Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
Alphabetical    [«  »]
includes 1
incomparable 6
inconsistent 1
increase 3
increased 7
increases 3
inculcate 1
Frequency    [«  »]
3 impulsion
3 inclinations
3 inclines
3 increase
3 increases
3 indelible
3 indulge
Maulana Jalalu-'d-din Muhammad Rumi
Masnavi I Ma'navi

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter
1 5, 3 | origin.~As these mean states increase, union recedes;~As they 2 5, 13| Beloved.~Strive, then, to increase the number of these ideas,~ 3 6, 9 | the lovesick one cries, "Increase my waning!~I have never

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