Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
Alphabetical    [«  »]
marry 5
martin 2
martyr 3
martyrdom 15
martyred 2
martyrs 11
marvelous 1
Frequency    [«  »]
15 lived
15 lossky
15 makes
15 martyrdom
15 mass
15 matins
15 middle
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | become a reality. The idea of martyrdom ~had a central place in 2 I, 1 | persecution, the idea of martyrdom did not disappear, but it 3 I, 1 | writers as an equivalent to martyrdom. The same ~approach is found 4 I, 1 | there are three kinds of martyrdom which are accounted as a 5 I, 1 | a Cross to a man, ~white martyrdom, green martyrdom, and red 6 I, 1 | white martyrdom, green martyrdom, and red martyrdom. White 7 I, 1 | green martyrdom, and red martyrdom. White martyrdom consists 8 I, 1 | and red martyrdom. White martyrdom consists in ~a man.s abandoning 9 I, 1 | loves for God.s sake.. Green martyrdom consists ~in this, that 10 I, 1 | penance and repentance. Red martyrdom consists in the endurance 11 I, 1 | history the prospect of red martyrdom has been fairly remote, 12 I, 1 | again been called to undergo martyrdom of blood. ~ It was only 13 I, 2,4| martyrs ~in an age when martyrdom of blood no longer existed; 14 II, 4,6| they are~also crowns of martyrdom, since every true marriage 15 II, 6,3| west of the importance of martyrdom, and constitutes a living

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