Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | stoning of Saint Stephen. .Go forth therefore,. Christ
2 I, 3,1 | political unity was the first to go. From the end of the third
3 I, 3,1 | vice versa, they could do go only in translation, and
4 I, 3,2 | Byzantine politics did not ~go happily, and eventually
5 I, 5,1 | Imperium in imperio~ .It doth go hugely against the grain
6 I, 5,2 | had reached a deadlock: .Go your own way, and do ~not
7 I, 5,2 | matters did not in fact go entirely according to ~plan.
8 I, 6,2 | believe that they should thus go beyond the ~devout anchorites
9 I, 7,10| in 1715, and its origins go back earlier still, to ~
10 II, 1,1 | are true as~far as they go, yet they cannot adequately
11 II, 1,2 | he maintained that they go not to Hell but to Limbo —
12 II, 1,5 | the answer is very~simple: go to church, receive the sacraments
13 II, 2,5 | curse of God is upon you, go from my~sight into everlasting
14 II, 3,2 | worship people can come and go far~more freely, and nobody
15 II, 3,2 | Laymen are not allowed to go behind the iconostasis,~
16 II, 3,2 | will be to buy a candle, go up to an icon, cross himself,
17 II, 4,3 | consecration (Some Orthodox writers go even further than this,
18 II, 4,4 | Have no further anxiety; go in peace. ’~In Slavonic
19 II, 4,4 | parish priest, to whom they go regularly for confession
20 II, 4,4 | down how often one should go to confession; the Russians
21 II, 4,4 | confession; the Russians tend to go more often than the~Greeks
22 II, 4,4 | faithful may be expected to go to confession before each
23 II, 4,7 | of sins. The two things go together, for man is a unity
24 II, 5,2 | Pilgrim: ‘And that is how~I go about now, and ceaselessly
25 II, 6,2 | without attempting to go deeper~and to state in positive
26 II, 6,2 | it was in the beginning; go to the fountain head; look