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Alphabetical    [«  »]
could 11
council 26
counterproductive 1
countries 55
country 3
couple 2
courage 2
Frequency    [«  »]
61 have
60 also
60 who
55 countries
53 man
53 them
52 but
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

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   Chap., §
1 2, 7 | to help the developing countries."16 The same idea of development 2 2, 9 | of view, the developing countries are much more numerous than 3 2, 9 | leaders, and citizens of rich countries considered as individuals, 4 2, 10 | weapons, both in developed countries and in the developing ones, 5 2, 10 | aside for helping needy countries. If "development is the 6 3, 14 | of poverty exist in rich countries, so, in parallel fashion, 7 3, 14 | fashion, in the less developed countries one often sees manifestations 8 3, 14 | data of the more developed countries. The word "gap" returns 9 3, 14 | developed and developing countries in recent years has differed, 10 3, 14 | distances. Thus the developing countries, especially the poorest 11 3, 14 | classify exhaustively all countries, are significant: they are 12 3, 14(31)| so-called less advanced countries, but also and especially 13 3, 14(31)| great or extreme poverty in countries of medium and high income.~ 14 3, 15 | developing and less advanced countries.~It should be noted that 15 3, 16 | measure, felt the duty to help countries separated from the affluent 16 3, 16 | indirectly by the more developed countries, by their very functioning 17 3, 16 | economies of the less developed countries. Later on these mechanisms 18 3, 17 | effects even in the rich countries. It is precisely within 19 3, 17 | is precisely within these countries that one encounters, though 20 3, 17 | increasingly affect the developed countries also, there are two in particular 21 3, 18 | problem in the industrialized countries.36 While it is alarming 22 3, 18 | alarming in the developing countries, with their high rate of 23 3, 18 | of young people, in the countries of high economic development 24 3, 18(36)| unemployed in the developed countries with a market economy jumped 25 3, 19 | developed and less developed countries. It is the question of the 26 3, 19(39)| pp. 283f.: "Developing countries will thus no longer risk 27 3, 20 | or gather around it other countries or groups of countries, 28 3, 20 | other countries or groups of countries, to different degrees of 29 3, 21 | which concern the developing countries. For as we know the tension 30 3, 21 | transferred to the developing countries themselves, and thus helps 31 3, 21 | development common to all.~Countries which have recently achieved 32 3, 21 | richer and more developed countries, find themselves involved 33 3, 21 | to the interests of the countries which ought to benefit from 34 3, 21 | from them. Many of these countries are becoming more and more 35 3, 22 | the South.~The developing countries, instead of becoming autonomous 36 3, 22 | priorities and problems of such countries or respect their cultural 37 3, 22 | developing and less advanced countries. However, peoples do not 38 3, 25 | see governments in many countries launching systematic campaigns 39 3, 25 | religious identity of the countries themselves but also contrary 40 3, 26 | contributions that some Third World countries, despite the burden of many 41 5, 38 | rights committed in distant countries, countries which perhaps 42 5, 38 | committed in distant countries, countries which perhaps they will 43 5, 39 | The economically weaker countries, or those still at subsistence 44 6, 42 | not only in less developed countries but-and this seems no less 45 6, 43 | industries of the developing countries and discourages the producers 46 6, 43 | low-cost products of certain countries which lack effective labor 47 6, 43 | situation of the poorer countries.~Forms of technology and 48 6, 43 | frequent cases of developing countries being denied needed forms 49 6, 44 | initiative on the part of the countries which need it.81 Each of 50 6, 44 | everything from the more favored countries, and acting in collaboration 51 6, 45 | themselves and with the neediest countries of the world.~It is desirable, 52 6, 45 | reality in many of these countries. To acknowledge it, in such 53 6, 45 | potential. The developing countries belonging to one geographical 54 7, 47 | between rich individuals and countries and poor individuals and 55 7, 47 | and poor individuals and countries will have little value,

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