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Alphabetical    [«  »]
seventeenth 19
seventeenth- 2
seventeenth-century 3
seventh 10
seventy 3
sever 2
several 29
Frequency    [«  »]
10 round
10 ruling
10 rus-
10 seventh
10 signs
10 simple
10 souls
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | an Irish homily of the ~seventh century . which likens the 2 I, 2,2 | during the fifth, ~sixth, and seventh centuries, turned to the 3 I, 2,2 | in a single person. The seventh ~Council, in defense of 4 I, 2,3 | position was upheld by the seventh and last ~Ecumenical Council ( 5 I, 2,3 | dispute, the meeting of the seventh Ecumenical Council, the ~ 6 I, 3,1 | accept the decisions of the seventh ~Ecumenical Council. It 7 I, 3,3 | the eighth century and the seventh Ecumenical Council. ~ Among 8 II, 0,12| verbal icon of Christ, the Seventh Council laying down~that 9 II, 0,12| did not cease with the Seventh~Ecumenical Council. Since 10 II, 1,2 | Saint Isaac the Syrian (late seventh century),~‘heaven is within

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