Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | end, and which led to the creation of the Christian Empire
2 I, 2,2| ing line between God and creation, he placed the Son among
3 I, 2,3| that the whole of God.s creation, material as well as spiritual,
4 I, 2,3| spiritual power to redeem creation through beauty and art.
5 I, 2,3| coming victory of a redeemed creation over the fallen one.. The
6 I, 3,1| schism within the Empire. The creation of a Holy Roman ~Empire
7 I, 3,3| the ~grandeur of God; all creation is a gigantic Burning Bush,
8 II, 1,1| is above and outside His creation, yet He also exists within
9 II, 1,1| Himself, permeate all His creation, and we experience them
10 II, 1,1| this~between God and His creation there could not be. God
11 II, 1,1| concerns the relation of God to creation. Thus when the~west says
12 II, 1,1| action of the Trinity~towards creation, but to certain eternal
13 II, 1,2| Man: his creation, his vocation, his failure~‘
14 II, 1,2| already interpreting the Creation and Paradise stories symbolically
15 II, 1,2| affected all mankind.~The Creation of Man. “And God said, let
16 II, 1,2| Let us make man.” The creation of man, so the~Greek Fathers
17 II, 1,2| man out from the animal creation and makes~him a person.
18 II, 1,2| by sin.~Man at his first creation was therefore perfect, not
19 II, 1,2| meeting for the whole of God’s creation.~Orthodox religious thought
20 II, 1,5| the whole of the material creation will eventually be transfigured:~“
21 II, 1,5| snatched away from the rest of creation,~but creation is to be saved
22 II, 1,5| the rest of creation,~but creation is to be saved and glorified
23 II, 1,5| and metamorphosis~of all creation — not merely the immaterial,
24 II, 2,5| with love for the whole of creation, for men, for~the birds,
25 II, 6,1| the final judgment of all creation, she acts and knows only~