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Alphabetical    [«  »]
dies 1
differ 1
differed 1
difference 12
differences 1
different 24
differently 2
Frequency    [«  »]
12 clauses
12 context
12 deliver
12 difference
12 directions
12 discourse
12 easily
St. Augustine
On Christian Doctrine

IntraText - Concordances


   Book, Chapter
1 1, 4| Chap. 4. Difference of use and enjoyment~ 2 1, 38| For there is this great difference between things temporal 3 2, 12| false; and there is a wide difference between the two things. 4 2, 16| some metaphors from the difference between the psalters and 5 2, 22| constellation. But what a difference there was between the characters, 6 2, 22| he does not discover the difference when he examines the constellations, 7 2, 22| profit him that there is a difference in the heavens, which he 8 2, 22| disrepute, when there is no difference in his chart, which he looks 9 3, 3| the ancients said that the difference between an inquiry and an 10 3, 3| hesitation, I do not see how a difference can be made. But neither 11 3, 7| adoration of the creature. What difference does it make to me, for 12 3, 34| with great acuteness the difference between a part and a species.

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