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Alphabetical    [«  »]
chrism 5
christ 34
christian 2
church 23
cit 5
cited 1
city 3
Frequency    [«  »]
25 matter
24 baptism
24 from
23 church
23 or
23 with
22 words
St. Thomas Aquinas
Explanation of the Sacraments

IntraText - Concordances


                                          bold = Main text
   Chapter                                grey = Comment text
1 1 | The Sacraments of the Church~ ~We shall now consider 2 1 | consider the Sacraments of the Church. We shall treat them ~under 3 1 | and multiply the entire Church.~ ~ 4 2 | bring in the priests of the church, and ~let them pray over 5 2 | the common good of the ~Church. Through the Sacrament of 6 2 | Sacrament of Orders the Church is ruled and is ~spiritually 7 3 | of doing that which the Church intends. If any one of ~ 8 3(11) | administered by men in His Church, not by Angels. The ministers 9 3(11) | observed in the Catholic Church according to the institution 10 3(11) | and intend to do what the Church does in the administration 11 4 | the form specified by the Church, and intends to act according ~ 12 4 | to the intention of the Church. If a person is baptized 13 4 | contrary to the law of the Church regulating reception ~of 14 7(19) | Confirmation in the Latin Church is the ~bishop. In virtue 15 9 | Now, the bishops of the Church are in the places of the ~ 16 11 | Mystical Body, that is, the Church which ~this Sacrament both 17 11(23)| and brotherhood in the ~Church" ("Roman Catechism," "loc. 18 13(28)| evident in the law of the Church. Whoever performs this sacred 19 15 | to offer sacrifice in the Church for ~the living and the 20 15(32)| the other ministers of the Church, but also the faithful, ~ 21 16 | between ~Christ and the Church. The efficient cause of 22 16 | union of Christ and His Church.~ ~Concerning Matrimony 23 16(33)| union of Christ and His Church under ~the figure of marriage" ("

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