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Alphabetical    [«  »]
terial 1
teries 4
terly 1
term 12
termed 16
terming 1
terminol- 1
Frequency    [«  »]
12 syria
12 takes
12 teach
12 term
12 theodosius
12 thinks
12 throughout
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | The Liturgy: this is the term normally used by Orthodox 2 I, 3,3| Orthodox writers use the term .Prayer of the Heart,. they 3 I, 5,2| adopted not only the Latin term transubstantiation but ~ 4 II, 1,1| But what is meant by the termproceed?’ Unless this is 5 II, 1,2| image, or~to use the Greek term the icon, of God signifies 6 II, 1,2| man, Orthodoxy uses the term cooperation or~synergy ( 7 II, 2,1| no coincidence that the termBody of Christ’ should 8 II, 2,5| 9 (Parousia: the Greek term for the Second Coming)).~ 9 II, 4 | the narrower sense of the termsacrament’ there is no 10 II, 4,3| simply uses the neutral term metaballo,~to ‘turn about,’ ‘ 11 II, 4,3| 1672, made use of the~Latin termtransubstantiation’ (in 12 II, 4,3| and, among them all, the term transubstantiation enjoys

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