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Alphabetical    [«  »]
similarly 3
simonos 1
simony 1
simple 10
simplicity 2
simply 30
simultaneously 2
Frequency    [«  »]
10 rus-
10 seventh
10 signs
10 simple
10 souls
10 st
10 statement
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I,Intro | exotic and oriental, but simple Christi-~anity. Because 2 I, 3,2 | immediate reality in which simple believers were directly 3 I, 6,2 | expressed. In the eyes of simple believers a change in the 4 I, 6,3 | happiest when ~talking with simple people . peasants, beggars, 5 I, 6,3 | Leonid, for example, was simple, vivid, and ~direct, appealing 6 I, 7,1 | of peasant background, a simple and humble man, his life ~ 7 I, 7,6 | in ~ 71~whom the poor and simple freely confide, calling 8 II, 1,5 | god?’ the answer is very~simple: go to church, receive the 9 II, 4,2 | commonly receives them after a simple~profession of faith, without 10 II, 6,2 | Orthodoxeducated as well as simple — still feel~when they think

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