, S.D.B., Msgr. Roland MINNERATH,
858 5 | This entails defining some key terms, as well as making
859 2 (37) | ask forgiveness for the killing of defenseless Edomite prisoners
860 3, 2 | in this sense like lights kindled by the Lord in the midst
861 5, 1 | and sometimes condemn some kinds of action (cf. Mt 18:15-
862 2, 3 | specifically on the obligations of kinship (v.7). More clearly, Isaiah
863 3 (56) | Mater Ecclesia: Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten Jahrtausend
864 Intro | receives from her Lord, should kneel before God and implore forgiveness
865 3, 1 | and undefiled’ (Heb 7:26), knew no sin (cf. 2 Cor 5:21),
866 End (101)| Organisation europeénne pour la recherche nucléaire, Geneva (
867 5, 2 | four centuries later - the laceration caused by those events “
868 5, 2 | essential after a history laden with opposition, mutual
869 1, 2 | of her members, clergy or laity, yesterday and today,12
870 2 (34) | 79:8-9 (this collective lament implores God: “do not impute
871 3 (54) | 278D: “Caveamus igitur, ne lapsus noster vulnus Ecclesiae
872 2 | here leads us to favor a largely thematic approach, centering
873 6, 3 | of docility to the truth.~Lastly, in relation to civil society,
874 1 (19) | forgiveness of the Indians of Latin America and from the Africans
875 | latter
876 Intro | becomes a “confessio laudis” addressed to God, before
877 4 | everything and an unwarranted laying of blame, based on historically
878 1, 1 | abuses of which clerics and laymen were found guilty, and many
879 Intro | such events. This should lead - if done correctly - to
880 5, 3 | be drawn for the future, leading all Christians to adhere
881 4, 1 | forms by which the past leaves evidence of itself (texts,
882 5, 1 | of resentment or violence left by the inheritance of the
883 Intro | and violence that are the legacy of past faults, through
884 1, 4 | among which are those on the legal plane - of an acknowledgement
885 6, 2 | addressed, by listening to the legitimate requests which they may
886 3 (56) | Delahaye, Ecclesia Mater chez les Pères des trois premiers
887 6, 3 | acts do not contribute to a lessening of zeal for evangelization
888 2, 3 | rich people for greater or lesser periods of time, while the
889 5, 3 | painful moments of the past a lesson can be drawn for the future,
890 4, 2 | the variety of ways and levels in which she is represented
891 3, 1 | the liturgy – the true “lex credendi” – teaches, the
892 1 (4) | Extravagantes communes, lib. V, tit. IX, c. 1 (A. Friedberg,
893 3 (41) | representative examples is the Liber asceticus by Maximus the
894 2, 3 | of faith in God who had liberated his people in the Exodus. “
895 2, 3 | evangelize” the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, and to announce
896 1, 1 | abominations, the abuses...and the lies” of which the “Roman court”
897 Intro | mystery by the action of the life-giving Spirit. According to the
898 3, 2 | saints are in this sense like lights kindled by the Lord in the
899 1 (16) | Apostolic Letter Apostolorum limina, May 23, 1974 (Enchiridion
900 End | aspects, recognizes the human limitations and weaknesses of the various
901 6, 2 | consider that events or words linked to a contextualized history
902 2, 1 | faults of the forebears, linking them expressly to the errors
903 2, 1 | sins of the people on the lips of one or more leaders (
904 6, 2 | who will be addressed, by listening to the legitimate requests
905 3 (56) | Jahrtausend christlicher Literatur, (Einsiedeln, 1944).~
906 2, 1 | references in the Wisdom Literature and in the Letters of the
907 1, 4 | present. The doctrinal, liturgical, canonical, and ascetical
908 3, 1 | power of redemption. As the liturgy – the true “lex credendi” –
909 3 (56) | Rahner, SJ, Mater Ecclesia: Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem ersten
910 4 (66) | Bernard Lonergan, SJ, Method in Theology, (
911 3, 3 | purified by confession and, as long as men live on earth it
912 2, 2 | Christ in difficulty who looks to the Gospel for guidance
913 5, 2 | power of the Holy Spirit, loving until the end (cf. Jn 13:
914 1, 4 | are disconcerted and their loyalty to the Church seems shaken.
915 2, 3 | his life and ministry in Luke 4:17-21.~
916 2 (35) | oppression and revolt, conceiving lying words and uttering them
917 End (99) | visio Dei”: St. Ireneus of Lyon, Adversus haereses IV, 20,
918 Note | Rafael SALAZAR CARDENAS, M.Sp.S., and Msgr. Anton STRUKELJ.
919 Intro | have also been voiced, mainly expressions of unease connected
920 3, 2 | to death for her, she is maintained in holiness by the Holy
921 2, 1 | forgiveness.36 The experiences of maltreatment suffered by Israel at the
922 2, 4 | greater cognizance of the mandate received from the Lord to
923 3 (60) | 172; CSEL 30,243: “Inde manet mater aeterni semine verbi /
924 1, 2 | deplores” the persecutions and manifestations of anti-Semitism “in every
925 5, 2 | form of the communion of mankind’s life with the Triune God.
926 3 (58) | Mater ista sancta, honorata, Mariae similis, et parit et Virgo
927 6 (92) | only think of the sign of martyrdom: cf. TMA, 37.~
928 2 (32) | 2 Mc 7:18-32 (the Jewish martyrs say that they are suffering
929 2, 1 | select and catalogue the mass of significant texts arises.
930 2, 2 | and the one who denies the Master, though Judas ends up in
931 3, 4 | her children’s faults in maternal solidarity, so as to cooperate
932 2 (31) | greatly “transgressed in this matter” [marrying foreign women]);
933 2, 2 | cf. in Jn 21:15-19). In Matthew, even during the final appearance
934 2, 1 | responsibility (which has only matured progressively: cf. Ez 14:
935 5, 2 | their rise and grow toward maturity.”76 In the period from the
936 4, 2 | type of interpretation, maximum attention be given to the
937 3 (41) | is the Liber asceticus by Maximus the Confessor: PL 90, 912-
938 2 (32) | glory to their gods”); 2 Mc 7:18-32 (the Jewish martyrs
939 | me
940 1, 4 | purification of memory can never mean that the Church ceases to
941 4, 1 | equivalent to grasping the meaning which the events can have
942 Intro | forgiveness appears particularly meaningful when one thinks of the many
943 | meantime
944 6, 2 | undue accentuation which the media may give to certain aspects
945 4, 2 | history and its expressive mediations, but is based also on the
946 1, 3 | Penance, is the sacramental mediatrix of the grace which reconciles
947 3, 4 | patient love and humble meekness.”61~This expression of regret
948 6, 1 | challenges, and prepares us to meet them.”91 To that end, it
949 Note | theme took place in numerous meetings of the sub-commission and
950 3, 1 | continually purified. Each member also shares in the weakness
951 3 (58) | estis et Christum parit: nam membra Christi estis.”~
952 4 | of the customs, of the mentality of the time, in the light
953 5, 4 | was Nazism, animated by a merciless anti-Semitism that not only
954 End | which is certainly rich in merit in the areas of charity,
955 Intro | which the Pope has shown has met with a generally favorable
956 1, 2 | sinners, called to permanent metanoia, to renewal in the Holy
957 4 (65) | Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode, 2nd ed.(Tübingen, 1965);
958 2 (31) | destruction); Ez 33:10; Mi 7:9 (“I”), 18-19.~
959 3, 2 | kindled by the Lord in the midst of his Church in order to
960 2, 1 | aroused could also have militated against the idea of asking
961 5 (71) | even more than in the first millenium, ecclesial communion has
962 1, 3 | represented by the priest as minister of Penance, is the sacramental
963 3, 1 | the Church, including her ministers, must acknowledge that they
964 Note | KAROTEMPREL, S.D.B., Msgr. Roland MINNERATH, Rev. Thomas NORRIS, Rev.
965 6, 2 | Christian presence is a minority.~It is necessary to specify
966 3, 4 | preventing her from fully mirroring the image of her crucified
967 Intro | The structure of the text mirrors the questions posed. It
968 6 (97) | 44, 617; Sermo 341A, 1: Misc. Agost. 314, 22.~
969 3, 2 | former - founded on the missions of the Son and Spirit –
970 6, 3 | avoided is that these acts be mistaken as confirmation of possible
971 4, 2 | is ready to acknowledge mistakes wherever they have been
972 4, 2 | history, producing many misunderstandings. Persons, institutions,
973 4, 2 | Yet the consideration of mitigating factors does not exonerate
974 4, 1 | in order to measure and moderate its real effect on the interpretative
975 5, 1 | onward this relationship was modified significantly. The result
976 4, 1 | the stimulus it offers to modify the present. Memory becomes
977 5, 3 | renewal. “From these painful moments of the past a lesson can
978 4, 1 | which may be written, oral, monumental, or figurative), these operations
979 4, 1 | evidence of itself (texts, monuments, traditions, etc.) – means
980 1, 4 | the area of faith or of morals.~Thus, a number of questions
981 1 (19) | addressing himself to the Moravians, asked “forgiveness, on
982 2, 2 | understandably nuanced, the same motif recurs in all of the Evangelists.
983 4, 2 | past and present is not motivated only by the current interest
984 2, 1 | ecclesial practice that motivates this study, we will restrict
985 5, 1 | can we come to know their motivations and their moral principles.
986 Intro | the questions posed. It moves from a brief historical
987 4, 1 | which is reached through the multiple forms by which the past
988 1, 3 | request for forgiveness to a multitude of historical events in
989 1, 2 | that faith and science are mutually opposed.9 Likewise, it considers
990 6, 3 | these acts share in the mysterious attraction exercised by
991 5, 3 | possible to avoid every form of mythical memory and reach a fair
992 3 (58) | estis et Christum parit: nam membra Christi estis.”~
993 3 (58) | parit et Virgo est. Ex illa nati estis et Christum parit:
994 Intro | much as for governments and nations, beyond being of value for
995 2, 2 | in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. The Old Testament notion
996 5, 4 | may be asked whether the Nazi persecution of the Jews
997 5, 4 | pagan ideology that was Nazism, animated by a merciless
998 6 (94) | opus renovationis nec non reformationis…”: ibid.,
999 6, 2 | contextualized history do not necessarily have a universal significance,
1000 3, 1 | individuals, which are the negation of this living faith: “Ne
1001 5, 5 | to the extent that they neglect their own training in the