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Alphabetical    [«  »]
finland 6
finnish 3
finns 1
fire 11
fired 1
firm 5
firmer 1
Frequency    [«  »]
11 drawn
11 established
11 events
11 fire
11 firmly
11 florovsky
11 grant
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | them tongues like flames of fire, ~divided among them and 2 I, 3,2| the ceremony of the Holy Fire the Greek lamps ~were lit 3 I, 3,3| again of the Divine Light: .fire truly divine,. he calls 4 I, 3,3| truly divine,. he calls it, .fire ~uncreated and invisible, 5 I, 3,3| ineffable and wondrous fire of God.s energies. (Compare 6 I, 6,1| torture, and if necessary fire. But Nilus condemned all 7 II, 1,5| disciples saw him ‘just like a fire’ (Apophthegmata, P.G.~65, 8 II, 2,1| Pentecost the tongues of fire were ‘cloven’ or divided, 9 II, 2,5| my~sight into everlasting fire” (Matt. 25:41).~There is 10 II, 4,2| the Apostles in tongues of fire now descends invisibly on 11 II, 5,1| the kindling of the new fire and tasted of the joy of

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