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Statistics and graphs (Occurrences: 177942. Words: 10022)
- Ad gentes
Decree on the mission activity of the church December 7, 1965
- Apostolicam actuositatem
Decree on the apostolate of the laity November 18, 1965
- Christus Dominus
Decree concerning the pastoral office of bishops in the Church October 28, 1965
- Dei verbum
Dogmatic constitution on divine revelation November 18, 1965
- Dignitatis humanae
Declaration on religious freedom on the right of the person and of communities to social and civil freedom in matters religious December 7, 1965
- Gaudium et spes
Pastoral constitution on the church in the modern world December 7, 1065
- Gravissimum educationis
Declaration on christian education October 28, 1965
- Inter mirifica
Decree on the media of social communications December 4, 1963
- Lumen gentium
Dogmatic constitution on the Chruch
- Nostra aetate
Declaration on the relation of the church to non-christian religions October 28, 1965
- Optatam totius
Decree on priestly training October 28, 1965
- Orientalium ecclesiarum
Decree on the catholic churches of the eastern rite November 21, 1964
- Perfectae caritatis
Decree on the adaptation and renewal of religious life October 28, 1965
- Presbyterorum ordinis
Decree on the ministry and life of priests December 7, 1965
- Sacrosanctum concilium
Constitution on the sacred liturgy December 4, 1965
- Unitatis redintegratio
Decree on ecumenism November 21, 1964
Printed source | Not available | Source of the electronic transcription | The electronic transcription of this text, available on several Web sites, has been amended and fully integrated by the IntraText editorial staff. | ETML tagging | IntraText editorial staff | Publication details | In Lumen Gentium some footnotes are supplementary. In Ad Gentes footnotes are missing. |