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develop 3
developed 27
developing 23
development 158
developments 1
deviation 1
deviations 1
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174 it
170 as
167 that
158 development
155 with
152 by
143 are
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

    Chap., §
1 1, 1 | directed towards an authentic development of man and society which 2 1, 4 | and inspiration of the "development of peoples," which are still 3 1, 4 | more nuanced concept of development, according to the suggestions 4 2, 7 | on the specific theme of development, which is precisely the 5 2, 7 | countries."16 The same idea of development proposed by the Encyclical 6 2, 7 | specific problem of the development and the underdevelopment 7 2, 8 | economic and social: the development of peoples. The term "development" 8 2, 8 | development of peoples. The term "development" is taken from the vocabulary 9 2, 8 | religious institution - and "development" even more so than the " 10 2, 8 | problems connected with development, and likewise the legitimacy 11 2, 8 | concerns herself with the "development of peoples," she cannot 12 2, 9 | and services offered by development are much more numerous than 13 2, 9 | that the very concept of development, if considered in the perspective 14 2, 9 | interdependence, changes notably. True development cannot consist in the simple 15 2, 9 | gained at the expense of the development of the masses, and without 16 2, 9(26)| 14: loc. cit., p. 264: "Development cannot be limited to mere 17 2, 10 | and to the very concept of development. This originality is recognizable 18 2, 10 | as its historic label: "Development is the new name for peace."27~ 19 2, 10 | used for increasing the development of peoples, are instead 20 2, 10 | helping needy countries. If "development is the new name for peace," 21 2, 10 | major enemy of the integral development of peoples.~In the light 22 2, 10 | re-examine the concept of development. This of course is not limited 23 2, 10 | the "spiritual and human development of all" instead of by the 24 3, 11 | the point of view of the "development of peoples."~ 25 3, 12 | note is that the hopes for development, at that time so lively, 26 3, 12 | consecutively two decades of development.30 In fact, some measures, 27 3, 13 | from the point of view of development, offers a rather negative 28 3, 14 | match the degree of economic development, but which help to create 29 3, 15 | of material goods? And is development which does not take into 30 3, 15 | affirmation of these rights really development on the human level?~In brief, 31 3, 15 | of a too narrow idea of development, that is, a mainly economic 32 3, 17 | manifestations of under development. Thus it should be obvious 33 3, 17 | it should be obvious that development either becomes shared in 34 3, 17 | the nature of authentic development: either all the nations 35 3, 17 | or it will not be true development. ~Among the specific signs 36 3, 17 | we are from an authentic development of peoples.~ 37 3, 18 | countries of high economic development the sources of work seem 38 3, 18 | question seriously the type of development which has been followed 39 3, 18 | state and the quality of the development of peoples which we see 40 3, 19 | and the question of the development of peoples.~The reason which 41 3, 19 | being able to invest it in development projects. Thus the availability 42 3, 19 | considered a contribution to development, something desirable and 43 3, 19 | to make a contribution to development has turned into a counterproductive 44 3, 19 | the means intended for the development of peoples has turned into 45 3, 19 | turned into a brake upon development instead, and indeed in some 46 3, 19 | principles, for cooperation in development. ~ 47 3, 20 | delay in the process of development, a delay which has occurred 48 3, 20 | forward movement of the development of peoples.~I am referring 49 3, 21 | two different levels of development but rather between two concepts 50 3, 21 | between two concepts of the development of individuals and peoples 51 3, 21 | from the point of view of development the question naturally arises: 52 3, 21 | promote a true and integral development of individuals and peoples 53 3, 21 | essential for the cause of a development common to all.~Countries 54 3, 21 | investments and aid for development are often diverted from 55 3, 22 | respond to the demands of true development.~Each of the two blocs harbors 56 3, 23 | peoples which aspire to full development.~It is timely to mention - 57 3, 24 | while economic aid and development plans meet with the obstacle 58 3, 24 | one of concern for true development which would lead all towards 59 3, 25 | creates difficulties for development. ~One must immediately add 60 3, 25 | phenomenon capable of hindering development. Just as it is incorrect 61 3, 25 | incompatible with orderly development.~On the other hand, it is 62 3, 25 | contrary to the nature of true development. It often happens that these 63 3, 25 | perverse idea of true human development.~ 64 3, 26 | the actual situation of development in the contemporary world 65 3, 26 | distribution of the results of true development.48~Among today's positive 66 3, 26 | account when planning for development, rather than sacrificing 67 3, 26 | great human problems such as development and peace.~This fact prompts 68 3, 26 | to the true nature of the development of peoples, along the lines 69 4 | IV. AUTHENTIC HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ~ 70 4, 27 | in the first place that development is not a straightforward 71 4, 27 | rather than to the notion of "development"50 which is used in a specifically 72 4, 27(50)| For this reason the word "development" was used in the Encyclical 73 4, 27(50)| attempt to give the word "development" its fullest meaning. ~ 74 4, 28 | itself, linked to the word development, has entered into crisis. 75 4, 28 | This shows that although development has a necessary economic 76 4, 28 | characteristics of full development, one which is "more human" 77 4, 29 | 29. Development which is not only economic 78 4, 29 | in trying to achieve true development we must never lose sight 79 4, 29 | basis of this teaching, development cannot consist only in the 80 4, 30 | therefore, the notion of development is not only "lay" or "profane," 81 4, 30 | word of God, that today's "development" is to be seen as a moment 82 4, 30 | temptation to idolatry. But this "development" fundamentally corresponds 83 4, 30 | who is the protagonist of development.54~Indeed, the Lord Jesus 84 4, 30 | work together for the full development of others: "development 85 4, 30 | development of others: "development of the whole human being 86 4, 31 | from within the nature of development, also guides us in the task 87 4, 31 | herself with the problems of development, to consider them a duty 88 4, 31 | characteristics of authentic human development. Through her commitment 89 4, 32 | to commit oneself to the development of peoples is not just an 90 4, 32 | possible to achieve this development through the isolated efforts 91 4, 32 | pursuit of integral human development we can also do much with 92 4, 32 | places.~Collaboration in the development of the whole person and 93 4, 32 | others are ignored, their own development becomes exaggerated and 94 4, 32 | right to their own full development, which while including - 95 4, 32 | transcendent. Not even the need for development can be used as an excuse 96 4, 33 | 33. Nor would a type of development which did not respect and 97 4, 33 | intrinsic contradiction of a development limited only to its economic 98 4, 33 | seen more clearly. Such development easily subjects the human 99 4, 33 | connection between authentic development and respect for human rights 100 4, 33 | reveals the moral character of development: the true elevation of man, 101 4, 33 | his life?" (Mt 16:26)~True development, in keeping with the specific 102 4, 33 | share in the process of full development.~In order to be genuine, 103 4, 33 | In order to be genuine, development must be achieved within 104 4, 33 | The moral character of development and its necessary promotion 105 4, 33 | understand a commitment to development and its application which 106 4, 33 | image." In other words, true development must be based on the love 107 4, 34 | can the moral character of development exclude respect for the 108 4, 34 | consequences of a certain type of development on the quality of life in 109 4, 34 | again it is evident that development, the planning which governs 110 4, 34 | impunity.~A true concept of development cannot ignore the use of 111 4, 34 | to the moral dimension of development.63 ~ 112 5, 35 | essentially moral character of development, it is clear that the obstacles 113 5, 35 | clear that the obstacles to development likewise have a moral character. 114 5, 35 | Encyclical there has been no development - or very little, irregular, 115 5, 35 | irregular, or even contradictory development - the reasons are not only 116 5, 35 | accelerate or slow down the development of peoples are really political 117 5, 35 | slow down the course of development and hinder its full achievement.~ 118 5, 35 | help lead peoples to true development, the main obstacles to development 119 5, 35 | development, the main obstacles to development will be overcome only by 120 5, 36 | interference in the process of the development of peoples, the delay or 121 5, 37 | faces us with respect to the development of peoples: it is a question 122 5, 38 | the obstacles to integral development are not only economic but 123 5, 38 | Populorum Progressio, the full development "of the whole individual 124 5, 38 | of the moral obstacles to development, it is already possible 125 5, 38 | that what is hindering full development is that desire for profit 126 5, 39 | radically opposed to peace and development, for development, in the 127 5, 39 | peace and development, for development, in the familiar expression 128 5, 39 | and at the same time to development. For world peace is inconceivable 129 5, 40 | released for the benefit of development and peace. Many of the Church' 130 6, 41 | peoples, such as authentic development, cannot be reduced to a " 131 6, 41 | If reduced in this way, development would be emptied of its 132 6, 41 | individuals and peoples whom development is meant to serve.~This 133 6, 41 | requirements and aims of authentic development, and also about the obstacles 134 6, 41 | of the urgent problem of development when she proclaims the truth 135 6, 41 | analysis of the problem of development as such nor the means to 136 6, 42 | dimension as a priority in their development plans, should not forget 137 6, 43 | difficult phase of its genuine development. It needs a greater degree 138 6, 44 | 44. Development demands above all a spirit 139 6, 44 | to respond to them. The development of peoples begins and is 140 6, 44 | of each people to its own development, in collaboration with others.~ 141 6, 44 | direct contribution to true development, as the Encyclical Populorum 142 6, 44(81)| into their own hands their development, gradually acquiring the 143 6, 44 | and sure guarantee of the development of "the whole individual 144 6, 44(82)| first objective of a plan of development."~ 145 6, 45 | part of the hoped - for development, without opposing anyone, 146 7, 46 | free: their search for full development signals their desire to 147 7, 46 | in fact is the purpose of development, or rather liberation and 148 7, 46 | or rather liberation and development, taking into account the 149 7, 46 | connection between the two.~Development which is merely economic 150 7, 46 | by enslaving him further. Development that does not include the 151 7, 46 | all. Thus the process of development and liberation takes concrete 152 7, 47 | defect, stand in the way of development. And she must affirm her 153 7, 47 | means, in order to secure development in peace, in order to safeguard 154 7, 47 | necessary condition, the development of the whole person and 155 7, 48 | in the world in favor of development and peace; and to receive 156 7, 49 | to contribute to the true development of peoples proposed and 157 7, 49 | themselves to promoting the true development of peoples, as the prayer 158 7, 49(92)| Collect of the Mass "For the Development of Peoples": Missale Romanum,

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