Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 3,1 | the western Middle Ages. ~ Relations between eastern and western
2 I, 3,2 | infallible guide to Church relations. The Constantinopolitan
3 I, 3,2 | proceeded, new factors brought relations between the Papacy and ~
4 I, 3,2 | even after 1054 friendly relations between east and west continued.
5 I, 4,2 | Syrian. ~ Kiev enjoyed relations not only with Byzantium
6 I, 5,2 | of Brest has embittered relations between Orthodoxy and Rome
7 I, 5,2 | Outside the Ukraine, relations between Orthodox and Roman
8 I, 6,1 | involved the wider problem of relations between Church ~and State.
9 I, 6,2 | past the theory governing relations between Church and ~State
10 I, 6,2 | Moscow Council upon the relations ref Church and State did
11 I, 6,3 | The story of Tolstoy.s relations with the Orthodox Church
12 I, 7,9 | 1907). After 1917, when relations with the Church ~of Russia
13 I, 7,9 | disunity in the west, the relations of Orthodoxy with other ~
14 I, 7,10| whereupon they severed all relations ~with it and approached
15 I, 7,10| ambiguities of Church-State relations in communist countries,
16 II, 1,1 | private lives, our personal relations,~and all our plans of forming
17 II, 1,1 | world: the one concerns the relations existing from all~eternity
18 II, 1,1 | but to certain eternal relations within the Godhead — relations
19 II, 1,1 | relations within the Godhead — relations which existed~before ever
20 II, 1,1 | essence~in which various relations are distinguished. This
21 II, 1,1 | identify the persons with the relations:~personae sunt ipsae relationes (
22 II, 1,1 | idea of personality. The relations, they would say, are not
23 II, 1,1 | Paris, 1959, p. 294). The relations, while designating~the persons,
24 II, 6,1 | guides~Orthodox in their relations with other Christians. There
25 II, 6,1 | in all their ecumenical relations. It is~unity in the faith
26 II, 6,2 | Orthodox relations with other communions: Opportunities
27 II, 6,2 | present the most cordial relations, but it is the Roman Catholics
28 II, 6,2 | practical results; although relations between Old~Catholics and
29 II, 6,2 | 1859-1916), Anglo-Orthodox relations during the past hundred
30 II, 6,2 | cannot enter into closer relations with the Anglican communion
31 II, 7,11| 1895.~ J. A. Douglas, The Relations of the Anglican Churches