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Antonio A. Borelli
Fatima: past or future?

IntraText CT - Word list by length

13  =  69 words (110 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  20  21  23  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 actualisation
   1 administrator
   1 anti-clerical
   1 anti-religion
   1 anticommunist
   1 approximately
   3 assassination
   1 authoritative
   3 beatification
   2 chastisements
   1 circumstances
   1 commemoration
   2 communication
   1 communicative
   2 conflagration
   2 congregations
   5 consecrations
   1 consideration
   1 contemplation
   1 contraception
   1 contradiction
   1 contradictory
   1 conversations
   1 crystal-clear
   1 disconcerting
   1 discrepancies
   1 distinguished
   2 documentation
   2 establishment
   3 extraordinary
   1 fatimologists
   1 forgetfulness
   1 front-ranking
   1 fundamentally
   1 indescribable
   1 indescribably
   2 indispensable
   3 infallibility
   2 international
   6 interrogation
   1 interruptions
   1 introductions
   8 investigation
   1 irreplaceable
   1 jean-baptiste
   2 leiria-fatima
   1 materialistic
   1 melhoramentos
   2 mortification
   1 paradoxically
   1 philanthropic
   1 philosophical
   1 possibilities
   1 probabilities
   1 reminiscences
   3 repercussions
   3 revolutionary
   1 seventy-eight
   1 sophisticated
   1 supplications
   1 theoretically
   1 thoroughfares
   2 transcription
   1 transgressing
   1 understanding
   3 unfortunately
   1 unprecedented
   1 vertiginously
   1 victimisation

13  =  69 words (110 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  20  21  23  

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