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Alphabetical    [«  »]
afraid 3
afri- 1
africa 10
african 10
africans 6
after 108
afternoon 1
Frequency    [«  »]
10 account
10 across
10 africa
10 african
10 agree
10 agreed
10 alaska
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 7 | Greek, ~partly Arab and African; the remaining two . Antioch 2 I, 7,3 | Greek. The whole of the African continent falls under the 3 I, 7,10| now an exceedingly lively African Ortho-~dox Church in Uganda 4 I, 7,10| indigenous from the start, African Orthodoxy did not ~arise 5 I, 7,10| themselves. The founders of the African Orthodox move-~ment were 6 I, 7,10| Bishop Rauben, there were two African bishops. ~ At first the 7 I, 7,10| the United States, the ~.African Orthodox Church,. which, 8 I, 7,10| the dubious status of the .African Orthodox Church,. whereupon 9 I, 7,10| Patriarch formally recognize the African Orthodox community in ~Uganda, 10 I, 7,10| in F. B. Welbourn, East ~African Rebels, London, 1961, p.

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