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Alphabetical    [«  »]
271 1
275 1
276 1
28 10
286 1
289b 1
29 7
Frequency    [«  »]
10 1054
10 1972
10 26
10 28
10 account
10 across
10 africa
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


   Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | teach all na-~tions. (Matt. 28:19). Obedient to this command 2 I, 1 | Ghost, and to us. (Acts ~15:28). Later councils have ventured 3 I, 2,2| supreme in the east. Canon 28 of Chalcedon confirmed Canon 4 I, 3,2| the Greeks, singling out ~ 28~the points where Byzantine 5 II, 1,1| and fourth points, see pp. 28-37).~Those brought up in 6 II, 1,2| God’s ‘offspring’ (Acts~27:28), His kin; it means that 7 II, 2,1| world,” He promised~(Matt. 28:20), “for where two or three 8 II, 2,3| and the like (1 Cor. 12:28-30). In the Church of later 9 II, 2,3| wholly extinguished. One~28~thinks, for example, of 10 II, 5,1| after Pentecost, and ends on~28 June, the eve of the Feast

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