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Alphabetical    [«  »]
necessity 5
neck 1
nected 1
need 21
needed 3
needs 2
nega- 1
Frequency    [«  »]
21 five
21 gospel
21 likeness
21 need
21 neither
21 palamas
21 paris
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I,Intro | western Europe or America need no longer leave his own 2 I, 2,2 | heresy, but the Church had need of both in order to form 3 I, 3,2 | Latin west needed and still need one another. For both parties 4 I, 5,2 | raise objections: hence the need for con-~cealment in the 5 I, 6,1 | efficiently, monasteries need ~money and therefore they 6 I, 6,3 | Oar ~in a Boat. He has no need to clap his Hands, to set 7 I, 6,3 | Jesus Prayer . ~and on the need for obedience to an elder 8 I, 6,3 | Seraphim had spoken of the need to acquire the Holy Spirit, 9 I, 7,6 | essary: today priests clearly need a more specialized training, 10 I, 7,6 | ago . unfortunately would need today to be qualified. ~ ~ 11 I, 7,9 | national tradi-~tions . need to break away from a narrow 12 I, 7,9 | necessary. ~First, they need to understand their own 13 I, 7,9 | Orthodoxy. Secondly, they need to un-~derstand the situation 14 I, 7,9 | Christian social action. They need to .be present. in these 15 I, 7,9 | common problems? The urgent need for cooperation ~is also 16 II, 2,3 | Tradition. This emphasis on the need for councils to be received 17 II, 3,2 | well as the west, stands in need of a Liturgical Movement;~ 18 II, 5,1 | the services that he will need a small~library of some 19 II, 5,2 | morning prayers emphasize the need for~recollection, for a 20 II, 5,2 | disposal is short,~and the need to begin work is pressing, 21 II, 6,2 | Orthodox in their turn need to take the idea of Primacy

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