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Alphabetical    [«  »]
meets 1
members 4
membership 1
men 18
mentality 1
mention 4
mentioned 5
Frequency    [«  »]
18 both
18 called
18 forms
18 men
18 modern
18 possible
18 religious
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 3, 24 | in the hopeless faces of men, women and children who 2 3, 25 | of the parties involved, men and women often subjected 3 3, 26 | awareness among large numbers of men and women of their own dignity 4 3, 26(48)| spiritual progress of all men, and therefore the common 5 3, 26(48)| perfect form of justice among men."~ 6 4, 28(51)| nations and for individual men, avarice is the most evident 7 4, 28 | of the true vocation of men and women without denying 8 4, 33(62)| imposed on him by other men..."; cf. also Second Vatican 9 5, 38 | all, a moral value which men and women of faith recognize 10 5, 38 | One would hope that also men and women without an explicit 11 5, 38 | and nations. The fact that men and women in various parts 12 6, 41 | various fields in which men and women expend their efforts 13 6, 44(81)| p. 284: "These are the men and women that need to be 14 7, 47 | Creator, and to whom the men and women at every moment 15 7, 47 | humility to everyone, to all men and women without exception. 16 7, 47(87)| 259: "We believe that all men of good will, together with 17 7, 47 | belongs to the laity, both men and women, as was reaffirmed 18 7, 47 | fidelity to our vocation as men and women of faith. For

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