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Alphabetical    [«  »]
prefects 1
prelates 1
present 4
priest 14
priesthood 4
priests 3
primarily 1
Frequency    [«  »]
14 into
14 lord
14 penance
14 priest
14 them
14 was
14 water
St. Thomas Aquinas
Explanation of the Sacraments

IntraText - Concordances


                                             bold = Main text
   Chapter                                   grey = Comment text
1 4 | Baptism ordinarily is the priest, whose ~office it is to 2 4(14) | The priest is the ordinary minister 3 7 | It is not licit for a ~priest to anoint on the forehead 4 7(20) | A priest of the Latin Rite who has 5 9 | administered by one who is only a priest. Against this it is said ~ 6 10 | These words spoken by the priest ~in the person of Christ 7 10 | of ~this Sacrament is the priest; and no one else can consecrate 8 13 | which he is mindful to the priest; and all of them at one 9 13 | them at one time ~to one priest, not dividing them to a 10 13 | according to the judgment of the priest; ~and consists especially 11 13 | of absolution which the priest ~speaks when he says: "I 12 13 | of ~this Sacrament is the priest having authority to absolve, 13 13(28)| Sacrament of Penance ~must be a priest possessing ordinary or delegated 14 14 | of this Sacrament is the priest. The ~effect of this Sacrament

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