1-500 | 501-1000 | 1001-1500 | 1501-2000 | 2001-2214
bold = Main text
grey = Comment text
Centesimus annus
Chap., § 1 Int, 1 | the present history of the Church and for my own Pontificate.
2 Int, 1 | requests from many Bishops, Church institutions, and study
3 Int, 1 | gratitude which the whole Church owes to this great Pope
4 Int, 2 | radiate so much light in the Church and in the world. Although
5 Int, 2 | would come to be called the Church's "social doctrine", "social
6 Int, 3 | the true meaning of the Church's Tradition which, being
7 Int, 3 | Apostles passed down to the Church"5 in the name of Jesus Christ,
8 Int, 3 | great outpouring of the Church's Tradition, which contains "
9 Int, 3 | of which the life of the Church and the world unfolds.~Among
10 Int, 3 | XIII, which belong to the Church's doctrinal patrimony and,
11 1, 4 | of the last century the Church found herself facing an
12 1, 4 | associations, and from the Church's practical achievements
13 1, 5 | place".8~The Pope and the Church with him were confronted,
14 1, 5 | lasting paradigm for the Church. The Church, in fact, has
15 1, 5 | paradigm for the Church. The Church, in fact, has something
16 1, 5 | time such a concept of the Church's right and duty was far
17 1, 5 | publishing Rerum novarum gave the Church "citizenship status" as
18 1, 5 | doctrine pertains to the Church's evangelizing mission and
19 1, 5 | elements a proclamation of the Church's social doctrine. As in
20 1, 7 | find the reason for the Church's defence and approval of
21 1, 11 | enables us to appreciate the Church's constant concern for and
22 1, 11 | the continuity within the Church of the so-called "preferential
23 1, 11 | situated in continuity with the Church's social teaching, and in
24 1, 11 | Encyclical, and of all of the Church's social doctrine, is a
25 1, 11(38) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
26 2, 13 | whole social doctrine of the Church, the social nature of man
27 2, 14 | of social conflict. The Church is well aware that in the
28 2, 15 | related social teaching of the Church had far-reaching influence
29 2, 18 | empires, denounced in various Church documents and recently in
30 3, 22 | contribution was made by the Church's commitment to defend and
31 3, 22 | dignity common to all, the Church affirmed clearly and forcefully
32 3, 22 | Together with the whole Church, I thank God for the often
33 3, 23 | content and principles of the Church's social doctrine.~Also
34 3, 25(55) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
35 3, 26 | some countries between the Church and the workers' movement,
36 3, 26 | the social doctrine of the Church.57 The worker movement is
37 3, 26 | from opposing the Catholic Church, looks to her with interest.~
38 3, 26 | praxis of liberation, the Church offers not only her social
39 3, 29 | and restricting both the Church's right to preach the Gospel
40 4, 30 | always been defended by the Church up to our own day. At the
41 4, 30 | day. At the same time, the Church teaches that the possession
42 4, 30 | possessions be used? the Church replies without hesitation
43 4, 30(68) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
44 4, 35 | society are satisfied.~The Church acknowledges the legitimate
45 4, 36(75) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
46 4, 41(81) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
47 4, 42 | Against these phenomena the Church strongly raises her voice.
48 4, 43 | 43. The Church has no models to present;
49 4, 43 | another.84 For such a task the Church offers her social teaching
50 4, 43(84) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
51 5, 44 | represented a novelty in Church teaching.90 Such an ordering
52 5, 45 | involve a rejection of the Church. The State or the party
53 5, 45 | attempts to destroy the Church, or at least to reduce her
54 5, 45 | defending her own freedom, the Church is also defending the human
55 5, 45(92) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
56 5, 46 | 46. The Church values the democratic system
57 5, 46 | totalitarianism.~Nor does the Church close her eyes to the danger
58 5, 46 | dignity of the person, the Church's method is always that
59 5, 47 | rights of the person.98~The Church respects the legitimate
60 5, 47(98) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
61 5, 49 | Christ her Founder, the Church has always been present
62 5, 49 | ceased to be practised in the Church; indeed, today it is showing
63 5, 49 | volunteer work, which the Church favours and promotes by
64 5, 51 | is on this level that the Church's specific and decisive
65 5, 51 | culture is to be found. The Church promotes those aspects of
66 5, 51 | of conflict and war. The Church renders this service to
68 6, 53 | the last hundred years the Church has repeatedly expressed
69 6, 53 | It follows that the Church cannot abandon man, and
70 6, 53 | the primary route that the Church must travel in fulfilling
71 6, 53 | principle which inspires the Church's social doctrine. The Church
72 6, 53 | Church's social doctrine. The Church has gradually developed
73 6, 53 | because the horizon of the Church's whole wealth of doctrine
74 6, 54 | 54. Today, the Church's social doctrine focuses
75 6, 54 | precisely from faith that the Church's social teaching begins.
76 6, 54 | and is fully a part of the Church's evangelizing mission,
77 6, 54 | of this nature. Thus the Church's social teaching is itself
78 6, 55 | 55. The Church receives "the meaning of
79 6, 55 | and for this reason, the Church's social doctrine, by its
80 6, 55 | him and others.~When the Church proclaims God's salvation
81 6, 55 | dignity. But just as the Church can never abandon her religious
82 6, 55(112) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today Gaudium
83 6, 56 | added, "in regard to the Church, her cooperation will never
84 6, 57 | 57. As far as the Church is concerned, the social
85 6, 57 | Today more than ever, the Church is aware that her social
86 6, 57 | spiritual poverty as well. The Church's love for the poor, which
87 6, 58 | for the poor, in whom the Church sees Christ himself, is
88 6, 59 | vocation.~In addition, the Church's social teaching has an
89 6, 60 | permanent element of the Church's social teaching, and also
90 6, 60 | behaviour and structures. The Church feels a particular responsibility
91 6, 61 | the past hundred years the Church has remained faithful to
92 6, 61 | cooperation and solidarity. The Church has constantly repeated
93 6, 61 | publication of Rerum novarum, the Church finds herself still facing "
94 6, 62 | God, who has granted his Church the light and strength to
95 6, 62 | third Millennium too, the Church will be faithful in making
96 6, 62 | and she goes before the Church on the pilgrimage of faith.
Dives in misericordia
Chap., § 97 1, 1 | varied experiences of the Church and of contemporary man.
98 1, 1 | hominis, the way for the Church, at the same time the Gospel
99 1, 1(6) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
100 1, 1 | once and for all to the Church in the changing context
101 1, 1 | our time. ~The more the Church's mission is centered upon
102 1, 1 | opposition to each other, the Church, following Christ, seeks
103 1, 1 | the present phase of the Church's history we put before
104 1, 1 | many-faceted enrichment of the Church's consciousness resulting
105 1, 2 | FAO and elsewhere), the Church must at the same time examine
106 1, 2(15) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
107 1, 2 | in the situation of the Church and the world today, many
108 1, 2 | appeal addressed to the Church. ~In the present encyclical
109 1, 2 | heartfelt appeal by the Church to mercy, which humanity
110 5, 8 | people, the program of the Church. At its very center there
111 5, 8 | history of salvation in the Church, is to be everlastingly
112 5, 9 | Mercy ~These words of the Church at Easter re-echo in the
113 5, 9 | revealed in the history of the Church and of humanity. This revelation
114 5, 9(108) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium, no. 62: AAS
115 6, 10(109) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
116 6, 12 | pervading the world. ~The Church shares with the people of
117 6, 12 | still more profound. ~The Church, having before her eyes
118 7 | GOD IN THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH ~In connection with this
119 7 | generation to generation." The Church of our time, constantly
120 7 | Himself and His Apostles. The Church must bear witness to the
121 7, 13 | 13. The Church Professes the Mercy of God
122 7, 13 | God and Proclaims It ~The Church must profess and proclaim
123 7, 13 | In the daily life of the Church the truth about the mercy
124 7, 13 | seen the Father."113 The Church professes the mercy of God,
125 7, 13 | professes the mercy of God, the Church lives by it in her wide
126 7, 13 | vision" of Christ in the Church's living faith and teaching
127 7, 13 | holiness of His mercy. The Church seems in a particular way
128 7, 13 | of the Son of Man. ~The Church lives an authentic life
129 7, 13 | Christ. ~Therefore, the Church professes and proclaims
130 7, 13 | It is obvious that the Church professes the mercy of God,
131 7, 13 | this testimony of life, the Church fulfills the mission proper
132 7, 13 | Himself. ~The contemporary Church is profoundly conscious
133 7, 13 | efforts in this direction, the Church confesses with humility
134 7, 14 | 14. The Church Seeks To Put Mercy into
135 7, 14 | shall obtain mercy."120 The Church sees in these words a call
136 7, 14 | precisely the mission of the Church in the modern world. Society
137 7, 14 | another. ~For this reason, the Church must consider it one of
138 7, 14 | Christ. Not only for the Church herself as the community
139 7, 14(127) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
140 7, 14 | the greatest joy.132 ~The Church rightly considers it her
141 7, 14 | Christ. ~The basis of the Church's mission, in all the spheres
142 7, 14 | guidelines for the mission of the Church in the lives of individual
143 7, 14 | in all the ways of the Church's life and ministry - through
145 8, 15 | 15. The Church Appeals to the Mercy of
146 8, 15 | to the Mercy of God ~The Church proclaims the truth of God'
147 8, 15 | critical as our own - can the Church forget the prayer that is
148 8, 15 | fundamental right and duty of the Church in Christ Jesus, her right
149 8, 15 | mystery of mercy, the more the Church has the right and the duty
150 8, 15 | should be the mark of the Church of our times, cries uttered
151 8, 15 | greater is the need for the Church to utter his word, not only
152 8, 15 | present generation. May the Church which, following the example
153 8, 15 | phase of the history of the Church and of the world, as we
154 8, 15 | self-realization of the Church - in keeping with the epoch
155 8, 15 | our destiny to live - the Church herself must be constantly
156 8, 15 | the greater must be the Church's closeness to that mystery
Dominum et vivificantem
Chap., § 157 Int, 1 | 1. The Church professes her faith in the
158 Int, 1 | These are words which the Church receives from the very source
159 Int, 1(3) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 4.~
160 Int, 1 | the kingdom of God."4 ~The Church, therefore, instructed by
161 Int, 2 | uninterruptedly professed by the Church, needs to be constantly
162 Int, 2 | the vital principle of the Church, in which he works in union
163 Int, 2 | and ever new faith of the Church, to draw near to the Holy
164 Int, 2 | meditation on the mystery of the Church, as the one who points out
165 Int, 2 | and dynamic power of the Church's renewal.10 The Encyclical
166 Int, 2 | to their teaching on the Church in herself and the Church
167 Int, 2 | Church in herself and the Church in the world, move us to
168 Int, 2 | Spirit. ~In this way the Church is also responding to certain
169 Int, 2(10) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 4; John
170 Int, 2 | the giver of life. ~The Church feels herself called to
171 Int, 2 | purpose is to develop in the Church the awareness that "she
172 Int, 2(15) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 17.~
174 1, 3 | in the world, through the Church, the work of the Good News
175 1, 4 | of the Apostles and the Church, always present in their
176 1, 4 | will ensure that in the Church there will always continue
177 1, 5 | human expression in the Church and in the history of humanity. ~ ~
178 1, 7 | mystery and action of the Church unceasingly continues the
179 1, 7 | to be manifested in the Church through the mission of the
180 1, 9 | and through them to the Church: "Go therefore and make
181 1, 14 | Apostles, to remain with the Church and in the Church, and through
182 1, 14 | with the Church and in the Church, and through her in the
183 1, 22 | the Apostles and to the Church at the price of his own "
184 1, 22 | lead the Apostles and the Church "into all the truth."77
185 1, 23 | the Apostles and to the Church in a new way, and through
186 1 | Spirit and the Era of the Church ~ ~
187 1, 25 | was sent to sanctify the Church forever, so that believers
188 1, 25 | Vatican Council speaks of the Church's birth on the day of Pentecost.
189 1, 25(92) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 4. ~
190 1, 25 | for ever. On that day the Church was publicly revealed to
191 1, 25 | preaching."94 ~The era of the Church began with the "coming,"
192 1, 25 | Mother.95 The time of the Church began at the moment when
193 1, 25 | determining the birth of the Church. The Acts of the Apostles
194 1, 25 | continually at work in the Church, through their successors.
195 1, 25 | Pentecost is perpetuated in the Church. ~As the Council writes, "
196 1, 25 | the Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the
197 1, 25 | The Spirit guides the Church into the fullness of truth (
198 1, 25 | the Gospel he makes the Church grow, perpetually renews
199 1, 25(96) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 4. There
200 1, 25(96) | the Holy Spirit and the Church, a union presented sometimes
201 1, 25(96) | heart" and the "soul" of the Church; cf. Summa Theo., III, q.
202 1, 25(96) | Quaestiuncula 3. Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity, Ad
203 1, 26 | tell us that the era of the Church began with the coming of
204 1, 26 | this era, the era of the Church, continues. It continues
205 1, 26 | Christ, this era of the Church expressed itself in a special
206 1, 26 | Council on the theme of the Church. At the same time, the teaching
207 1, 26 | Spirit, as the soul of the Church. We can say that in its
208 1, 26 | This work being done by the Church for the testing and bringing
209 1, 26 | and its history."99 "The Church truly knows that only God,
210 1, 26(99) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
211 2, 29 | become part of the era of the Church: first of all, the words
212 2, 29 | the Apostles and to the Church in the farewell discourse:
213 2, 29(107) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
214 2, 31 | apostolic kerygma in the early Church, is referred - under the
215 2, 31 | basis of this certainty the Church in the Roman liturgy does
216 2, 38(144) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
217 2, 39 | the ineffable Trinity? The Church, taking her inspiration
218 2, 41 | to the Apostles, to the Church, to humanity. He alone "
219 2, 42 | to the Apostles, to the Church. Nevertheless, in these
220 2, 42 | their successors in the Church But this power granted to
221 2, 43(165) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
222 2, 43(167) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
223 2, 44(171) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
224 2, 44(173) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
225 2, 45 | Holy Spirit: he whom the Church calls "the light of consciences"
226 2, 47 | sense of sin."187 ~Hence the Church constantly implores from
227 2, 47 | Spirit."188 But above all the Church constantly implores with
228 2, 47 | of the Holy Spirit. The Church prays that the dangerous
229 2, 48 | contempt of self."190 The Church constantly lifts up her
230 3, 49 | 49. The Church's mind and heart turn to
231 3, 49 | great Jubilee with which the Church will celebrate the event.
232 3, 49 | Thus from the beginning the Church confesses the mystery of
233 3, 49 | there became man he whom the Church, in the words of the same
234 3, 50 | Millennium, for which the Church is already preparing, has
235 3, 51 | great Jubilee to come. The Church cannot prepare for the Jubilee
236 3, 51 | emerge from the memory of the Church. By his power it can be
237 3, 52 | of the Body which is the Church, which will be born on the
238 3, 52 | of Pentecost - and in the Church, he becomes the head of
239 3, 53 | primarily on the theme of the Church, reminds us of the Holy
240 3, 53 | the visible body of the Church." The council speaks precisely
241 3, 53(225) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
242 3, 53(225) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 16.~
243 3, 54 | fills the universe."231 The Church's entire life, as will appear
244 3, 56(242) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
245 3, 56 | possibility and a hope that the Church entrusts to the men and
246 3, 56 | defeats for humanity. But the Church firmly believes that on
247 3, 58 | proclaimed and lived by the Church, which has inherited and
248 3, 58 | Resurrection of Christ the Church proclaims life, which manifested
249 3, 58 | Christ's Resurrection the Church serves the life that comes
250 3, 58 | new manner the "way of the Church," as I said in the Encyclical
251 3, 58 | United with the Spirit, the Church is supremely aware of the
252 3, 59(256) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
253 3, 59 | truth about man, and the Church sees in it a particularly
254 3, 59 | if man is the way of the Church, this way passes through
255 3, 59(259) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
256 3, 60 | for Christians and for the Church in a state of persecution -
257 3, 60(264) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
258 3 | 5. The Church as the Sacrament of Intimate
259 3, 61 | the fullness of time, the Church once more means to ponder
260 3, 61 | human history through the Church. ~In the light of that prediction,
261 3, 61 | with his Apostles, with the Church, this "I am with you always,
262 3, 61 | present and acts in the Church in such an intimate way
263 3, 61 | his own Body. As such, the Church lives, works and grows "
264 3, 62(272) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium
265 3, 62 | Eucharistic community of the Church and by means of it. Guided
266 3, 62 | by the Holy Spirit, the Church from the beginning expressed
267 3, 62 | Spirit, "the principle of the Church's unity,"275 so that all
268 3, 63 | am with you," enables the Church to discover ever more deeply
269 3, 63 | Vatican Council, whereby "the Church is in Christ as a sacrament
270 3, 63 | As a sacrament, the Church is a development from the
271 3, 63 | essential mystery of the Church, as the Council professes. ~
272 3, 63(277) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 1.~
273 3, 63 | present in the mystery of the Church, at times concealing himself
274 3, 63 | constantly gives life. As the Church becomes ever more aware
275 3, 63 | individual sacraments the Church fulfills her salvific ministry
276 3, 63 | life and give life. The Church is the visible dispenser
277 3, 64 | 64. If the Church is the sacrament of intimate
278 3, 64 | sacrament" in reference to the Church, we must bear in mind that
279 3, 64 | the sacramentality of the Church appears as distinct from
280 3, 64 | Sacraments. Thus we read: "The Church is...in the nature of a
281 3, 64 | the relationship which the Church has with the power of the
282 3, 64 | who alone gives life: the Church is the sign and instrument
283 3, 64 | Vatican II adds that the Church is "a sacrament. . . of
284 3, 64 | of Christ." Therefore the Church, rooted through her own
285 3, 64 | ultimate destinies in God. The Church is "a sacrament, that is
286 3, 64 | work carried out by the Church in the history of salvation.
287 3, 65 | prayer in harmony with the Church and her Magisterium. ~ ~
288 3, 66 | these times of ours, the Church remains faithful to the
289 3, 66 | historical fact that the Church came forth from the Upper
290 3, 66 | belong only to the past: the Church is always in the Upper Room
291 3, 66 | bears in her heart. The Church perseveres in preserves,
292 3, 66 | of the Holy Spirit. ~The Church perseveres in prayer with
293 3, 66 | This union of the praying Church with the Mother of Christ
294 3, 66 | part of the mystery of the Church from the beginning: we see
295 3, 66 | intimately united with the Church.... [She] is a model of
296 3, 66 | She] is a model of the Church."285 "The Church, moreover,
297 3, 66 | of the Church."285 "The Church, moreover, contemplating
298 3, 66(285) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 63.~
299 3, 66 | profound reason why the Church, united with the Virgin
300 3, 66 | Jesus Christ: Come!"287 The Church's prayer is this unceasing
301 3, 66 | himself utters it with the Church and in the Church. For the
302 3, 66 | with the Church and in the Church. For the Spirit is given
303 3, 66 | the Spirit is given to the Church in order that through his
304 3, 66 | hope in the heart of the Church. ~In the time leading up
305 3, 66 | marked by the year 2000. The Church wishes to prepare for this
306 Conc, 67 | considerations in the heart of the Church and in the heart of man.
307 Conc, 67 | heart of man. The way of the Church passes through the heart
308 Conc, 67(289) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 4.~
309 Conc, 67 | guest of the soul," whom the Church unceasingly greets on the
310 Conc, 67 | salvation.292 ~Praying thus, the Church unceasingly professes her
311 Conc, 67 | cannot live. To him turns the Church, which is the heart of humanity,
312 Conc, 67 | hearts."294 To him turns the Church, along the intricate paths
313 Conc, 67 | s inmost hearts295; the Church implores the grace of the
314 Conc, 67 | Most Holy Trinity. ~The Church with her heart which embraces
315 Conc, 67 | civilization of love, the Church fixes her eyes on him who
316 Conc, 67 | sons and daughters of the Church and to the whole human family. ~ ~
Ecclesia de Eucharistia
Chap., § 317 Int, 1 | 1. The Church draws her life from the
318 Int, 1 | heart of the mystery of the Church. In a variety of ways she
319 Int, 1 | since Pentecost, when the Church, the People of the New Covenant,
320 Int, 1 | holy Eucharist contains the Church's entire spiritual wealth:
321 Int, 1(1) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 11.~
322 Int, 1 | Consequently the gaze of the Church is constantly turned to
323 Int, 3 | 3. The Church was born of the paschal
324 Int, 3 | stands at the centre of the Church's life. This is already
325 Int, 3 | the earliest images of the Church found in the Acts of the
326 Int, 3 | primordial image of the Church. At every celebration of
327 Int, 3 | before he had given to the Church as the drink of salvation
328 Int, 4 | the invitation which the Church extends to all in the afternoon
329 Int, 5 | these or similar words the Church, while pointing to Christ
330 Int, 5 | Spirit at Pentecost the Church was born and set out upon
331 Int, 5 | Christ entrusted to his Church the perennial making present
332 Int, 5 | amazement should always fill the Church assembled for the celebration
333 Int, 5 | by all those who in the Church ministerially share in his
334 Int, 6 | which I have left to the Church in the Apostolic Letter
335 Int, 6 | which I have set before the Church at the dawn of the third
336 Int, 6 | body and his blood. The Church draws her life from Christ
337 Int, 6 | of light”.3 Whenever the Church celebrates the Eucharist,
338 Int, 7 | wish to involve the whole Church more fully in this Eucharistic
339 Int, 7 | out with new force to the Church the centrality of the Eucharist. ~
340 Int, 7 | Eucharist. ~From it the Church draws her life. From this “
341 Int, 8 | it. I remember the parish church of Niegowić, where I had
342 Int, 8 | assignment, the collegiate church of Saint Florian in Krakow,
343 Int, 8 | humble altar of a country church, the Eucharist is always
344 Int, 8 | priestly ministry of the Church, to the glory of the Most
345 Int, 9 | precious possession which the Church can have in her journey
346 Int, 9 | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium and the Constitution
347 Int, 10 | In various parts of the Church abuses have occurred, leading
348 Int, 10 | discipline by which the Church expresses her faith. How
349 1, 11 | your death, O Lord”.~The Church has received the Eucharist
350 1, 11 | transcends all times”.10~When the Church celebrates the Eucharist,
351 1, 11(10) | Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1085.~
352 1, 11 | the ages have lived. The Church's Magisterium has constantly
353 1, 11(11) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 3.~
354 1, 12 | body and blood”.13 ~The Church constantly draws her life
355 1, 12(13) | Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1382.~
356 1, 12(14) | Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1367.~
357 1, 13 | giving his sacrifice to the Church, Christ has also made his
358 1, 13 | spiritual sacrifice of the Church, which is called to offer
359 1, 13(19) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 11.~
360 1, 15 | blood. And the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly
361 1, 15 | in the catechesis of the Church Fathers regarding this divine
362 1, 15 | the “living faith” of the Church, as grasped especially by
363 1, 17 | have eternal life”.27 The Church implores this divine Gift,
364 1, 19 | reinforces our communion with the Church in heaven. It is not by
365 1, 20(33) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
367 2, 21 | centre of the process of the Church's growth. After stating
368 2, 21 | After stating that “the Church, as the Kingdom of Christ
369 2, 21 | question: “How does the Church grow?”, the Council adds: “
370 2, 21 | Eucharist is present at the Church's very origins. The Evangelists
371 2, 21(37) | Missionary Activity of the Church Ad Gentes, 5.~
372 2, 21 | the end of the age, the Church is built up through sacramental
373 2, 22(39) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 1.~
374 2, 22 | redemption of all.40 The Church's mission stands in continuity
375 2, 22 | Christ in the Eucharist, the Church draws the spiritual power
376 2, 23 | communion also confirms the Church in her unity as the body
377 2, 23 | of his body which is the Church. The Eucharist reinforces
378 2, 23 | is at the origin of the Church, of her consolidation and
379 2, 23 | souls and bodies”.43 The Church is fortified by the divine
380 2, 24 | with the body of Christ the Church comes to be ever more profoundly “
381 2, 24 | precisely by building up the Church, creates human community. ~
382 2, 24(44) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 1.~
383 2, 25 | value for the life of the Church. This worship is strictly
385 3, 26 | the Eucharist builds the Church and the Church makes the
386 3, 26 | builds the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist, it
387 3, 26 | Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, we profess the Church to be “one, holy, catholic
388 3, 27 | Catechism of the Catholic Church, in explaining how the Church
389 3, 27 | Church, in explaining how the Church is apostolic – founded on
390 3, 27 | Lord's command, that the Church has celebrated the Eucharist
391 3, 27 | second sense in which the Church is apostolic, as the Catechism
392 3, 27 | Spirit dwelling in her, the Church keeps and hands on the teaching,
393 3, 27 | of the New Covenant, the Church's Magisterium has more precisely
394 3, 27 | it is essential for the Church that it remain unchanged.~
395 3, 28 | 28. Lastly, the Church is apostolic in the sense
396 3, 28 | Successor of Peter, the Church's supreme pastor”.53 Succession
397 3, 28 | succession is essential for the Church to exist in a proper and
398 3, 28(55) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 10.~
399 3, 29(58) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 10 and 28;
400 3, 30 | 30. The Catholic Church's teaching on the relationship
401 3, 30 | separated from the Catholic Church remain fully pertinent: “
402 3, 30 | body of Christ which is the Church this gift redounds to the
403 3, 31 | centre and summit of the Church's life, it is likewise the
404 3, 31 | well as for the good of the Church and the world, that priests
405 3, 31 | an act of Christ and the Church”.65 In this way priests
406 3, 33 | priest who is not impeded by Church law from celebrating Mass.~ ~
407 4, 34 | Second Vatican Council.67 The Church is called during her earthly
408 4, 34(68) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 26.~
409 4, 34 | been established in the Church for centuries and recommended
410 4, 35 | the sacraments and in the Church's hierarchical order. The
411 4, 35 | communion is constitutive of the Church as the sacrament of salvation.71
412 4, 35(71) | Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church
413 4, 35(71) | Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion
414 4, 36 | love, remaining within the Church “bodily” as well as “in
415 4, 36(72) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 14.~
416 4, 36 | Catechism of the Catholic Church rightly stipulates that “
417 4, 36 | to reaffirm that in the Church there remains in force,
418 4, 37 | contrary to the moral norm, the Church, in her pastoral concern
419 4, 38 | into the society of the Church who, possessing the Spirit
420 4, 38 | manifestation of communion in the Church, demands to be celebrated
421 4, 38(77) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 14.~
422 4, 39 | catholic and apostolic Church”.79 From this it follows
423 4, 39 | unity within his particular Church.80 It would therefore be
424 4, 39(79) | Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church
425 4, 39(79) | Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion
426 4, 39 | sacrament par excellence of the Church's unity were celebrated
427 4, 39(80) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 23.~
428 4, 39 | Peter and with the whole Church, or objectively calls for
429 4, 39(82) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 23.~
430 4, 39(83) | Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church
431 4, 39(83) | Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion
432 4, 41 | fundamental for the life of the Church and of individual believers
433 4, 41 | pastoral path which the Church must take at the beginning
434 4, 41 | also becomes the Day of the Church, when she can effectively
435 4, 42 | as the sacrament of the Church's unity, an area of special
436 4, 42 | particular responsibility of the Church's Pastors, each according
437 4, 42 | office. For this reason the Church has drawn up norms aimed
438 4, 42 | the Eucharist and for the Church.~
439 4, 43 | daughters of the Catholic Church and our brothers and sisters
440 4, 43 | Eucharistic Sacrifice the Church prays that God, the Father
441 4, 43(90) | Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 11.~
442 4, 43 | gift (cf. Jas 1:17), the Church believes that she will be
443 4, 44 | 44. Precisely because the Church's unity, which the Eucharist
444 4, 44 | area, the prohibitions of Church law leave no room for uncertainty,92
445 4, 44(93) | damage the unity of the Church, or involve formal acceptance
446 4, 45 | communion with the Catholic Church. In this case, in fact,
447 4, 45 | faith from the Catholic Church, who spontaneously ask to
448 4, 45 | communion with the Catholic Church.96~
449 4, 46 | communion with the Catholic Church but who greatly desire to
450 4, 46 | faith which the Catholic Church professes with regard to
451 5, 47 | well-established in the early Church. But certainly from the
452 5, 48 | anointed Jesus in Bethany, the Church has feared no “extravagance”,
453 5, 48 | makes to his Bride, the Church, by bringing the Sacrifice
454 5, 48 | suggests familiarity, the Church has never yielded to the
455 5, 49 | understand how the faith of the Church in the mystery of the Eucharist
456 5, 49 | altars and tabernacles within Church interiors were often not
457 5, 49 | works of art, in the area of Church furnishings and vestments
458 5, 49 | Eucharist, while shaping the Church and her spirituality, has
459 5, 50 | a profoundly Eucharistic Church in which the presence of
460 5, 50 | divine Persons, making of the Church herself an “icon” of the
461 5, 50 | Eucharist in accordance with the Church's teaching, attention needs
462 5, 50 | Letter to Artists,100 the Church has always left ample room
463 5, 50 | grasped in the fullness of the Church's faith and in accordance
464 5, 51 | the heritage of the whole Church, cannot be determined by
465 5, 51 | isolation from the universal Church”.101 ~
466 5, 52 | but also for the universal Church, which is a part of every
467 5, 52 | the “forms” chosen by the Church's great liturgical tradition
468 5, 52 | witness to, the one universal Church made present in every celebration
469 5, 52 | demonstrate their love for the Church. Precisely to bring out
470 6, 53 | relationship between the Church and the Eucharist, we cannot
471 6, 53 | Mother and model of the Church. In my Apostolic Letter
472 6, 53 | in her whole life. The Church, which looks to Mary as
473 6, 55 | of the incarnation, the Church's Eucharistic faith. When,
474 6, 57 | Mary is present, with the Church and as the Mother of the
475 6, 57 | and as the Mother of the Church, at each of our celebrations
476 6, 57 | of the Eucharist. If the Church and the Eucharist are inseparably
477 6, 58 | 58. In the Eucharist the Church is completely united to
478 CON, 59 | the grace of offering the Church this Encyclical on the Eucharist
479 CON, 59 | pro homine! Here is the Church's treasure, the heart of
480 CON, 59 | in the name of the whole Church and in the name of each
481 CON, 60 | we, the children of the Church, are called to undertake
482 CON, 60 | aimed at carrying out the Church's mission, every work of
483 CON, 61 | These are times when the Church is firmly built up and it
484 CON, 61 | communion.~The path taken by the Church in these first years of
485 CON, 61 | Inspired by love, the Church is anxious to hand on to
Evangelium vitae
Chap., § 486 Int, 1 | received day after day by the Church, it is to be preached with
487 Int, 2 | brothers and sisters.~The Church knows that this Gospel of
488 Int, 2(2) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
489 Int, 2 | every human person.~The Church, faithfully contemplating
490 Int, 2 | fundamental way for the Church. 4~ ~
491 Int, 3 | the maternal care of the Church. Therefore every threat
492 Int, 3 | necessarily be felt in the Church's very heart; it cannot
493 Int, 3 | in the name of the whole Church, certain that I am interpreting
494 Int, 3(5) | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium
495 Int, 5 | pastoral mission of the Church with regard to the Gospel
496 Int, 5 | fundamental rights, and the Church very courageously came to
497 Int, 5 | fundamental right to life, the Church feels in duty bound to speak
498 Int, 5 | of the last century, the Church could not be silent about
499 Int, 5 | sons and daughters of the Church! May they reach all people
500 Int, 6 | To all the members of the Church, the people of life and
1-500 | 501-1000 | 1001-1500 | 1501-2000 | 2001-2214 |