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Alphabetical    [«  »]
certain 24
certainly 4
certe 1
cf 94
ch 1
challenge 1
change 3
Frequency    [«  »]
104 world
96 encyclical
95 human
94 cf
93 s
89 an
85 n
Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Sollicitudo rei socialis

IntraText - Concordances

   Chap., §
1 1, 1 | assistance of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 14:16, 26; 16:13-15), 2 1, 1(3) | Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 3 1, 2(5) | Cf. L'Osservatore Romano, May 4 1, 3(6) | Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine 5 1, 4(7) | Cf. Encyclical Redemptoris 6 2, 7(10)| Ibid., n. 4; cf. Populorum Progressio, n. 7 2, 7(11)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 3; 8 2, 7(12)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 63; 9 2, 7(13)| Cf Gaudium et Spes. n. 69; 10 2, 7(14)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 57; 11 2, 7(15)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 19; 12 2, 7(16)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 86; 13 2, 7(17)| Cf. Gaudium et Spes, n. 69; 14 2, 8(18)| Cf. the Inscriptio of the Encyclical 15 2, 8(20)| Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine 16 2, 9(21)| Cf. Encyclical Mater et Magistra ( 17 2, 9(23)| Cf. Encyclical Populorum Progressio, 18 2, 9(23)| n. 3: loc. cit., p. 258: cf. also ibid., n. 9: loc. 19 2, 9(24)| Cf. ibid., n. 3: loc. cit., 20 2, 9(26)| Cf. ibid., n. 14: loc. cit., 21 2, 10(28)| Cf. ibid., n. 53: loc. cit., 22 2, 10(29)| Cf. ibid., n. 76: loc. cit., 23 3, 13 | who comes to question us (cf. Mt 25:31-46).~ 24 3, 17(35)| Cf. Paul VI, Apostolic Letter 25 3, 18(36)| provides the most recent data (cf. pp. 8-9). The percentage 26 3, 19(40)| Cf. "Presentation" of the document 27 3, 23 | designs of the peoples" (cf. Ps 33[32]: 10).~When the 28 3, 23(41)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 29 3, 24(43)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 30 3, 25(45)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 31 3, 25(46)| Cf. Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris 32 3, 26(47)| Cf. Human Rights: Collection 33 3, 26 | over even our daily cares (cf. Mt 6:25-32; 10:23-31; Lk 34 3, 26(48)| Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 35 4, 27(49)| Cf. Apostolic Exhortation Familiarls 36 4, 28(51)| moral underdevelopment"; cf. also Paul VI, Apostolic 37 4, 28(52)| Cf. Pastoral Constitution on 38 4, 28(53)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 39 4, 29 | his image and likeness (cf. Gen 1:26). It is a bodily 40 4, 29 | breathes into man's nostrils (cf. Gen 2:7).~Thus man comes 41 4, 29 | the Genesis account says (cf. Gen 2:15), he is placed 42 4, 29 | God under his dominion (cf. Gen 1:25-26). But at the 43 4, 29 | and dominion over things (cf. Gen 2:16-17), just as he 44 4, 29 | promises his mortality (cf. Gen 2:9; Wis 2:23). Thus 45 4, 29 | couple, a man and a woman (cf. Gen 1:27), and is therefore 46 4, 30 | means to his perfection (cf. Gen 1:26-30; 2:15-16; Wis 47 4, 30 | difficult and full of suffering (cf. Gen 3:17-19).~In fact, 48 4, 30 | upon the name of the Lord" (cf. Gen 4:17-26).~The story 49 4, 30 | beginning to man and to woman (cf. Gen 1:26-28) and inscribed 50 4, 31 | the Church" ( Col.1.18 ; cf. Eph 1:22-23). At the same 51 4, 31 | accomplished by Christ (cf. Col 1:20).~Here the perspectives 52 4, 31 | mortal body immortality (cf. 1 Cor 15:54), when the 53 4, 31(56)| Cf. Praeconium Paschale, Missale 54 4, 31 | which dwells in Christ (cf. Col 1:19) and which he 55 4, 31(58)| Cf. for example, St. Basil 56 4, 31(59)| Cf. for example, St. John Chrysostom, 57 4, 33 | come and lick his sores" (cf. Lk 16:21). Both peoples 58 4, 33(61)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 59 4, 33(62)| Cf. ibid., n. 47: "It is a 60 4, 33(62)| on him by other men..."; cf. also Second Vatican Ecumenical 61 4, 34 | the fruit of the tree" (cf. Gen 2:16-17) shows clearly 62 4, 34(63)| Cf. Homily at Val Visdende ( 63 5, 36(64)| Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 64 5, 36 | of the Ten Commandments (cf. Ex 20:12-17; Dt 5:16-21). 65 5, 38 | the language of the Rihle (cf. Mk 13:3, 5, Is 30:15). 66 5, 38 | into "hearts of flesh" (cf. Ezek 36:26).~On the path 67 5, 38(67)| Cf. Liturgia Horarum, Feria 68 5, 38 | for one's own advantage (cf. Mt 10:40-42; 20:25; Mk 69 5, 39 | neighbor," a "helper" (cf. Gen 2:18-20), to be made 70 5, 39 | of biblical inspiration (cf. Is 32:17; Jas 3:18): Opus 71 5, 40 | mark of Christ's disciples (cf. Jn 13:35). In the light 72 5, 40 | s life for the brethren (cf. 1 Jn 3:16). ~At that point, 73 6, 41(69)| Cf. ibid., n. 13; loc. cit., 74 6, 41(70)| Cf. ibid., n. 13: loc. cit., 75 6, 41(71)| Cf. Address at the Opening 76 6, 42(73)| Cf. Pastoral Constitution on 77 6, 42(74)| Cf. John XXIII, Encyclical 78 6, 42(75)| Cf. Encyclical Letter Populorum 79 6, 42 | Lazarus lying at his gate (cf. Lk 16:19-31).77~Our daily 80 6, 42(78)| Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 81 6, 42(79)| Cf. Address at the Opening 82 6, 43(80)| takes special care of them (cf. Ps 12[11]:6; Lk 1:52f.). ~ 83 6, 44(81)| gradually acquiring the means"; cf. Pastoral Constitution on 84 7, 46(83)| Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine 85 7, 46 | Christ has set us free (cf. Gal 5:1) encourages us 86 7, 46(84)| Cf. Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio 87 7, 47 | fundamental "goodness" (cf. Gen 1:31), because he is 88 7, 47(86)| Cf. Pastoral Constitution on 89 7, 47(87)| agree on this program"; cf. also nn. 81-83, 87: loc. 90 7, 47 | our father in faith" (cf. Rm 4:11f.)88 and the tradition 91 7, 47(88)| Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 92 7, 48 | his life for his friends (cf. Jn 15:13). Our personal 93 7, 49(90)| Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical 94 7, 49(91)| Cf. Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation

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