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Alphabetical    [«  »]
estrangement 5
et 8
etc 1
eternal 15
eternally 2
eternity 6
ethio- 1
Frequency    [«  »]
15 elder
15 elements
15 enter
15 eternal
15 exile
15 eyes
15 fallen
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 2,3 | cannot be represented in His eternal nature: .No man hath seen 2 I, 3,3 | in his view, was not the eternal light of the Divinity, but 3 I, 5,2 | to take thought for the eternal salva-~tion of their souls, 4 II, 0,12| doctrinal definitions deal with eternal truths, Canons with the~ 5 II, 1,1 | underwent two births, the one eternal, the other at a~particular 6 II, 1,1 | must be drawn between the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit, 7 II, 1,1 | creation, but to certain eternal relations within the Godhead — 8 II, 1,1 | disagreeing with the west over the eternal procession~of the Spirit, 9 II, 1,1 | proceeds from the Son.~An eternal procession from Father and 10 II, 1,1 | the western position. An eternal procession~of the Spirit 11 II, 1,1 | temporal mission, but an eternal~manifestation of the Holy 12 II, 1,1 | Spirit, they admitted an eternal relation. Yet on the essential 13 II, 1,3 | must be seen as part of the eternal purpose of God, and not 14 II, 4,3 | are nothing else~than one eternal and unique Supper, that 15 II, 5,2 | for their salvation and eternal life. Visit~and heal the

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