Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
Ioannes PP. XXIII

IntraText CT - Statistics

Overview - By frequency - By first letter - By last letter - By length

  • Occurrences: 84799
  • Words (tokens): 7525
  • Occ./Words: 11,27
  • Occurrences of function words: 44826
  • Function words: 262
  • Average occurrence length: 4,65
  • Average word length: 7,4

Occurrence distribution by frequency groups

13319 ===============
22378 ===========
31857 =========
41816 ========
51395 =======
61212 ======
71169 ======
8864 ====
91071 =====
10890 ====
11803 ====
12912 ====
13728 ====
14560 ===
20-153321 ===============
50-2110333 ==============================================
100-517691 ==================================
200-1017357 =================================
500-2017762 ==================================
1000-5018333 =====================================
2000-10015233 =======================
5000-200110199 =============================================
5596-50015596 =========================

Word (token) distribution by frequency

13319 ==============================================
21189 =================
3619 =========
4454 =======
5279 ====
6202 ===
7167 ===
8108 ==
9119 ==
1089 ==
1173 =
1276 ==
1356 =
1440 =
20-15193 ===
50-21332 =====
100-51110 ==
200-10153 =
500-20126 =
1000-50113 =
2000-10014 =
5000-20013 =
5596-50011 =

Alphabetical occurrence distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)2568 =========
A9650 ===============================
B3044 ==========
C4438 ==============
D2129 =======
E2708 =========
F2957 ==========
G1485 =====
H3177 ==========
I5815 ===================
J414 ==
K231 =
L1740 ======
M3158 ==========
N1584 =====
O7195 =======================
P3900 =============
Q96 =
R2016 =======
S4827 ================
T14434 ==============================================
U958 ===
V746 ===
W4825 ================
X236 =
Y433 ==
Z35 =

Alphabetical word (token) distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)506 =================================
A573 ======================================
B254 =================
C650 ===========================================
D438 =============================
E460 ==============================
F315 =====================
G169 ===========
H201 ==============
I422 ============================
J41 ===
K31 ===
L231 ================
M293 ====================
N131 =========
O204 ==============
P583 ======================================
Q29 ==
R455 ==============================
S692 ==============================================
T312 =====================
U165 ===========
V107 =======
W222 ===============
X16 ==
Y20 ==
Z5 =

Occurrence distribution by last letter

(0-9)2550 =======
A1256 ====
B19 =
C630 ==
D7703 =====================
E16663 ==============================================
F4834 ==============
G1780 =====
H2703 ========
I412 ==
J1 =
K385 ==
L3338 ==========
M1256 ====
N7353 ====================
O4161 ============
P469 ==
Q10 =
R4765 =============
S11092 ==============================
T7020 ===================
U199 =
V128 =
W395 ==
X33 =
Y5642 ================
Z2 =

Word (token) distribution by last letter

(0-9)492 ================
A76 ===
B8 =
C60 ==
D913 ==============================
E1049 ==================================
F27 =
G532 ==================
H158 ======
I57 ==
J1 =
K46 ==
L301 ==========
M127 =====
N557 ==================
O60 ==
P43 ==
Q2 =
R295 ==========
S1405 ==============================================
T561 ==================
U8 =
V9 =
W38 ==
X10 =
Y688 =======================
Z2 =

Occurrence distribution by length

12281 ======
217231 ===========================================
318183 ==============================================
412489 ===============================
58388 =====================
66635 =================
75699 ===============
84370 ===========
94046 ===========
102655 =======
111386 ====
12820 ===
13351 =
14165 =
1548 =
1626 =
179 =
184 =
194 =
202 =
211 =
222 =
233 =
241 =

Word (token) distribution by length

241 =
232 =
222 =
211 =
202 =
194 =
184 =
178 =
1621 =
1534 ==
1465 ===
13138 ======
12283 ============
11437 ===================
10692 ==============================
9865 =====================================
8998 ===========================================
71068 ==============================================
6934 ========================================
5704 ==============================
4599 ==========================
3481 =====================
2151 =======
131 ==

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