bold = Main text
Chapter grey = Comment text
1 1 | of "The ~City of God": "a Sacrament is a sacred thing" or "the
2 1 | grace and confer ~it. A Sacrament of the New Law is a visible
3 1 | away sin by virtue of the ~Sacrament of Baptism.3~ ~There are
4 1(3) | A Sacrament, therefore, is clearly understood
5 1(3) | more fully the nature ~of a Sacrament it should be taught that
6 2 | which is brought through the Sacrament of Baptism: "Unless a ~man
7 2 | indeed comes ~to him in the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is
8 2 | spiritually through the Sacrament of ~Penance: "Heal, O Lord,
9 2 | soul and in body in the Sacrament of Extreme Unction: ~"Is
10 2 | the ~Church. Through the Sacrament of Orders the Church is
11 3 | all the ~Sacraments that a Sacrament is made up of words and
12 3 | to the ~element, and the Sacrament is made."10 Now, the words
13 3 | Confirmation.~ ~In each Sacrament there is required a minister,
14 3 | minister, who confers the Sacrament ~with the intention of doing
15 3 | requirements is lacking, the Sacrament is not brought into ~being,
16 3 | not intend to confer the ~Sacrament.11~ ~The effect of the Sacrament
17 3 | Sacrament.11~ ~The effect of the Sacrament is likewise impeded through
18 3 | he actually receives ~the Sacrament, does not receive the effect
19 3 | receive the effect of the Sacrament, that is, the ~grace of
20 3(11) | into the definition of a Sacrament as ~already given, although
21 3(11) | a twofold nature. ~Every Sacrament consists of two things: '
22 3(11) | immediately understand that the Sacrament possesses~and signifies
23 3 | receive the effect of the Sacrament because ~of their devotion
24 3 | their devotion towards the Sacrament, which they may have in
25 3 | characteristic of each individual ~Sacrament. Certain ones impress a
26 3 | never again receive this Sacrament; neither can he who ~has
27 4 | that the matter of this Sacrament is natural water, ~and it
28 4 | necessity, he received the Sacrament and must not again be ~baptized;
29 4 | baptized; but the grace of the Sacrament is not received, because
30 4(14) | grace. The grace of the Sacrament is revived ("reviviscitur") ~
31 6 | certain errors concerning this Sacrament. The first was ~that of
32 6 | passion, gives to each Sacrament its efficacy; and He is
33 7 | Confirmation~ ~The second Sacrament is Confirmation. The matter
34 7 | Confirmation. The matter of this Sacrament is ~chrism made from oil,
35 7 | bishop. The form of this Sacrament is: "I sign thee with the ~
36 7 | The ~minister of this Sacrament is solely the bishop.19
37 7(19) | Apostolic can confer this Sacrament validly and only within ~
38 9 | Greeks erred concerning this Sacrament in saying that it ~could
39 9 | they impose hands when the Sacrament ~of Confirmation is administered.~ ~ ~
40 10 | holy Eucharist~ ~The third Sacrament is the Holy Eucharist. Its
41 10 | be the ~matter for this Sacrament. The form of this Sacrament
42 10 | Sacrament. The form of this Sacrament is the very words of ~Christ, "
43 10 | Christ brings into being this Sacrament. The minister of ~this Sacrament
44 10 | Sacrament. The minister of ~this Sacrament is the priest; and no one
45 11 | Eucharist~ ~The effect of this Sacrament is twofold: first, in the
46 11 | very consecration of ~the Sacrament, since in virtue of the
47 11 | The ~second effect of this Sacrament brought about in the soul
48 11(21)| blood. ~Again, since the Sacrament is to be used by us as the
49 11 | follows that through this Sacrament grace is increased in ~those
50 11 | Thus, therefore, in this Sacrament there is ~that which is
51 11 | there is ~that which is the Sacrament alone ("sacramentum tantum"),
52 11 | the Church which ~this Sacrament both signifies and causes.23~ ~
53 11(23)| Those who receive this Sacrament piously and fervently must,
54 12 | many errors regarding this Sacrament. The first error is of ~
55 12 | those who say that in this Sacrament is not the true Body of
56 12 | Arrodinici, who offer in ~their sacrament bread and cheese because
57 12 | the institutor of this ~Sacrament gave to His disciples bread
58 12 | that they consecrated the sacrament. This is more like ~the
59 12 | man can consecrate this Sacrament. ~Against such errors is
60 12 | power to celebrate this Sacrament; and hence only those who
61 12 | Apostles can consecrate this ~Sacrament.~ ~
62 13 | Penance~ ~The fourth Sacrament is Penance. The matter,27
63 13 | as it were, of this ~Sacrament is the acts of the penitent,
64 13 | almsgiving.~ ~The form of this Sacrament is the words of absolution
65 13 | The minister of ~this Sacrament is the priest having authority
66 13 | superior. The effect of this Sacrament is ~absolution from sin.28~ ~
67 13(27)| informed on the matter of this Sacrament. That it differs from the
68 13 | sin.28~ ~Concerning this Sacrament is the error of the Novati,
69 13 | receive pardon through the ~Sacrament of Penance. Against this
70 13(28)| receive the grace of this Sacrament with the greatest possible
71 13(28)| The minister of the Sacrament of Penance ~must be a priest
72 14 | Extreme unction~ ~The fifth Sacrament is Extreme Unction. Its
73 14 | blessed by ~the bishop. This Sacrament should only be received
74 14 | walking.30 The form of this Sacrament is ~this: "Through this
75 14 | senses). The minister of this Sacrament is the priest. The ~effect
76 14 | priest. The ~effect of this Sacrament is a medicine for both mind
77 14 | body.31~ ~Concerning this Sacrament is the error of the Elaeonitae,
78 14(31)| This Sacrament imparts grace which remits
79 14(31)| sins are removed by the Sacrament of ~Penance. Extreme Unction
80 14(31)| is another effect ~of the Sacrament" ("Roman Catechism," "Extreme
81 15 | Holy Orders~ ~The sixth Sacrament is Holy Orders. There are
82 15 | order.32 The matter of this Sacrament is that matter which is
83 15 | order. The form of this ~Sacrament is this: "Receive the power
84 15 | orders. The minister of this Sacrament is the bishop who confers
85 15 | orders. The effect of this Sacrament is an increase of grace
86 15 | Christ.~ ~Concerning this Sacrament was the error of Arius,
87 15(32)| administration of the Blessed ~Sacrament. This is the chief scope
88 16 | Matrimony is the seventh Sacrament. It is a sign of the union
89 16 | the third is that it is a Sacrament, or, ~in other words, the
90 16(33)| arises from its nature as a Sacrament. This ~sacramental character