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Alphabetical    [«  »]
crowns 6
cru- 3
crucified 8
crucifixion 12
cruelty 1
crusade 2
crusaders 14
Frequency    [«  »]
12 chrysostom
12 clear
12 concrete
12 crucifixion
12 decision
12 despite
12 development
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | that followed Christ.s ~Crucifixion. ~ Members of the Orthodox 2 I, 3,1| when reflecting on the Crucifixion, Latins thought primarily 3 II, 1,3| Representations of the Crucifixion are no less prominent in 4 II, 1,3| east and west think of the Crucifixion in slightly different ways. 5 II, 1,3| Orthodox~attitude to the Crucifixion is best seen in the hymns 6 II, 1,3| Lord, glory to thee!~17~The Crucifixion is not separated from the 7 II, 1,3| king, not in spite of the Crucifixion, but because of it:~‘I call 8 II, 1,3| Between~this approach to the Crucifixion and that of the medieval 9 II, 1,3| them, tends to think of the Crucifixion in~isolation, separating 10 II, 1,3| Orthodoxy interprets the Crucifixion primarily as an act of~triumphant 11 II, 1,3| and penal language to the Crucifixion; western writers, as well 12 II, 4,3| Incarnation, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection,~the Ascension (

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