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Alphabetical    [«  »]
result 18
results 5
resumed 2
resurrection 24
retain 2
retained 2
retaining 1
Frequency    [«  »]
24 patriarchs
24 principle
24 regarded
24 resurrection
24 sacrifice
24 separation
24 united
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 6,3 | visions of Golgotha and the Resurrection which presented themselves 2 I, 7,10| source of a future monastic resurrection. The spiritual treasures 3 II, 1,3 | garments of His flesh; and the Resurrection, when the tomb~burst open 4 II, 1,3 | mystical prayer. As for the Resurrection, its spirit fills the whole 5 II, 1,3 | element of~sheer joy in the Resurrection of the Lord that we find 6 II, 1,3 | 20).~16~The theme of the Resurrection of Christ binds together 7 II, 1,3 | His Transfiguration and Resurrection, and nothing more. However 8 II, 1,3 | died. Nor does the sense of Resurrection joy lead Orthodoxy to minimize 9 II, 1,3 | Church sounds a note of Resurrection~joy:~We worship thy Passion, 10 II, 1,3 | Show us also thy glorious Resurrection!~I magnify thy sufferings,~ 11 II, 1,3 | praise thy burial and thy Resurrection.~Shouting, Lord, glory to 12 II, 1,3 | is not separated from the Resurrection, for both are but a single 13 II, 1,3 | it too sharply from the Resurrection. As a result the vision 14 II, 1,3 | single reference to~the Resurrection.~18~Where Orthodoxy sees 15 II, 1,5 | manifest.~‘At the day of Resurrection the glory of the Holy Spirit 16 II, 1,5 | It is this transfiguredResurrection body’ which the icon painter 17 II, 2,4 | period between death and the~Resurrection of the Body at the Last 18 II, 2,4 | death, but in~her case the Resurrection of the Body has been anticipated: 19 II, 4,1 | signifies a mystical burial and resurrection~with Christ (Romans 6:4- 20 II, 4,3 | Christ’s death, burial, Resurrection, Ascension, and Second Coming, 21 II, 4,3 | the Cross, the Grave, the Resurrection after three days, the Ascension 22 II, 4,3 | Supper, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection,~the Ascension (Note that 23 II, 5,1 | the exultant Matins of the Resurrection at Easter midnight.~None 24 II, 5,1 | are~fired in honour of the Resurrection, and though bells are rung,

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