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Alphabetical    [«  »]
exerts 3
exist 9
existed 1
existence 8
existing 3
exists 3
exorably 1
Frequency    [«  »]
8 doctrine
8 each
8 essay
8 existence
8 faculties
8 fight
8 full
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Church and communist state

IntraText - Concordances


  Chap., §
1 2 | underground and catacomb-­like existence it has led up till now behind 2 2 | continuing to lead an underground existence.~The choice between these 3 5 | least state that the legal existence of the family and private 4 6, 1| by the very fact of its existence, by the natural prestige 5 6, 2| propertied class: whence the existence in the Empire, at least 6 7, 6| 22, 1963). "A peaceful co­existence of the Communist and bourgeois 7 7, 7| Church wished to accept co­existence with some Communist regime, 8 10 | would we not fall?~ ~Human existence, without necessary institutions

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