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Alphabetical    [«  »]
nation 5
national 7
nationality 1
nations 48
natural 10
naturally 1
nature 23
Frequency    [«  »]
49 people
49 us
48 economic
48 nations
48 peoples
48 will
47 p
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 2, 7 | incumbent on the more developed nations "to help the developing 2 2, 10 | selfishness of individuals and nations the principal motivation. 3 3, 12 | each country, the United Nations Organization promoted consecutively 4 3, 12 | the aim of helping many nations, some of which had already 5 3, 15 | rights of the individual nations." In fact, it often happens 6 3, 16 | developed or developing nations and the international organizations 7 3, 16 | the part of the developing nations themselves, and especially 8 3, 16 | responsibility of the developed nations, which have not always, 9 3, 17 | development: either all the nations of the world participate, 10 3, 17 | proclaimed by the United Nations. attention is focused on 11 3, 18 | to the vast majority of nations is the phenomenon of unemployment 12 3, 18(36)| A recent United Nations publication entitled World 13 3, 19 | both within the debtor nations and in the international 14 3, 19 | This is because the debtor nations, in order to service their 15 3, 21 | Movement of Non-Aligned Nations, which, in its positive 16 3, 22 | instead of becoming autonomous nations concerned with their own 17 3, 23 | guarantee its own security. Nations which historically, economically 18 3, 23 | a leadership role among nations can only be justified by 19 3, 23 | position in the community of nations, it would fall seriously 20 3, 23 | ready to make use of the nations for the realization of its 21 3, 26 | years ago by the United Nations Organization. Its very existence 22 3, 26 | instruments issued by the United Nations Organization or other international 23 3, 26 | individuals but also to nations and peoples, which, as entities 24 3, 26(47)| International Instruments, United Nations, New York, 1983; John Paul 25 4, 28(51)| not the ultimate goal of nations or of individuals. All growth 26 4, 28(51)| true greatness...both for nations and for individual men, 27 4, 32 | as well as societies and nations. In particular, it obliges 28 4, 32 | misdirected. ~Peoples or nations too have a right to their 29 4, 33 | including the rights of nations and of peoples - be really 30 4, 33 | the Charter of the United Nations Organization: the equality 31 5, 36(65)| small, or even of whole nations and blocs of nations, she 32 5, 36(65)| whole nations and blocs of nations, she knows and she proclaims 33 5, 37 | double attitude of sin; nations and blocs can do so too. 34 5, 38 | interdependence among individuals and nations. The fact that men and women 35 5, 39 | the stronger and richer nations must have a sense of moral 36 5, 39 | responsibility for the other nations, so that a real international 37 5, 39 | integrity of the weaker nations situated within the so-called " 38 5, 39 | solidarity among individuals and nations.~The motto of the pontificate 39 6, 42 | Likewise the leaders of nations and the heads of international 40 6, 44 | possible the developing nations themselves should favor 41 6, 44 | order to take this path, the nations themselves will have to 42 6, 44 | cultural traditions. ~Some nations will have to increase food 43 6, 44 | not particularly developed nations which have nevertheless 44 6, 44 | become food exporters.~Other nations need to reform certain unjust 45 6, 45 | neglected. But the developing nations themselves have the duty 46 6, 45 | desirable, for example, that nations of the some geographical 47 6, 45 | richer and more powerful nations, as part of the hoped - 48 6, 45 | participation in the comity of nations - as is already happening

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