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Alphabetical    [«  »]
good 54
goodness 10
goods 4
gospel 7
govern 2
governing 1
governs 2
Frequency    [«  »]
7 forth
7 gifts
7 glorify
7 gospel
7 guilty
7 heard
7 herod
Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios
Orthodox Catechism

IntraText - Concordances


1 6 | Father. Again we find in the Gospel of St. John, "For God so 2 7 | they are mistaken. In the Gospel of St. John, at the Lord' 3 17| look at quotations from the Gospel and the Holy Fathers concerning 4 21| and have been taught the Gospel do not have the strength 5 23| the world -- to hear Your Gospel and to become members of 6 25| the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He 7 35| twenty-fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew we see that all

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