Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
Mother Maria Skobtsova
Types of Religious Lives

IntraText CT - Statistics

Overview - By frequency - By first letter - By last letter - By length

  • Occurrences: 17861
  • Words (tokens): 3124
  • Occ./Words: 5,72
  • Occurrences of function words: 10387
  • Function words: 229
  • Average occurrence length: 4,66
  • Average word length: 7,36

Occurrence distribution by frequency groups

11790 ==================================
21008 ===================
3717 ==============
4504 ==========
5435 =========
6324 =======
7273 ======
8312 ======
9171 ====
10180 ====
11187 ====
12132 ===
1378 ==
14154 ===
20-15732 ==============
50-212161 =========================================
100-512109 ========================================
200-1011496 ============================
500-2012424 ==============================================
1000-5011499 ============================
1175-10011175 ======================

Word (token) distribution by frequency

11790 ==============================================
2504 =============
3239 =======
4126 ====
587 ===
654 ==
739 =
839 =
919 =
1018 =
1117 =
1211 =
136 =
1411 =
20-1543 ==
50-2169 ==
100-5129 =
200-10112 =
500-2018 =
1000-5012 =
1175-10011 =

Alphabetical occurrence distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)40 =
A1933 ===============================
B694 ===========
C954 ===============
D453 ========
E504 ========
F593 ==========
G277 =====
H772 =============
I1634 ==========================
J29 =
K93 ==
L487 ========
M508 ========
N404 =======
O1781 ============================
P647 ===========
Q20 =
R399 =======
S1302 =====================
T2895 ==============================================
U187 ===
V107 ==
W1086 =================
Y61 =
Z1 =

Alphabetical word (token) distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)22 ===
A238 ==============================
B131 =================
C303 ======================================
D191 ========================
E171 ======================
F135 =================
G80 ==========
H93 ============
I154 ====================
J15 ==
K23 ===
L106 ==============
M138 ==================
N66 =========
O98 =============
P247 ===============================
Q10 ==
R179 =======================
S360 ==============================================
T158 ====================
U62 ========
V41 ======
W93 ============
Y9 ==
Z1 =

Occurrence distribution by last letter

(0-9)39 =
A358 =====
B8 =
C98 ==
D1578 ====================
E3678 ==============================================
F1094 ==============
G464 ======
H587 ========
I64 =
K82 ==
L717 =========
M338 =====
N1489 ===================
O678 =========
P70 =
R854 ===========
S2551 ================================
T1818 =======================
U41 =
V8 =
W127 ==
X18 =
Y1102 ==============

Word (token) distribution by last letter

(0-9)21 ==
A22 ==
B6 =
C30 ===
D389 ===========================
E473 =================================
F14 =
G197 ==============
H51 ====
I6 =
K34 ===
L153 ===========
M60 =====
N248 ==================
O14 =
P24 ==
R132 ==========
S651 ==============================================
T265 ===================
U2 =
V6 =
W25 ==
X2 =
Y299 =====================

Occurrence distribution by length

1555 =======
23403 =========================================
33809 ==============================================
42862 ==================================
51802 ======================
61446 ==================
71215 ===============
8784 ==========
9808 ==========
10532 =======
11266 ====
12181 ===
13103 ==
1443 =
1525 =
1614 =
179 =
182 =
191 =
201 =

Word (token) distribution by length

201 =
191 =
182 =
177 =
168 =
1518 ==
1425 ===
1362 =======
12100 ==========
11172 =================
10256 =========================
9323 ================================
8413 =========================================
7462 ==============================================
6443 ============================================
5374 =====================================
4314 ===============================
396 ==========
235 ====
112 ==

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