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Alphabetical    [«  »]
determining 2
detriment 4
develop 3
developed 27
developing 23
development 158
developments 1
Frequency    [«  »]
28 situation
28 solidarity
28 without
27 developed
27 especially
27 freedom
27 individual
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 2, 7 | duty" incumbent on the more developed nations "to help the developing 2 2, 9 | much more numerous than the developed ones; the multitudes of 3 2, 10 | stockpiles of weapons, both in developed countries and in the developing 4 3, 14 | the areas of the so-called developed North and the developing 5 3, 14 | societies themselves, whether developed or developing. In fact, 6 3, 14 | parallel fashion, in the less developed countries one often sees 7 3, 14 | world, particularly in the developed North, is matched in the 8 3, 14 | corresponding data of the more developed countries. The word "gap" 9 3, 14 | pace of progress in the developed and developing countries 10 3, 15 | regret in areas of the more developed North, they are undoubtedly 11 3, 16 | two decades by the more developed or developing nations and 12 3, 16 | the responsibility of the developed nations, which have not 13 3, 16 | or indirectly by the more developed countries, by their very 14 3, 16 | the economies of the less developed countries. Later on these 15 3, 17 | increasingly affect the developed countries also, there are 16 3, 17 | Even the most highly developed peoples present the sad 17 3, 18(36)| percentage of unemployed in the developed countries with a market 18 3, 19 | interdependence between developed and less developed countries. 19 3, 19 | between developed and less developed countries. It is the question 20 3, 20 | liberal capitalism which developed with industrialization during 21 3, 21 | the two worlds: the more developed one and the less developed 22 3, 21 | developed one and the less developed one.~This is one of the 23 3, 21 | all the richer and more developed countries, find themselves 24 3, 24 | the capital lent by the developed world has been used in the 25 6, 42 | numerous, not only in less developed countries but-and this seems 26 6, 42 | scandalous - in the more developed ones too. ~It is necessary 27 6, 44 | examples of not particularly developed nations which have nevertheless

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