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Alphabetical    [«  »]
battle 4
baynes 3
be 470
be- 12
beads 1
beam 1
beams 2
Frequency    [«  »]
12 altar
12 arab
12 b
12 be-
12 bear
12 belong
12 carefully
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 2,3| to work the more freely be-~cause he dwelt in Moslem 2 I, 2,3| Iconodules held that it is, be-~cause icons safeguard a 3 I, 2,4| gathered round him, and be-~sides these disciples there 4 I, 2,4| rigid line of separation be-~tween the religious and 5 I, 3,1| confused Caesar with Cicero. Be-~ 23~cause they no longer 6 I, 4,3| regular monastery, which be-~came within his own lifetime 7 I, 5,1| was at times distorted by be-~ing forced into alien moulds . 8 I, 6,3| its comments on clerical be-~havior. We are told that 9 I, 6,3| moment you yourself have be-~come as bright as I am. 10 I, 6,3| Latinism or Protestantism, be-~cause in departing from 11 I, 6,3| votes; and thirdly Tikhon (Be-~ 67~liavin), Metropolitan 12 II, 1,2| must not be imagined that be-~14~cause a man accepts and

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