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  • The diocese of Bihac-petrovac
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The diocese of Bihac-petrovac

"Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge?
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
and call not upon the Lord?"
(Psalm 14:4)




The Diocese of Bihac was founded in 1925, and it comprised the following administrative municipalities: Bosanski Petrovac, Sanski Most, Kljuc, Bihac, Krupa and Cazin. As such, it lasted until 1931, when it was divided into three Dioceses: the Diocese of Banja Luka, the Diocese of Gornji Karlovac and the Diocese of Dalmatia. The first Bishop of the Diocese was Venijamin Tausanovic, elected on 6 December, 1925. Upon his transfer to the Diocese of Zletovo-Strumica, Bishop Nektarije administered this Diocese. By decision of the Holy Assembly of Bishops in 1990, the Diocese of Bihac was revived, under the name: the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac, with its See situated in Bosanski Petrovac. The temporary See is in Kljuc. Bishop Nikolaj of Dalmatia was appointed Administrator of the newly constituted Diocese in 1990. At the session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops in 1991, protosynkellos Hrizostom (Jevic) was elected Bishop of the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac. The Diocese was constituted from parts of the Banja Luka and Dalmatia Dioceses.

In World War II many churches and other church buildings of the revived Diocese, which at that time comprised the Dioceses of Banja Luka and Dalmatia, were destroyed.

This devastation of Serbian holy sites was continued in the present war. In the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac, five churches have been destroyed, and two heavily damaged. One parish home was destroyed, and one burnt to the ground. On the territory of the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac historians will record the historically unprecedented slaying of the same victim, twice in the span of half a century.

In World War II, Croatian Ustashas martyred more than a thousand innocent Serbian inhabitants of the Livanj region. After half a century, on 11 August, 1991, the martyrs’ relics were exhumated from Hercegovian pits, and buried in the crypt of the Memorial Chapel in Livno. His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle was present during this historic, sacred ceremony and, among other things, he said: "We are standing here in front of this Crypt of our brothers and sisters, before the human remains of hundreds of men, women and innocent children, who were condemned to an unimaginable death fifty years ago, guilty of something only a non-human could imagine. Their guilt was in that they had not been born within the Nation of those who murdered them and threw them into the pits; because they were of a different Faith and with a different alphabet than the one used by those who condemned them to death and by those who inhumanly carried out that inhuman sentence." In the present war, the Memorial Chapel was dynamited, and the same martyrs were once again "put to death" by the sons of those who had tortured and murdered these innocent Serbians half a century before.

This Diocese suffered great devastation during the Croatian aggression, known as "Storm", in August 1995, when many churches were destroyed and ravaged, and a great number of parish homes and other buildings belonging to the Serbian Church were looted or destroyed. During the 1991–1995 war years, 26 churches were destroyed, and 68 extensively damaged. Also destroyed were 10 parish homes, while 26 suffered damage. On the territory of this Diocese, the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Serbians was desecrated and destroyed by both Croatian nationalists and Muslim fundamentalists.



Church of Saint Procopius damaged, forcibly entered; bell stolen. Parish house damaged, burglarized.


Baraci (near Mrkonjic)

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul burglarized and damaged by Croatians 1995/96.



Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet burglarized and demolished by Croatians 1995.


Benakovac (near Bosanska Krupa)

Church of Saint Prince Lazar burglarized and damaged 1995.



Church of the Holy Trinity under construction, burglarized and laid waste by Muslims. Parish home damaged. Chapel in Parish home laid waste and destroyed.


Bjelaj (near Petrovac)

Church of Saint George burnt down by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.


Bosanska Bojna

Church shelled several times and seriously damaged. Parish home destroyed by fire.


Bosanski Doljani (near Bihac)

Church damaged.


Bosanski Milanovac (near Sanski Most)

Church damaged by Muslims in September–October 1995.


Bravsko (near Petrovac)

Church set afire by Muslims 1995.


Budimlic Japra (near Sanski Most)


Church set afire by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.


Bukovaca (near Petrovac)

Church of the Birth of the Most Holy Theotokos burglarized and laid waste.


Velika Kladusa

Church damaged.


Velika Rujiska (near Bosanski Novi)

Church of the Birth of the Most Holy Theotokos burglarized and seriously damaged; part of church blown up with explosives by Muslims in 1995. Parish home destroyed and set afire.




Church of the Birth of the Most Holy Theotokos damaged, roofless, only walls remain (1991–1995).


Vranjske (near Bosanski Novi)

Church set afire by Muslims.


Vrbica (near Livno)

Church set afire by Croats in 1995. Icons and liturgical vessels removed to Roman Catholic Parish Rectory in Livno. Parish home destroyed.


Vrbljani (near Kljuc)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos forcibly entered by Croats in 1995. Parish home damaged.



Church laid waste.



Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet the Prophet damaged and burglarized. Belltower destroyed (1991–1995).



Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul shelled by Serbian Krajina Army.




Church of the Theophany burglarized and heavily damaged. Matérial prepared for renovation of church set afire by Croats 1995/96. Parish home set afire and destroyed.



Church of the Holy Trinity burglarized and seriously damaged by Croats in July 1995. Parish home damaged.


Glogovac (near Sipovo)

Church of the Greatmartyr Saint George set afire 1995/96.



Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul burglarized and damaged by Croats in 1995. Parish home damaged.


Graci (near Mrkonjic)

Church burglarized and looted by Croats 1995/96.


Grmusa (near Bihac)

Church of Saint Panteleimon damaged.



Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos built in 1883. Destroyed by a Croatian tank 1995. Parish home destroyed.


Dabar Donji (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos set afire by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.



Church of Saint Sava burglarized by Croats 1995.




Church of the Ascension of the Lord forcibly entered and pillaged, interior seriously damaged by Croats in 1995. Parish home damaged and looted.



Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos destroyed and set afire by Muslims.


Jasenica Srpska (near Bosanska Krupa)

Church of the Holy Archangel Gabriel burglarized, looted and set afire by Muslims 1995.



Church set afire.


Kijevo (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Greatmartyr Kyriakia burglarized, pillaged and set afire by Muslims 1995.


Klisina (near Bosanska Krupa)

Newly built church of Saint Marina damaged by Muslims 1995.


Kljevci (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Holy Archdeacon Stephan damaged.


Kljevci (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Holy Archdeacon Stephan damaged.



Church of the Holy Trinity looted and laid waste by Muslims 1995. Three parish homes damaged, one of them also pillaged.


Kolunic (near Petrovac)

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord burglarized and laid waste by Muslims 1995.


Kopjenica (near Kljuc)

Church of the Holy Trinity set afire 1995.


Krnjeusa (near Petrovac)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos heavily damaged and pillaged by Muslims 1995, only the walls remain. Parish home destroyed and set afire.


Krupa Bosanska

Church of the Holy Trinity shelled by Muslims 1992, and afterwards greatly damaged 1995. Parish home destroyed and set afire.


Livno (Lijevno)



Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos built in 1859. Belltower set afire. Interior laid waste July 1992. Icons and some of the church valuables removed by Roman Catholic priest to Parish Rectory, thus saved from destruction. Parish home looted, laid waste and set afire.


Livno (Lijevno)


Memorial Crypt, in which earthly remains of Serbian Martyrs murdered by Ustashas in Second World War were located since 1991, blown up with dynamite 1992.


Lipa (near Bihac)

Church of the Greatmartyr Saint Panteleimon damaged.


Lipnik (near Sanski Most)

Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet damaged by shelling 1995.


Lukavica (near Sanski Most)

Church burglarized, looted and heavily damaged by Muslims 1995.


Lusci Palanka (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Ascension of the Lord, built 1903, shelled and heavily damaged and set afire 1995/96. Parish home damaged.


Majkic Japra (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Most Holy Theotokos damaged 1995/96.


Mala Novska Rujiska (near Novi Grad)

Church of the Three Holy Hierarchs burglarized and damaged.


Monastery Veselinje (near Glamoc)

Church of the Birth of Saint John the Forerunner. Monastery forcibly entered, pillaged and laid waste by Croatian troups 28 July, 1995. Church and two chapels near Monastery damaged.


Monastery Rmanj

Church of Saint Nicholas. Monastery burlgarized and laid waste 1995.


Marinkovci (near Grahovo)

Church burglarized, looted and damaged by Croats 1995.


Medna (near Mrkonjic)

Church of the Holy Trinity burglarized by Croats 1995/96. Two parish homes damaged and burglarized.



Church destroyed.


Odzak (near Glamoc)

Church heavily damaged, construction matérial stolen.


Ostra Luka (near Sanski Most)

Parish home damaged.



Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul burglarized and pillaged by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.


Peci (near Kljuc)

Church of the Ascension of the Lord burglarized and damaged by Muslims 1995.


Peulje (near Grahovo)

Church of the Greatmartyr Saint George burglarized, looted and heavily damaged by Croatian army 1995.


Pecka (near Mrkonjic)

Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet forcibly entered and damaged by East-Bosnian Corps of Serbian Republic Army August and September 1995. Two parish homes damaged and burglarized.


Pljeva (near Sipovo)

Church of Saint Paraskeva forcibly entered and pillaged. Copper plates for new roof stolen 1995/96.


Podvidaca (near Sanski Most)

Church damaged by Muslims 1995.


Podrasnica (near Mrkonjic)

Church of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos burglarized and damaged by East-Bosnian Corps of Serbian Republic Army 1995. Parish home damaged and set afire.


Prekaja (near Drvar)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos burglarized and looted by Croats 1995. Parish home damaged.


Preodac (between Grahovo and Glamoc)

Church of the Holy Trinity burglarized and laid waste by Croats 1995.



Church damaged.


Rore (near Glamoc)

Church burglarized and looted.



Church destroyed and set afire by Croats 1992.


Sanica Gornja

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul burglarized.


Sanski Most

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul burlgarized and damaged by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.


Sedrenik (Banjica)

Church of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas set afire by Muslims September 1995.


Smoljana (near Petrovac)

Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet set afire by Muslims 1995.


Sokolovo (near Kljuc)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotoko pillaged by Muslims 1995. Church valuables saved.


Spasovo (Kulen Vakuf)

Church damaged.


Srednji Dubovik

Church, at Kamen (near Bosanska Krupa), of Saint John the Theologian set afire by Muslims 1995.


Srednji Petrovici (near Bosanska Krupa)

Church of the Greatmartyr Saint Panteleimon set afire by Muslims 1995.


Stari Majdan (near Sanski Most)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos set afire by Muslims 1995. Parish home set afire.


Stekerovci (near Glamoc)

Church of Saints Constantine and Helen burlgarized and heavily damaged.


Strazice (near Kljuc)

Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos burglarized and looted by Muslims 1995/96.



Church of the Birth of the Most Holy Theotokos damaged. Iconostasis dismantled and all icons stolen by Croats between 12 September, 1995, and 4 February, 1996. Parish home damaged.



Church of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos destroyed, only walls remain (1991–1995).


Tomina (near Sanski Most)

Church of Saints Constantine and Helen burglarized and heavily damaged by Serbian Republic Army; heavily damaged later by Muslims 1995. Parish home damaged.


Trubar (near Drvar)

Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos seriously damaged.


Hadrovci (near Sanski Most)

Church forcibly entered and heavily damaged by Muslims 1995.



Church of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist set afire by Muslims 1995.


Cvjetnic Veliki (near Drvar)

Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos destroyed by Croats 1995.


Crni Lug (near Grahovo)

Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet shelled by Croats on Orthodox Christmas 1995.


Sipovljani (near Drvar)

Church burglarized and laid waste by Croats 1995.



Church of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist laid waste and heavily damaged. All icons and church inventory removed by Croats from 13 September, 1995, through 4 February, 1996. Parish home destroyed and set afire.

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