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Explanation of the Sacraments

IntraText CT - Index of footnotes

  • The Sacraments of the Church
  1: . "Sacramentum est sacrum signum." This is slightly different in the passage quoted in "The City of [...]
  2: . Gal., iv. 9. 
  3: . "A Sacrament, therefore, is clearly understood to be numbered amongst those things which have been[...]

  • The spiritual and the physical life: an analogy
  4: . John, iii. 5. 
  5: . Luke, xxiv. 49. 
  6: . John, vi. 54. 
  7: . Ps. xl. 5. 
  8: . James, v. 14. 
  9: . "Why there are neither more nor less [than seven Sacraments] may be shown at least with some degre[...]

  • The seven sacraments in general
  10: . "In Joan.," Tract. LXXX, 3. 
  11: . "It should be explained that the pastor will inform the faithful that the 'sensible thing' which e[...]
  12: . Wis., i. 5. 
  13: . "This character has a twofold effect. It qualifies us to receive or perform a sacred act, and dist[...]

  • Baptism
  14: . The priest is the ordinary minister of Baptism. In case of necessity, however, anyone who observes[...]

  • Errors concerning baptism
  15: . John. iii. 5 
  16: . Eph., iv. 5. 
  17: . John. i. 33.

  • Confirmation
  18: . "Amen" is omitted in the Roman Pontifical. 
  19: . The ordinary minister of Confirmation in the Latin Church is the bishop. In virtue of canon 782, #[...]
  20: . A priest of the Latin Rite who has a special indult granted by the Holy See may confirm Catholics [...]

  • The effect of the Eucharist
  21: . "Hence it also follows that Christ is so contained, whole and entire, under either species that, a[...]
  22: . John. vi. 57. 
  23: . "Those who receive this Sacrament piously and fervently must, without any doubt, so receive the So[...]

  • Errors concerning the Eucharist
  24: . John, vi. 56. 
  25: . Ps. cv. 39. 
  26: . Prov., ix. 5.

  • Penance
  27: . 51. Thomas uses here the words: "quasi materia." The "Roman Catechism" ("Penance," 13) follows thi[...]
  28: . "A knowledge of it [the form of Penance] will excite the faithful to receive the grace of this Sac[...]
  29: . Apoc., ii. 5.

  • Extreme unction
  30: . Anointing of the feet may now be omitted (Canon 947). 
  31: . "This Sacrament imparts grace which remits sins, especially lighter sins or venial sins; for morta[...]

  • Holy Orders
  32: . "That the number of ministers was wisely established, is proved by considering the various offices[...]

  • Matrimony
  33: . "This means that the consent is the effective cause of marriage, . . . because without the consent[...]
  34: . Cor., vii. 28. 
  35: . Heb., xiii. 4.

  • Seven gifts of Eternal Glory
  36: . I John, iii. 2. 
  37: . I Cor., ix. 24. 
  38: . Job, xxii. 26. 
  39: . For another description of these gifts, see above, p. 61. 
  40: . I Cor., xv. 53 
  41: . Matt., xiii. 43. 
  42: . Wis., iii. 7 
  43: . I Cor., xv. 14.

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