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Alphabetical    [«  »]
chiefly 13
chiefs 2
chil- 1
child 13
childbirth 1
childhood 5
children 18
Frequency    [«  »]
13 bound
13 central
13 chiefly
13 child
13 civil
13 closed
13 conference
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 6,2| position). His wife, when with child (as she usually was), recited 2 I, 7,6| miracle-working icon of the Virgin and Child was discovered, buried underground 3 II, 1,2| and simplicity.~‘He was a child, not yet having his understanding 4 II, 1,3| anointed taken;~Saw her Child in death forsaken;~Heard 5 II, 2,4| perfectly normal for an Orthodox child, if orphaned, to~end his 6 II, 4,1| the priest immerses the child in~the font, either plunging 7 II, 4,2| after Baptism, an Orthodox child is ‘chrismated’ or ‘confirmed.’ 8 II, 4,2| anoints various parts of~the child’s body, marking them with 9 II, 4,2| of the Holy Spirit.’ The child, who has been incorporated 10 II, 4,2| Chrismation an Orthodox child is brought to communion. 11 II, 4,4| Repentance~An Orthodox child receives communion from 12 II, 4,4| confession proper: ‘Behold, my child, Christ stands~here invisibly 13 II, 4,4| mankind, forgive you, my child [name], all your transgressions.~

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