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Alphabetical    [«  »]
times 7
tirelessly 1
to 682
today 37
together 8
togetherness 1
too 13
Frequency    [«  »]
38 letter
38 moral
38 such
37 today
36 only
34 good
34 so
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 1, 4| an appeal to conscience today in the last part of the ' 2 1, 4| constant and unchanging rhythm. Today however we have the impression 3 2, 6| griefs and the anxieties" of today, of "especially those who 4 2, 9| same force and validity today as when it was written.~ 5 3, 11| context in which we live today cannot be said to be completely 6 3, 11| of the characteristics of today's world, in order to develop 7 3, 12| at that time so lively, today appear very far from being 8 3, 15| should be noted that in today's world, among other rights, 9 3, 15| should add here that in today's world there are many other 10 3, 15| ourselves if the sad reality of today might not be, at least in 11 3, 18| of peoples which we see today.~ 12 3, 20| the political causes of today's situation.~Faced with 13 3, 23| opposition between the two blocs.~Today, the reality is that these 14 3, 24| conclusion seems to be this: in today's world, including the world 15 3, 24| another painful wound in today's world: the phenomenon 16 3, 24| less so when, as happens today, such decisions and such 17 3, 25| the way it is spoken of today, following what Paul VI 18 3, 26| transfer it to the moral plane. Today perhaps more than in the 19 3, 26| true development.48~Among today's positive signs we must 20 3, 26| ideas about the latter. Today this is called ecological 21 4, 28| is a better understanding today that the mere accumulation 22 4, 28| difference, so often emphasized today, between "having" and "being,"51 23 4, 30| in the word of God, that today's "development" is to be 24 4, 30| which is urgent for everyone today, to work together for the 25 4, 32| and South; or, as we say today, by the different "worlds." 26 4, 33| be really worthy of man.~Today, perhaps more than in the 27 5, 37| be separated; however in today's world both are indissolubly 28 5, 39| as the fruit of justice. Today one could say, with the 29 6, 41| Church has something to say today, just as twenty years ago, 30 6, 41| her social doctrine. In today's difficult situation, a 31 6, 42| 42. Today more than in the past, the 32 6, 42| ownership and use of goods. ~Today, furthermore, given the 33 6, 43| monetary and financial system, today recognized as inadequate; 34 6, 43| international trade system today frequently discriminates 35 6, 43| their transfer constitute today one of the major problems 36 6, 43| Nevertheless, humanity today is in a new and more difficult 37 7, 48| by the latter, especially today.~However imperfect and temporary

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