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Alphabetical    [«  »]
triggers 1
trinity 1
triune 1
true 39
truth 5
try 2
trying 3
Frequency    [«  »]
39 i
39 into
39 own
39 true
38 being
38 et
38 even
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 2, 9 | interdependence, changes notably. True development cannot consist 2 3, 14 | word for indicating the true reality, since it could 3 3, 15 | there arises, not so much a true equality as a "leveling 4 3, 15 | about the destruction of the true subjectivity of society 5 3, 17 | participate, or it will not be true development. ~Among the 6 3, 21 | as to favor or promote a true and integral development 7 3, 22 | gigantic wheel. This is often true also in the field of social 8 3, 22 | respond to the demands of true development.~Each of the 9 3, 24 | present world with regard to true human needs and the employment 10 3, 24 | than one of concern for true development which would 11 3, 24 | some years ago are still true, and I wish to repeat them 12 3, 25 | contrary to the nature of true development. It often happens 13 3, 25 | erroneous and perverse idea of true human development.~ 14 3, 26 | distribution of the results of true development.48~Among today' 15 3, 26 | turn my thoughts to the true nature of the development 16 4, 28 | orientation towards the true good of the human race, 17 4, 28 | contrary to what is good and to true happiness. This superdevelopment, 18 4, 28(51)| fulfillment and to man's true greatness...both for nations 19 4, 28 | to man's "being" and his true vocation.~This shows that 20 4, 28 | itself at the level of the true vocation of men and women 21 4, 29 | However, in trying to achieve true development we must never 22 4, 29 | the image of God, has a true affinity with him too. On 23 4, 33 | character of development: the true elevation of man, in conformity 24 4, 33 | attention of all to the true hierarchy of values: "For 25 4, 33 | forfeits his life?" (Mt 16:26)~True development, in keeping 26 4, 33 | image." In other words, true development must be based 27 4, 34 | violated with impunity.~A true concept of development cannot 28 5, 35 | to help lead peoples to true development, the main obstacles 29 5, 36 | factors working against a true awareness of the universal 30 5, 37 | in order to point out the true nature of the evil which 31 5, 38 | of God's will, the only true foundation of an absolutely 32 6, 41 | would be emptied of its true content, and this would 33 6, 41 | the former, which gives it true solidity and the force of 34 6, 42 | always to keep in mind the true human dimension as a priority 35 6, 44 | must likewise realize its true needs, as well as the rights 36 6, 44 | a direct contribution to true development, as the Encyclical 37 7, 47 | affirm her confidence in a true liberation. Ultimately, 38 7, 49 | order to contribute to the true development of peoples proposed 39 7, 49 | themselves to promoting the true development of peoples,

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