1088-ms | must-zeal
Chapter, §
1 Intro | pontificate of Urban II (1088-99) and not to the time
2 Canons, 2(17) | See council of Melfi (1089), canon 15 (Msi 20, 724) ~
3 Intro | 896-900; Hrd 9 6/2 (1714) 1111-1114; Cl 10 12 (1730) 1333-
4 Intro | 900; Hrd 9 6/2 (1714) 1111-1114; Cl 10 12 (1730) 1333-1337;
5 Canons, 5(24) | antipope Gregory VIII (1118-1121) ~
6 Canons, 1(15) | Council of Toulouse (1119), canon 1 (Msi 21, 226);
7 Canons, 5(24) | antipope Gregory VIII (1118-1121) ~
8 Intro | in Gratian's Decrees (c. 1140), namely canons 1, 3-4,
9 Canons, 6(27) | Council of Toulouse (119), canon 2 (Msi 21, 226); ~
10 Intro | I, were convened in the 11th and 12th centuries but were
11 Intro | medievaux, in Le concile, 125-141; R Eoreville, Latran
12 Intro | 1111-1114; Cl 10 12 (1730) 1333-1337; E. Martene and U.
13 Intro | 1114; Cl 10 12 (1730) 1333-1337; E. Martene and U. Durand,
14 Intro | Pertz); PL 163 (1854) 1361-1365; L. Weiland, in MGH,
15 Intro | Pertz); PL 163 (1854) 1361-1365; L. Weiland, in MGH, Const.,
16 Intro | medievaux, in Le concile, 125-141; R Eoreville, Latran I,
17 Intro | not accept (Br 4 12, 1607, 149-150; ed. Theiner 18, 1869,
18 Intro | accept (Br 4 12, 1607, 149-150; ed. Theiner 18, 1869, 343-
19 Intro | did not accept (Br 4 12, 1607, 149-150; ed. Theiner 18,
20 Intro, 0(5) | Editio Romana], 4 vols. Rome 1608-1612. ~
21 Intro, 0(6) | provincialia ..., 5 vols. Cologne 1609; 9 vols. ibid [ed. 2] .
22 Intro | II, Paris-Besancon 1891, 162-177, A. Hauck, Die Rezeption
23 Intro | 1837, 182-183 (= Pertz); PL 163 (1854) 1361-1365; L. Weiland,
24 Intro, 0(6) | 1618; 11 vols. Paris[ed. 3] 1636. ~
25 Intro, 0(8) | Cossartii ..., 17 vols. Paris 1671-1672 ~
26 Intro, 0(8) | 17 vols. Paris 1671-1672 ~
27 Intro | canons 1, 3-4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16B, 19-22B, and part of 8,
28 Intro, 0(9) | 12 vols. Paris 1714-1715 ~
29 Canons, 12(43)| monumentorum ..., 5 vols. Paris 1717. ~
30 Intro | 1714) 1111-1114; Cl 10 12 (1730) 1333-1337; E. Martene and
31 Intro | canons only (= MD); Msi 11 2 (1748) 355-358; Msi 21 (1776)
32 Intro | 1748) 355-358; Msi 21 (1776) 281-286; G.H. Pertz, in
33 Canons, 1(15) | Fr 1, 360); see Schroeder 179 n. 4 ~
34 Intro | f.ø, II/2 Hanover 1837, 182-183 (= Pertz); PL 163 (1854)
35 Intro | II/2 Hanover 1837, 182-183 (= Pertz); PL 163 (1854)
36 Intro | Leges in f.ø, II/2 Hanover 1837, 182-183 (= Pertz); PL 163 (
37 Intro, 0(14) | 205; see Pertz, Archiv 10 (1849) 682. ~
38 Intro | 182-183 (= Pertz); PL 163 (1854) 1361-1365; L. Weiland,
39 Intro | 149-150; ed. Theiner 18, 1869, 343-344). Twelve more follow
40 Intro, 0(1) | Rolls series 75), London 1885, 272; Annali genovesi di
41 Intro, 0(1) | Italia 11), I Rome-Genoa 1890, 19 ~
42 Intro | Calixte II, Paris-Besancon 1891, 162-177, A. Hauck, Die
43 Intro | in MGH, Const., I Hanover 1893, 574-576 (= MGH). ~The text
44 Intro, 0(2) | 1826-, Libelli, III Hanover 1897, 280; see also Hefele 5/
45 Intro | 19-22B, and part of 8, 18B. As far as we know, Baronius
46 Intro | Reiches . . ., VII Leipzig 1909, 228-239; G Tangl, Die Teilnehmer
47 Intro | BIBLIOGRAPHY H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925)
48 Intro | des Mittelalters, Weimar 1922, 196-205; H. J. Schroeder,
49 Intro | 1912) 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637; DDrC 6 (1957)
50 Intro, 0(11) | Paris and Leipzig 1759-1927 ~
51 Intro | St. Louis, Mo. --London 1937, 177-194; A. Eliche, La
52 Intro | Mo. --London 1937, 177-194; A. Eliche, La reforme gregorienne
53 Intro | Histoire de l'Eglise 8), Paris 1950, 390-393; G. Eranzen, L'
54 Intro, 0(1) | Leclerq, 11 vols. 1907-1952., 5/1, 631 n. 2; and also
55 Intro | 1925) 2628-2637; DDrC 6 (1957) 344-346; LThK 6 (vol 2
56 Intro | Mittelalters, Weimar 1922, 196-205; H. J. Schroeder, Disciplinary
57 Intro | 344-346; LThK 6 (vol 2 1961) 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406;
58 Intro | Histoire des Conciles 6), Paris 1965; M. Mollat and P. Tombeur,
59 Intro | 2 1961) 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402;
60 Intro | oecumeniques medievaux 1), Louvain 1974. ~
61 Intro | NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402; U. Robert, Histoire
62 Intro | Codex of Canon Law 91 (now 2178). Migne transcribed the
63 Intro | VII Leipzig 1909, 228-239; G Tangl, Die Teilnehmer
64 Intro, 0(10) | emendatior exhibeture ..., 23 vols. Venice 1728-1733 ~
65 Intro | VII Leipzig 1909, 228-239; G Tangl, Die Teilnehmer
66 Intro | convocation which he sent on 25 June 1122 to bishop Baldric
67 Intro | 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637; DDrC 6 (1957) 344-
68 Intro | 634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637; DDrC 6 (1957) 344-346;
69 Intro, 0(13) | Durham., Opera Omnia ..., II 270-272 ~
70 Intro, 0(2) | Libelli, III Hanover 1897, 280; see also Hefele 5/1, 631 ~
71 Intro | 355-358; Msi 21 (1776) 281-286; G.H. Pertz, in MGH 12,
72 Intro | 355-358; Msi 21 (1776) 281-286; G.H. Pertz, in MGH 12,
73 Intro | religious, numbering at least 300, gathered in Rome from the
74 Intro | 150; ed. Theiner 18, 1869, 343-344). Twelve more follow
75 Intro | 2637; DDrC 6 (1957) 344-346; LThK 6 (vol 2 1961) 815-
76 Intro | MD); Msi 11 2 (1748) 355-358; Msi 21 (1776) 281-286;
77 Intro | MD); Msi 11 2 (1748) 355-358; Msi 21 (1776) 281-286;
78 Canons, 1(15) | ch. 10 C. I q. 1 (Fr 1, 360); see Schroeder 179 n. 4 ~
79 Intro | libri II Paris l663, 363 (=BdM); LC10 8 (l67l) 896-
80 Intro, 0(4) | ecclesiastici, ed. J. D. Mansi, 38 vols. Lucca 1728-1759) ~
81 Intro | l'Eglise 8), Paris 1950, 390-393; G. Eranzen, L'ecclesiologie
82 Intro | Eglise 8), Paris 1950, 390-393; G. Eranzen, L'ecclesiologie
83 Intro | 1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402; U. Robert, Histoire
84 Intro | 1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402; U. Robert, Histoire du
85 Intro | 1961) 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402; U.
86 Intro | 464-465; ER 7 27 (1644) 37-43; S. Baluze, in P. de Marca,
87 Intro | following: Bn 6 3/2 (1618) 464-465; ER 7 27 (1644) 37-43;
88 Intro | following: Bn 6 3/2 (1618) 464-465; ER 7 27 (1644) 37-43; S.
89 Intro | Vierteljahrschrifl 10 (1907) 468 ff.; G. Meyer von Knonau,
90 Intro, 0(11) | amplissima collectio ..., 53 vols. Florence, Venice,
91 Intro | an appendix after chapter 55". Maybe, therefore, our
92 Intro | Const., I Hanover 1893, 574-576 (= MGH). ~The text of
93 Intro | Const., I Hanover 1893, 574-576 (= MGH). ~The text of the
94 Intro | BIBLIOGRAPHY H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-
95 Intro | BIBLIOGRAPHY H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637;
96 Intro | collectio, VII Paris 1733, 68-69, four canons only (=
97 Intro, 0(14) | Pertz, Archiv 10 (1849) 682. ~
98 Intro | collectio, VII Paris 1733, 68-69, four canons only (= MD);
99 Canons, 2(17) | 1089), canon 15 (Msi 20, 724) ~
100 Intro, 0(1) | T. Arnold (Rolls series 75), London 1885, 272; Annali
101 Intro | 346; LThK 6 (vol 2 1961) 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC
102 Intro | LThK 6 (vol 2 1961) 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC 3 (
103 Intro | 363 (=BdM); LC10 8 (l67l) 896-900; Hrd 9 6/2 (1714) 1111-
104 Intro | BdM); LC10 8 (l67l) 896-900; Hrd 9 6/2 (1714) 1111-1114;
105 Intro | Vienna MS. Codex of Canon Law 91 (now 2178). Migne transcribed
106 Intro | Vatican Reginensis lat. 987 (= R), which was the first
107 Intro | pontificate of Urban II (1088-99) and not to the time of
108 Canons, 22 | the name of a bishop or an abbot, who should be consecrated
109 | about
110 Canons, 16 | Moreover, let them completely abstain from public visitations
111 Intro | correction of ecclesiastical abuses. There were a few other
112 Intro | others which Gratian did not accept (Br 4 12, 1607, 149-150;
113 Intro | differences). This commonly accepted version, which we call B,
114 Intro, 0(9) | Jesu labores haud modica accessione facta et emendationibus
115 | according
116 Canons, 7 | dwell with them solely on account of necessity, namely a mother,
117 Canons, 1 | utterly deprived of the office acquired. 15 ~
118 Canons, 20 | harmed. If anyone dares to act contrary to this and after
119 Canons, 22 | ecclesiastical benefice. Any such action in the past or the future
120 Intro, 0(9) | emendationibus pluribus additis ..., 12 vols. Paris 1714-
121 Canons, 21 | to contract marriages. We adjudge, as the sacred canons have
122 Canons, 15 | violate a truce, he is to be admonished up to three times by the
123 Canons, 15 | in contempt of the third admonition to make reparation, the
124 Canons, 11 | 11. 36 With the advice of our brothers and of the
125 Canons, 4 | dispensing of ecclesiastical affairs remain in the decision and
126 | afterwards
127 | again
128 Intro | though they often do not agree with 13 in their readings.
129 Canons, 22 | cleric should presume to alienate in any way his prebend or
130 Canons, 19 | 19. We allow the service which monasteries
131 | almost
132 Intro | manuscript codices are related to alpa, so far as we are aware 14 ,
133 Intro | sources. We have relegated the alternative version of canons 15-16
134 Canons, 20 | villainy, has not properly made amends within the space of thirty
135 | among
136 Intro, 0(11) | Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio ..., 53 vols.
137 Intro, 0(4) | continued by O. Raynaldi), Anales ecclesiastici, ed. J. D.
138 Intro | of the canons, "from an ancient manuscript codex of the
139 Canons, 12(43)| Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum seu collectio monumentorum ...,
140 Intro | codex of the monastery of Aniane", which is now in the Bibliotheque
141 Intro, 0(1) | series 75), London 1885, 272; Annali genovesi di Caffaro ...,
142 Canons, 5(24) | Maurice Burdinus, antipope Gregory VIII (1118-1121) ~
143 | anywhere
144 Intro, 0(5) | tes katholikes ekklesias apanta. Concilia generalia Ecclesiae
145 Canons, 10 | services in all their lands, apart from the baptism of infants
146 Canons, 14 | visiting the shrines of the apostles and the oratories of other
147 Canons, 18 | 18. Priests are to be appointed to parish churches by the
148 Intro | and supported by the approval of the council, brought
149 Intro | The said concordat was approved and confirmed by the council'
150 Intro, 0(1) | Histoire des conciles d'apres les documents originaux,
151 Intro | The council ended before 6 April, probably on 27 March. ~
152 Canons, 22(59)| dissident archbishops of the church of Ravenna
153 Intro, 0(14) | Chapter Codex 205; see Pertz, Archiv 10 (1849) 682. ~
154 Canons, 7 | no suspicion could justly arise ~
155 Intro, 0(1) | Opera Omnia ..., II ed. T. Arnold (Rolls series 75), London
156 | around
157 Canons, 8 | other lay person should arrogate to himself the disposition
158 Canons, 15 | peace and truce of God or arson or the public highways. ~
159 Intro | addition, Gratian's Decrees ascribe the last 5 canons to the
160 Canons, 16 | of souls which they have assumed. ~In Pertz there is only "
161 Canons, 14 | If anyone tries to attack pilgrims to Rome and foreigners 46
162 Canons, 22(58)| Atto variant reading in B ~
163 Intro | therefore, our B should be attributed to this peculiar version
164 Intro, 0(8) | nunc quarta parte prodit auctior studio Philippi Labbei et
165 Canons, 7 | sister, paternal or maternal aunt, or other such persons,
166 Intro | to alpa, so far as we are aware 14 , including the 12th
167 Intro | on 25 June 1122 to bishop Baldric of Doll. A great number
168 Intro | ER 7 27 (1644) 37-43; S. Baluze, in P. de Marca, Dissertationum
169 Canons, 10 | their lands, apart from the baptism of infants and confessions
170 Canons, 12 | Rotunda and of St Nicholas of Bari, of St Giles 39 , or from
171 Intro | the alpha version as the basis. We think that R and BdM
172 | because
173 Intro | V took part. The council began on 18 March 1123, with the
174 Intro, 0(1) | genovesi di Caffaro ..., ed. L. Belgrano (Fonti per las storia d'
175 Intro | text belongs to alpha. ~We believe the (alpha version is older
176 Canons, 17 | pertain to the bishop) may belong to canon 16 (B). ~
177 Canons, 22 | prebend or any ecclesiastical benefice. Any such action in the
178 Canons, 17 | to seize or hold by force Benevento, the city of blessed Peter.
179 | beyond
180 Intro | we do not reproduce it. ~BIBLIOGRAPHY H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634;
181 Intro | Aniane", which is now in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, was
182 Intro, 0(6) | S. Binius, Concilia generalia et provincialia ...,
183 Canons, 9 | prohibit unions between blood relatives, because both
184 Intro | approval of the council, brought to a successful conclusion
185 Canons, 8 | dispose of any ecclesiastical business; but following the apostolic
186 Intro, 0(1) | 272; Annali genovesi di Caffaro ..., ed. L. Belgrano (Fonti
187 Intro | Robert, Histoire du pape Calixte II, Paris-Besancon 1891,
188 Canons, 16 | no way pertain to their calling. Indeed, in the churches
189 Intro | although none that we know of came from the eastern churches 1.
190 Canons, 10 | Whoever dares to distrain or carry off their houses, families
191 Canons, 9 | the divine laws not only cast out those doing this and
192 Intro, 0(5) | Concilia generalia Ecclesiae catholicae [Editio Romana], 4 vols.
193 Canons, 16 | church of God. They may not celebrate masses in public anywhere.
194 Intro | convened in the 11th and 12th centuries but were not termed ecumenical.
195 Intro | Anselm of Lucca's text. Certainly all the known manuscript
196 Canons, 17 | he shall be bound by the chain of anathema. ~The remaining
197 Canons, 16 | perform anointings and to chant public masses. They shall
198 Intro | gregorienne et la reconquete chretienne (Histoire de l'Eglise 8),
199 Canons, 16 | masses. They shall receive chrism, holy oil, consecrations
200 Intro, 0(3) | canons 14-15 on peace among Christians. ~
201 Canons, 17 | by force Benevento, the city of blessed Peter. If anyone
202 Canons, 4 | something against this, or to claim for himself the power which
203 Canons, 22 | forbid absolutely that any cleric should presume to alienate
204 Intro | Callistus, following as closely as he could the examples
205 Canons, 10 | have put crosses on their clothes, with a view to journeying
206 Canons, 7 | concubines and wives, and to cohabit with other women, except
207 Intro, 0(10) | N. Coleti, Sacrosancta concilia ad
208 Intro | codex "which contains the Collection of Anselm [of Lucca], in
209 Intro, 0(6) | provincialia ..., 5 vols. Cologne 1609; 9 vols. ibid [ed.
210 Canons, 20 | brothers, as well as those who come to pray and what they bring
211 Canons, 10 | later taken them off, we command by our apostolic authority
212 Intro | considerable problem, and a commission of twenty-four fathers had
213 Intro | some differences). This commonly accepted version, which
214 Intro | listes de frequence, tables comparatives (Conciles oecumeniques medievaux
215 Intro | the church were a major concern of the council. The said
216 Intro | conciles medievaux, in Le concile, 125-141; R Eoreville, Latran
217 Intro | occasionally from B; therefore we conclude that this text belongs to
218 Intro | brought to a successful conclusion matters which had engrossed
219 Intro | conciles Latran I a Latran IV: Concordance, index, listes de frequence,
220 Intro | Marca, Dissertationum de concordia sacerdotii et imperii ...
221 Canons, 22 | 22. We condemn the alienations which have
222 Intro | the council was called and conducted by the pope and the fathers
223 Canons, 22 | church, and the ordinations conferred by them without the consent
224 Intro | us. We think that little confidence can be placed in MGH, which
225 Canons, 15 | 15. 48 We confirm, with the authority of the
226 Intro | church. ~There had long been conflict between church and state,
227 Canons, 3 | 3. 18 No one may consecrate as a bishop someone who
228 Canons, 16 | receive chrism, holy oil, consecrations of altars and ordinations
229 Canons, 3 | presume to do this, let both consecrator and consecrated be deposed 19
230 Intro | of Genoa and Pisa was a considerable problem, and a commission
231 Intro | version, which we call B, consists of 22 canons and seems to
232 Intro | 1365; L. Weiland, in MGH, Const., I Hanover 1893, 574-576 (=
233 Canons, 4 | bishop. Rather, as it is constituted by the holy canons, let
234 Intro | is a Vatican codex "which contains the Collection of Anselm [
235 Intro | Regum" 13 (= S), which is contemporaneous. This point has not been
236 Canons, 15 | reparation. If he acts in contempt of the third admonition
237 Canons, 16 | That on Sunday mnorning, continuing the fast of Saturday, there
238 Canons, 21 | to have concubines or to contract marriages. We adjudge, as
239 Canons, 21 | laid down, that marriage contracts between such persons should
240 Canons, 20 | If anyone dares to act contrary to this and after recognizing
241 Intro | similar to Lateran I, were convened in the 11th and 12th centuries
242 Intro | himself says in the letter of convocation which he sent on 25 June
243 Intro | earlier time and to have been corrected occasionally from B; therefore
244 Intro | abolition of simony and to the correction of ecclesiastical abuses.
245 Intro | groups: the "Parisian", more correctly called the "Roman"- the
246 Intro | Also, the struggle for the Corsican episcopacy between the churches
247 Intro, 0(8) | P. Labbe and G. Cossart, Sacrosancta concilia ad
248 Canons, 15 | bishop, either with the counsel of the metropolitan 49
249 Canons, 13 | or intentionally spends counterfeit money shall be separated
250 Intro | twenty-four fathers had to be created by the pope in order to
251 Intro | in MGH, which is the only critical edition so far made. Its
252 Canons, 9 | judge them to be infamous. ~[crusades] ~
253 Canons, 11 | brothers and of the whole curia, and also with the wish
254 Canons, 10 | Otherwise, from that moment we cut them off from entry into
255 Canons, 17 | Peter. If anyone should dare otherwise, he shall be bound
256 Intro | the text of Msi seems to date from an earlier time and
257 Canons, 16 | to Dioscorus, that on the day of the resurrection there
258 Canons, 20 | within the space of thirty days, let him be banished from
259 Intro | DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637; DDrC 6 (1957) 344-346; LThK 6 (
260 Canons, 11 | obtaining with respect to the dead Porticani, so that the goods
261 Intro | 12 make mention of this debate. Thereby a measure of peace
262 Canons, 10 | church, just as has been decreed by our lord pope Urban.
263 Canons, 10 | effective help towards the defence of the christian people
264 Intro | Tangl, Die Teilnehmer an den allgemeinen Konzilien des
265 Canons, 15 | anathema on the rebel, and denounce him in writing to the bishops
266 Intro | which Br and possibly Rm depend is a Vatican codex "which
267 Canons, 3 | consecrator and consecrated be deposed 19 beyond hope of restoration. ~
268 Canons, 9 | people disreputable and deprive them of inheritance. We,
269 Intro | Rezeption und Umbildung der allgemeinen Synode im Mittelalter,
270 Intro | of 22 canons and seems to derive from two manuscript codices (
271 Canons, 17 | 17. 52 In our desire to preserve in peace, by
272 Canons, 15 | Spirit, whatever has been determined by the Roman pontiffs our
273 Intro | von Knonau, Jahrbucher des deutschen Reiches . . ., VII Leipzig
274 Intro, 0(1) | 1885, 272; Annali genovesi di Caffaro ..., ed. L. Belgrano (
275 | did
276 Intro | the pope and the fathers differed from that of the older councils.
277 Intro | by Rm (though with some differences). This commonly accepted
278 Intro | the canons presents some difficulties. Bn 2, ER, LC, Hrd, Cl and
279 Canons, 16 | from the bishops in whose dioceses they reside. ~
280 Canons, 16 | The examples of Leo to Dioscorus, that on the day of the
281 Canons, 20 | traditions of the fathers, and discharging the duty of our pastoral
282 Intro | 196-205; H. J. Schroeder, Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils,
283 Intro | Thereby a measure of peace and discipline was restored to the church. ~
284 Canons, 4 | the care of souls and the dispensing of ecclesiastical affairs
285 Canons, 11 | without heirs are not to be dispersed against the wishes of those
286 Canons, 8 | may be, have no power to dispose of any ecclesiastical business;
287 Canons, 8 | arrogate to himself the disposition or donation 32 of ecclesiastical
288 Canons, 9 | secular laws call such people disreputable and deprive them of inheritance.
289 Intro | Baluze, in P. de Marca, Dissertationum de concordia sacerdotii
290 Canons, 22(59)| dissident archbishops of the church
291 Canons, 10 | Urban. Whoever dares to distrain or carry off their houses,
292 Canons, 13 | oppressor of the poor and a disturber of the state. ~
293 Intro | made. Its editor, Weiland, divided the sources into three groups:
294 Intro | omit these five canons. The document on which Br and possibly
295 Intro, 0(1) | des conciles d'apres les documents originaux, trans. and continued
296 Canons, 9 | not only cast out those doing this and their progeny but
297 Intro | 1122 to bishop Baldric of Doll. A great number of bishops,
298 Canons, 8(32) | domination in Pertz and variant reading
299 Canons, 8 | himself the disposition or donation 32 of ecclesiastical things
300 | done
301 Intro, 0(2) | Reichersberg, Libellus de ordine donorum sancti Spiritus, ed. E.
302 Intro | reasonable, however, to doubt its ecumenicity. Indeed
303 | down
304 Intro | H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634; DThC 8/2 (1925) 2628-2637; DDrC
305 Intro | 402; U. Robert, Histoire du pape Calixte II, Paris-Besancon
306 Canons, 16 | with all humility, and show due obedience and devoted submission
307 | during
308 Canons, 20 | fathers, and discharging the duty of our pastoral office,
309 Canons, 7 | council of Nicaea permitted to dwell with them solely on account
310 Canons, 11 | that the goods of Porticani dwellers dying without heirs are
311 Intro | we know of came from the eastern churches 1. There is no
312 Intro, 0(5) | apanta. Concilia generalia Ecclesiae catholicae [Editio Romana],
313 Intro, 0(4) | by O. Raynaldi), Anales ecclesiastici, ed. J. D. Mansi, 38 vols.
314 Intro | 390-393; G. Eranzen, L'ecclesiologie des conciles medievaux,
315 Intro | centuries but were not termed ecumenical. The ecumenicity of this
316 Intro | together R and all the other editions, and have prepared our text
317 Intro | edition so far made. Its editor, Weiland, divided the sources
318 Canons, 10 | for Jerusalem and offer effective help towards the defence
319 Intro | engrossed the whole church's effort and zeal for almost fifty
320 Intro | chretienne (Histoire de l'Eglise 8), Paris 1950, 390-393;
321 | either
322 Intro, 0(5) | iokoumenikon synodon tes katholikes ekklesias apanta. Concilia generalia
323 Intro | London 1937, 177-194; A. Eliche, La reforme gregorienne
324 Intro, 0(9) | modica accessione facta et emendationibus pluribus additis ..., 12
325 Intro, 0(10) | longe locupletior et emendatior exhibeture ..., 23 vols.
326 Intro | evidence that legates of the emperor Henry V took part. The council
327 | end
328 Intro | two sessions. The council ended before 6 April, probably
329 Intro | conclusion matters which had engrossed the whole church's effort
330 Canons, 10 | moment we cut them off from entry into church and forbid divine
331 Intro | in Le concile, 125-141; R Eoreville, Latran I, II, III et Latran
332 Intro | struggle for the Corsican episcopacy between the churches of
333 Intro | Paris 1950, 390-393; G. Eranzen, L'ecclesiologie des conciles
334 Canons, 22 | have been made everywhere, especially by Otto 58 , Jeremias,
335 | everywhere
336 Intro | churches 1. There is no evidence that legates of the emperor
337 Canons, 14 | trouble merchants 47 with new exactions of tolls and fees, let him
338 Canons, 22 | of the property of the exarchate of Ravenna. Moreover, we
339 Canons, 2 | absolutely forbid those excommunicated by their own bishops to
340 Canons, 10 | shall be punished with excommunication. 35 Those who have put
341 Intro, 0(10) | locupletior et emendatior exhibeture ..., 23 vols. Venice 1728-
342 Canons, 11 | This, however, is to the extent that the Porticani remain
343 Intro | Pertz, in MGH 12, Leges in f.ø, II/2 Hanover 1837, 182-
344 Intro, 0(9) | labores haud modica accessione facta et emendationibus pluribus
345 Canons, 16 | mnorning, continuing the fast of Saturday, there can be
346 Canons, 14 | new exactions of tolls and fees, let him be deprived of
347 Intro | Vierteljahrschrifl 10 (1907) 468 ff.; G. Meyer von Knonau, Jahrbucher
348 Intro | effort and zeal for almost fifty years. ~A number of canons
349 Intro | eta] as variant readings. Finally, the text printed by Msi "
350 Intro, 0(11) | collectio ..., 53 vols. Florence, Venice, Paris and Leipzig
351 Intro | 1869, 343-344). Twelve more follow in the Roman edition (Rm 5
352 Intro, 0(1) | Caffaro ..., ed. L. Belgrano (Fonti per las storia d'Italia
353 Intro | version of canons 15-16 to a footnote, and the last five canons
354 Canons, 16 | 16. 50 Following in the footsteps of the holy fathers, we
355 Canons, 17 | presume to seize or hold by force Benevento, the city of blessed
356 Canons, 14 | attack pilgrims to Rome and foreigners 46 visiting the shrines
357 Canons, 12 | authority we forbid the fortification or taking hold of churches
358 | found
359 Canons, 1(15) | 226); ch. 10 C. I q. 1 (Fr 1, 360); see Schroeder 179
360 Intro | investiture of prelates and the freedom of the church were a major
361 Intro | Concordance, index, listes de frequence, tables comparatives (Conciles
362 | further
363 Canons, 22 | action in the past or the future shall be invalid and subject
364 Intro | numbering at least 300, gathered in Rome from the western
365 Intro, 0(7) | Conciliorum omnium generalium et provincialium collectio [
366 Intro | between the churches of Genoa and Pisa was a considerable
367 Intro, 0(1) | London 1885, 272; Annali genovesi di Caffaro ..., ed. L. Belgrano (
368 Canons, 16 | forbid abbots and monks to give public penances, to visit
369 Canons, 17 | preserve in peace, by the grace of God, the possessions
370 Intro | bishop Baldric of Doll. A great number of bishops, abbots
371 Intro | 194; A. Eliche, La reforme gregorienne et la reconquete chretienne (
372 Intro | two sources of the third group, omitting for no reason
373 Intro | reproduce it. ~BIBLIOGRAPHY H-L 5/1 (1912) 630-634; DThC
374 Intro, 0(5) | Ton hagion iokoumenikon synodon tes
375 Intro, 0(9) | J. Hardouin, Conciliorum collectio regia
376 Canons, 20 | under protection and not be harmed. If anyone dares to act
377 Intro | Paris-Besancon 1891, 162-177, A. Hauck, Die Rezeption und Umbildung
378 Intro, 0(9) | e Societate Jesu labores haud modica accessione facta
379 Canons, 20 | 20. Having in mind the examples in
380 Intro | 815-816; NCE 8 (1967) 406; HC 3 (1980) 401-402; U. Robert,
381 Canons, 16 | anointings and even from hearing confessions, for these things
382 Canons, 11 | Porticani dwellers dying without heirs are not to be dispersed
383 Intro | general Roman council was held "for various important matters
384 Canons, 10 | Jerusalem and offer effective help towards the defence of the
385 Intro | that legates of the emperor Henry V took part. The council
386 Canons, 5 | ordinations made by the heresiarch Burdinus 24 , after he was
387 Canons, 15 | God or arson or the public highways. ~Msi (as canon 14) and
388 Intro | mentioned in Simeon of Durham's "Historia Regum" 13 (= S), which is
389 Intro | allgemeinen Synode im Mittelalter, Historische Vierteljahrschrifl 10 (1907)
390 Canons, 11 | of that immoral practice hitherto obtaining with respect to
391 Canons, 3 | consecrated be deposed 19 beyond hope of restoration. ~
392 Canons, 16 | own bishops 51 with all humility, and show due obedience
393 Intro, 0(6) | vols. Cologne 1609; 9 vols. ibid [ed. 2] . 1618; 11 vols.
394 Intro | Pertz. But he completely ignored the similarities between
395 Intro | Umbildung der allgemeinen Synode im Mittelalter, Historische
396 Canons, 11 | order the abolition of that immoral practice hitherto obtaining
397 Intro | concordia sacerdotii et imperii ...libri II Paris l663,
398 Intro | other matters of lesser importance. Also, the struggle for
399 Intro | council was held "for various important matters of the church",
400 Intro | far as we are aware 14 , including the 12th century Vatican
401 Intro | Latran IV: Concordance, index, listes de frequence, tables
402 Canons, 9 | infamy and judge them to be infamous. ~[crusades] ~
403 Canons, 9 | fathers, mark them with infamy and judge them to be infamous. ~[
404 Canons, 10 | apart from the baptism of infants and confessions for the
405 Canons, 10 | overcoming the tyranny of the infidels, we grant the remission
406 Canons, 9 | disreputable and deprive them of inheritance. We, therefore, following
407 Intro | MGH text except in a few instances. There is a preface to the
408 Canons, 13 | Whoever knowingly makes or intentionally spends counterfeit money
409 Intro | INTRODUCTION ~In 1123, during the pontificate
410 Canons, 22 | persons, whether they were intruded or were canonically elected
411 Intro | questions concerning the investiture of prelates and the freedom
412 Intro, 0(5) | Ton hagion iokoumenikon synodon tes katholikes ekklesias
413 Intro, 0(1) | Fonti per las storia d'Italia 11), I Rome-Genoa 1890,
414 Intro | ff.; G. Meyer von Knonau, Jahrbucher des deutschen Reiches . . .,
415 Canons, 22 | especially by Otto 58 , Jeremias, and perhaps Philip 59 ,
416 Intro, 0(9) | Gabrielis Cossartii e Societate Jesu labores haud modica accessione
417 Canons, 10 | again and to complete the journey between this Easter and
418 Canons, 10 | clothes, with a view to journeying to Jerusalem or to Spain,
419 Intro | convocation which he sent on 25 June 1122 to bishop Baldric of
420 Canons, 10 | Peter and the Roman church, just as has been decreed by our
421 Canons, 7 | whom no suspicion could justly arise ~
422 Intro, 0(1) | the number of fathers, see K.J. Hefele, Histoire des
423 Intro, 0(5) | iokoumenikon synodon tes katholikes ekklesias apanta. Concilia
424 Intro | 1907) 468 ff.; G. Meyer von Knonau, Jahrbucher des deutschen
425 Canons, 13 | 13. 44 Whoever knowingly makes or intentionally spends
426 Intro | text. Certainly all the known manuscript codices are related
427 Intro | Teilnehmer an den allgemeinen Konzilien des Mittelalters, Weimar
428 Intro | imperii ...libri II Paris l663, 363 (=BdM); LC10 8 (l67l)
429 Intro | l663, 363 (=BdM); LC10 8 (l67l) 896-900; Hrd 9 6/2 (1714)
430 Intro, 0(8) | P. Labbe and G. Cossart, Sacrosancta
431 Intro, 0(9) | Cossartii e Societate Jesu labores haud modica accessione facta
432 Canons, 21 | as the sacred canons have laid down, that marriage contracts
433 Canons, 12 | forbid and prohibit the laity, under the penalty of anathema,
434 Intro, 0(3) | the recovery of the holy Land, and canons 14-15 on peace
435 Canons, 10 | divine services in all their lands, apart from the baptism
436 Intro, 0(1) | L. Belgrano (Fonti per las storia d'Italia 11), I Rome-Genoa
437 Intro | century Vatican Reginensis lat. 987 (= R), which was the
438 Intro | manuscript of the marquis of Laubes", and Pertz published sixteen
439 Intro | Vienna MS. Codex of Canon Law 91 (now 2178). Migne transcribed
440 Intro | Paris l663, 363 (=BdM); LC10 8 (l67l) 896-900; Hrd 9
441 Intro | des conciles medievaux, in Le concile, 125-141; R Eoreville,
442 Intro, 0(1) | trans. and continued by H. Leclerq, 11 vols. 1907-1952., 5/
443 Intro | There is no evidence that legates of the emperor Henry V took
444 Intro | G.H. Pertz, in MGH 12, Leges in f.ø, II/2 Hanover 1837,
445 Canons, 16 | then : "The examples of Leo to Dioscorus, that on the
446 Intro | were a few other matters of lesser importance. Also, the struggle
447 Intro | Callistus himself says in the letter of convocation which he
448 Intro | called "general" in the letters and decrees of Pope Callistus
449 Canons, 16 | resurrection there may be a levitical and a sacerdotal ordination,
450 Intro, 0(2) | Hannover and Berlin 1826-, Libelli, III Hanover 1897, 280;
451 Intro, 0(2) | Gerhoh of Reichersberg, Libellus de ordine donorum sancti
452 Intro | sacerdotii et imperii ...libri II Paris l663, 363 (=BdM);
453 Intro | IV: Concordance, index, listes de frequence, tables comparatives (
454 Intro | examined by us. We think that little confidence can be placed
455 Canons, 7 | deacons or subdeacons to live with concubines and wives,
456 Intro | canons from alpha(except ll-12, 15-17) are mentioned in
457 Intro, 0(10) | parte prodiit ... longe locupletior et emendatior exhibeture ...,
458 Intro | Roman church. ~There had long been conflict between church
459 Intro, 0(10) | quarta parte prodiit ... longe locupletior et emendatior
460 Canons, 10 | has been decreed by our lord pope Urban. Whoever dares
461 Intro | the General Councils, St. Louis, Mo. --London 1937, 177-
462 Intro | oecumeniques medievaux 1), Louvain 1974. ~
463 Intro | DDrC 6 (1957) 344-346; LThK 6 (vol 2 1961) 815-816;
464 Intro | Conciles 6), Paris 1965; M. Mollat and P. Tombeur,
465 Intro | freedom of the church were a major concern of the council.
466 Canons, 8 | ecclesiastical matters, and let him manage them as in the sight of
467 Intro | ecumenicity. Indeed the manner in which the council was
468 Intro | 43; S. Baluze, in P. de Marca, Dissertationum de concordia
469 Canons, 9 | following our fathers, mark them with infamy and judge
470 Intro | from a manuscript of the marquis of Laubes", and Pertz published
471 Canons, 21 | canons have laid down, that marriage contracts between such persons
472 Canons, 21 | concubines or to contract marriages. We adjudge, as the sacred
473 Intro, 0(11) | Mansi (continued by J.B. Martin and L. Petit), Sacrorum
474 Canons, 12 | of the Saviour and of St Mary Rotunda and of St Nicholas
475 Canons, 16 | in all things, as if to masters and shepherds of the church
476 Canons, 7 | mother, sister, paternal or maternal aunt, or other such persons,
477 Intro | in order to resolve the matter; for this see canons 1,
478 Canons, 5(24) | Maurice Burdinus, antipope Gregory
479 Intro, 0(9) | Conciliorum collectio regia maxima ad p. Philippi Labbei et
480 | Maybe
481 Intro | of this debate. Thereby a measure of peace and discipline
482 Canons, 2(17) | See council of Melfi (1089), canon 15 (Msi 20,
483 Intro | canons 3-4, 8 and 12 make mention of this debate. Thereby
484 Intro | except ll-12, 15-17) are mentioned in Simeon of Durham's "Historia
485 Intro | Vierteljahrschrifl 10 (1907) 468 ff.; G. Meyer von Knonau, Jahrbucher des
486 Intro | Canon Law 91 (now 2178). Migne transcribed the text of
487 Canons, 17 | under pain of anathema, any military 53 person to presume to
488 Canons, 20 | 20. Having in mind the examples in the traditions
489 Canons, 16 | the churches where their ministry is recognized, they may
490 Intro | der allgemeinen Synode im Mittelalter, Historische Vierteljahrschrifl
491 Intro | allgemeinen Konzilien des Mittelalters, Weimar 1922, 196-205; H.
492 Canons, 16 | ordination, ch 19. That on Sunday mnorning, continuing the fast of
493 Intro | General Councils, St. Louis, Mo. --London 1937, 177-194;
494 Intro, 0(9) | Societate Jesu labores haud modica accessione facta et emendationibus
495 Intro | Conciles 6), Paris 1965; M. Mollat and P. Tombeur, Les conciles
496 Canons, 10 | Easter. Otherwise, from that moment we cut them off from entry
497 Canons, 19 | allow the service which monasteries and their churches have
498 Intro | manuscript codex of the monastery of Aniane", which is now
499 Canons, 7 | account of necessity, namely a mother, sister, paternal or maternal
500 Intro | two rubrics) from Vienna MS. Codex of Canon Law 91 (