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Alphabetical    [«  »]
history 50
hitherto 9
hodges 3
hold 19
holder 1
holding 5
holds 10
Frequency    [«  »]
19 flesh
19 formed
19 fully
19 hold
19 keep
19 land
19 member
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | already become usual to hold local councils, attended 2 I, 2,3| in Asia Minor, and some hold that the Icono-~clast movement 3 I, 3,1| theologically untrue. They hold that the Spirit proceeds 4 I, 3,2| skilful diplomat ever to hold office as Patriarch of Constantinople. ( 5 I, 4,1| its normal policy is to hold services ~in the language 6 I, 6,1| wealth on ~themselves, but hold it in trust for the benefit 7 I, 6,2| Orthodox family, entitled to hold to ~her own national customs 8 II, 1,2| Orthodox, however,~do not hold that the fall deprived man 9 II, 2,2| could by itself convene and hold another Ecumenical Council, 10 II, 3,2| on feasts. Greek churches hold Vespers on Saturday night, 11 II, 4,1| Roman Catholic theologians hold that if necessary even a 12 II, 4,3| Orthodox,~however, do not hold services of public devotion 13 II, 4,3| have held and continue to hold many different theories 14 II, 5,1| measure the extraordinary~hold which the recurring cycle 15 II, 6,1| more rigorous group, who hold that since Orthodoxy is 16 II, 6,1| unity in the faith, and yet hold divergent theological opinions 17 II, 6,1| But the reverse does not hold true, for Orthodox are forbidden 18 II, 6,2| individual Orthodox theologians hold that under no circumstances~ 19 II, 7,8| of Finland, The Faith We Hold, New York, 1980.~• Kallistos (

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